
Rough Draft Definition Of Terrorism

Better Essays

Phase 1 of 3

Step 1: You will use what you have heard about or know about terrorism to create a “rough draft” definition of terrorism. You may not use any resources other than your brain for right now. Write your definition in your notebook or tablet. NOTE: if you are using your tablet or PC to record your notes, create a word document titled “WebQuest Notes" and save it to your OneDrive or Livegrades.

Step 2: You will ask several classmates to share their definition of terrorism. Record their responses in your notebook or tablet/PC.

Step 3: You will open the “types of terrorism” and “terrorism defined” links below to create a final definition of terrorism. …show more content…

As you read, ask yourself the following questions: “why have they committed acts of terrorism,” “what do they believe in,” “does everyone think they are terrorists?” Write your answers to these questions in your notebook or tablet/PC. Write down any other information that you find interesting about these people or groups.

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