Phase 1 of 3
Step 1: You will use what you have heard about or know about terrorism to create a “rough draft” definition of terrorism. You may not use any resources other than your brain for right now. Write your definition in your notebook or tablet. NOTE: if you are using your tablet or PC to record your notes, create a word document titled “WebQuest Notes" and save it to your OneDrive or Livegrades.
Step 2: You will ask several classmates to share their definition of terrorism. Record their responses in your notebook or tablet/PC.
Step 3: You will open the “types of terrorism” and “terrorism defined” links below to create a final definition of terrorism.
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As you read, ask yourself the following questions: “why have they committed acts of terrorism,” “what do they believe in,” “does everyone think they are terrorists?” Write your answers to these questions in your notebook or tablet/PC. Write down any other information that you find interesting about these people or groups.
What is Terrorism? The FBI definition of Terrorism is the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. The goals and objectives of terrorism can vary. They can used terrorism to gain money and power, or control over a government, or it can be used as a form of hate crime. There goal depends on what there objects is? For example if a small group is unhappy with there government they can use terrorism to try and change the government or take control of it. Another form of terrorism is the use of force to intimidate a certain group of people for money or power. Terrorism can also be used to
Terrorism is defined as an act of violence that is committed by an organization or a single person in order to be heard. Terrorist acts are usually based on a couple factors such as, historical grievances, foreign policy decision, poverty, and religion. Terrorism is not a new act amongst the world but something that has been around since the beginning. To understand a criminal you must think like a criminal, and understand why they committed a crime or a violent act, then you can prevent and conquer.
Terrorism is a word that is widely used in modern society even though most people don’t know the real definition and the meaning behind it.
Terrorism is an act that threatens or carries out violence with the intention to disrupt, kill or coerce against a body or nation in order to impose will. This means that a lot of groups use this method to get what they want. The groups use a variety of methods, groups such as:
So what is the definition of terrorism, they are many varied descriptions and ideas of what people have labelled as terrorism, for
If one were to ask a cross-section of individuals to define what terrorism means, there would ultimately be multiple definitions similar in many aspects but not able to be unified to create a single definition. Terrorism is a
There are generally four repeating common themes used to define terrorism: (1) the use or threat to use violence; (2) a political objective; (3) with intent to spread fear through a public act; (4) with the intent to commit violence against civilians (Various, n.d.). Additionally, these themes are promoted mostly by non-democratic societies or dictatorships that advance their goals through state sponsored terrorism. State sponsored terrorism is not conducted by democratic regimes for if they truly suppressed their people through acts of terrorism then they would no longer be democratic (Various, n.d.). Terroristic acts involving the slaughter of innocent men, woman and children from all sides are often justified or legitimatized by the accustomed morals and values of each group. Although there is extensive literature on the subject of terrorism, no common or universal definition for the term exists.
Terrorism is currently a major challenge that confronts the world. Terrorism is a frightening and horrifying event; It has the ability to take away your sense of security and leave us feeling vulnerable, causing the individuals and nations unease. This decade has witnessed some of the most notorious terrorist acts. In recent memory many can easily recall the attacks of 9/11, The day two 767 Boeing jets took down the world-trade centers. Despite, world-wide agreement that 9/11 was an act of terrorism, there remains much dispute on the specifics of what defines terrorism. The definitions provided in one dictionary differ in another. Lets take into example Merriam-Webster's definition, which states that terrorism is “the systematic use of
A.Terrorism is a bold distinctive word it shows the act of causing terror of innocent people as well as the government(FBI).
Furthermore, the term "terrorism" is defined by the Federal Bureau of Investigations in the code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives” (Maniscalco, Christen, 2011).
Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. Terrorism is done by individuals and/or groups who take drastic measures in order to scare individuals into taking different course of actions. Terrorism has been around for many years, and the wider spread it became, the more people began to really research and study the epidemic. In the discussion of terrorism, individuals generally talked about the harm and destruction it caused, but some individuals argued a different point of view. Scholars have begun to see if terrorism could be justified, and if so, what would be the reason it is justified. Terrorism in certain circumstances can be viewed as justifiable due to the fact of specific elements, that led to the terrorist act.
•Yes, I do believe that the article is persuasive and explain some of the terrorist groups. In determining the behavior and motivation to do terroristic acts is not easily to access. The complexities and psychological to terrorism is no easy task. The violence nature of being a terrorist was explaining the behavior. Terrorism just cannot be explain in one article, but this is a start to better the understanding the behavior.
Global definitions of terrorism are presented in the background reading. What would you propose as a global definition of terrorism?
The Federal Bureau of Investigation defines terrorism as the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in the furtherance of political or social objectives.
Think of the word terrorism. What is the first thing that comes to mind? One might think of kidnapping, assassination, bombing, or even genocide and guerrilla warfare. Because it is such a broad and complex issue, an all-encompassing definition is hard to formulate. The United States Department of Defence defines terrorism as…