As a junior supervisor in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), I spent a lot of time evaluating and developed my subordinates to become capable leaders and an effective member of the team. Our evaluation system primarily focuses on ranking each member’s performance and leadership potential, both of which are incredibly valuable in a fast-paced and ever changing environment. But the evaluation system fails to identify the traits that makes up who we are as a person and how or if we are interact with others. As such, I don’t have many opportunities to introspect since I am also evaluated by my performance and leadership styles. I look forward to learning more about myself, and become a stronger individual at the end of the semester.
I wasn’t surprised to see that Habit 1 (be proactive) was my highest self-assessed habit. It was not until my mid twenty’s until I was able to focus on what I want to achieve in life, and thus I began laying down the groundworks to get there. In my late teen years, I didn’t do well in school and I simply assumed that was not “smart enough”. Looking back now I see that I did not put in the effort into
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During one of the group presentation I witnessed in year on, I was informed me that I was part of the millennial generation and that the student and I share many common traits (I was born in ’83, therefore generation Y). However, I sometime have a hard time understanding seeing eye to eye with some of the students nor do I know how to reach out to some of them as they often hide behind a computer screen or their cell phone. My goals to improve this habit is to learn more about the goals they have set for themselves and see past the social media and get to know who they are on a personal level, and not through another social media means e.g.
The first habit Sean Convey lists of the seven is “Be Proactive.” This habit made an impact on me because it sends a message that I try to take into account everyday, but haven’t one-hundred percent fulfilled. The habit, “Be Proactive” is important because it says that you are in full control of your life, your decisions and your attitude. A quote that Convey adds to support this message is, “You can not control what happens to you, but you can control how you react.” You choose everyday to be proactive or reactive. Reactive people act solely on impulse, whereas proactive people think before they act, make decisions based on their values, and always find a way to move forward. Habit #1 is important because it teaches readers to take initiative, be proactive rather than reactive, and to not let others
Sean Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is intended as a guide to help teens improve themselves and become successful in life. Its primary focuses are how to take control of your life, set and achieve goals, build friendships, maintain quality relationships, withstand peer pressure, and improve self-image. It consists of seven habits- Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put First Things First, Think Win-Win, Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood, Synergize, and Sharpen the saw. These habits are each designed to help you lead your best life. From this book, I have learned to take care of and love myself, maintain healthy relationships with others, work towards my goals, and resist anything that could potentially harm me or prevent me from doing these things.
Over the summer, I read a book titled, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Convey. The seven habits described in this book were being proactive, Beginning with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand, then to be understood; synergize, and sharpen the saw. The first habit Being proactive means not to make choices on impulse. it means to evaluate the situation before making a desicion. for example, two years ago when i had friends that talked behind my back i just moved on and found better friends rather than be mean to them or excluding them out of my way. The second habit Beginning with the end in mind means to think ahead at what your goals are and start working towards them. My goal for the eight grade year was to recieve a 95% or higher score in all of my classes. in order to realize this goal i worked hard through the year on assignments and and sometimes did more than what was expected of me during projects. in the end, though,
The first habit in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens is be proactive or being proactive. This habit technically means to think before you do. What i’m trying to say is don’t react to everything that happens to you, like when a car cuts you off on the road, don’t yell and scream at that driver, just be calm and go on with your day. Be like water in a glass, water is calm and relaxed, but don’t be like a soda can that was shaken up by someone, because at some point it’s going to build pressure and explode just like an angry person who has anger issues.
During this evaluation, I have learned a lot about how others perceive me on a daily basis. It has helped me realize some major improvements I can make. One considerable weakness is my leadership skills. I tend to sit back and follow as others make the decisions for the group. Relating to that I also do not take much initiative or seek additional work. To be truthful, I think it just felt easier to follow someone else's direction. In the future, I am going to try and step up in group activities. Along with that I will volunteer to take over certain areas in school and at work.
As an officer in the United States Army, it has been imperative for me to understand every facet of leadership and why it remains important to be an effective leader. During this course, I have learned some valuable lessons about myself as a leader and how I can improve on my leadership ability in the future. The journal entries along with the understanding of available leadership theories have been an integral part of my learning during this course. For all of the journals and assessments that I completed, I feel it has given me a good understanding of my current leadership status and my future potential as a leader. All of the specific assessments looked at several areas in regards to leadership; these assessments covered several
Habit 1 : Be Proactive. The Habit of Personal Vision. According to Covey, this habit reflects our innate ability to take charge of our lives. We are not simply products of in-grained stimulus- response reflexes. We have the ability to take charge, plan ahead, and focus our energies on things we can control instead of reacting to or worrying about things over which we have little or no control. This habit allows us to rise above the ebbs and flows of the tides of our day-to-day lives and direct our lives.
“It is unequivocally clear that leaders are not like other people” (Kirkpatrick and Locke, 1991, as cited in Northouse, P. G., 2016, p.22). I have always thought that I was not like other people; I see the world through a different lens. This difference, which sets me apart from my peers, has sometimes restrained my progress; however, after studying my differences and seeing them as strengths, I can now focus on these strengths that make me a unique, passionate, progressive leader. In reflecting on my leadership skills, I will analyze the results of the leadership questionnaires, as presented in Peter Northouse’s book, Leadership:Theory and practice (7th ed.), connect those result strengths with the
This generation is connected by their shared culture of studying, working, writing and interacting similarly, and conducting their social interactions and civic activities through a digital medium.
Habit 3 is put first things first this is very important for teens because it teaches
Habit 1 is all about being proactive, and taking charge of yourself. You can’t keep blaming everything else but yourself. You are in control of your attitude towards everything that happens. In life’s situations you have the choice of either being proactive or reactive. Being reactive is allowing other people and things control you. Instead of reacting to small stuff that have little or no control, proactive people focus on things they can control. They separate their experiences from the circumstances. You are the force of positive actions, and changing actions that aren’t helpful is the best way to take responsibility of your life.
For this assignment, I have decided to use the leadership trait, skills and style questionnaires. For this questionnaire, I asked 5 different people that know me in different contexts in life, such as personal, school, and work environments. For the majority, I rated myself higher on the traits than my fellow colleagues. On some of the traits however, I was rated higher than what I thought. Overall, I averaged a 4/5 which means that everyone agreed with the traits that were given. For the style questionnaire, I found out that I place more emphasis in building relationships rather than completing tasks. Finally, the skills questionnaire, my leadership skills are in the high range for technical skills, and my human and conceptual skills are in the moderate range.
An analysis of my category scores for the Seven Habits Profile yielded results that accurately portrayed what I feel are my strengths and weaknesses. As someone that has studied the Seven Habits many years ago, I have realized that the emphasis on excelling with certain habits and struggling with others can be attributed to a maturation process that is self-awareness based as well as environment-based. Through my career and within the different roles I have assumed, the opportunities to practice the Seven Habits were often dependent on my specific role and within the environment that offered opportunities to practice the Seven Habits (Covey, 1998). That stated, my category totals have been dynamic through the years and improvements have been
During week one of the course, I completed a project that allowed me to identify my strongest and weakest leadership traits. The project required input from six individuals with whom I have a professional relationship. They rated me in different areas based on a scale, to determine the results. I also rated myself, and when I compiled the data I was able to identify the areas of leadership that I am strongest and weakest. The results are:
Habit 2:Begin with the End in Mind was probably the habit that hit home most for me. Like most teens I was struggling with my priorities. I have to