The royal palace of Fidelis was in a greater tizzy than it had been since the celebration of your previous (and failed) betrothal two years ago. And you were much less excited for what was causing it this time around. You had woken up at dawn with a solid feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach once you became cognizant of what would be occurring later in the day. One of the princes of Fidelis’s neighboring kingdoms would be arriving at high noon to begin his courtship. The strong desire to rescind the arrangement, or even your right to the throne filled your heart and mind all throughout breakfast and up until the arrival of the prince. Currently, your maid was escorting you to the main hall of the palace, where you (and you alone) would
Everything had began magnificently the day I attended the renaissance fair. It was the first time I’d ever been to any festival of the sort, and the air was full of magic. At exactly 10:30 in the morning, the ceremony began. The King and Queen presented themselves atop the castle’s balcony to address their people. As the beautiful royals welcomed us into their kingdom, my heart beat erratically, and I crossed the threshold with my breath held. There were so many events that I wanted to see, and activities I wanted to try; I couldn’t wait to get inside. I wasn’t just an ordinary guest, however, I had a job to do. Carrying my instrument lightly with one hand, dressed as a princess and feeling important, I walked proudly through the bustling
i have been fellow to a beggar time and again beneath occasions which avoided both folks finding out whether or not the alternative became worthy. i have still to be brother to a prince, though i once got here near to kinship with what could have been a veritable king and turned into promised the reversion of a nation —navy, regulation-courts, revenue and coverage all whole. but, to-day, i substantially worry that my king is dead, and if i want a crown i should move and hunt it for
"There is a spy! There are in fact two filthy, double-dealing, misleading, two-faced, liars among us!" I announce. Everyone gasps in horror as they are processing this dreadful news. I immediately start to panic. If these two spies got away with this information, the king would be informed, and that would be it for all the peasants. If I get put into prison, who will support my family? Michel is only 8, Adelina has no common knowledge on how to deal with money, and my poor, poor baby, Julienne, God bless you. I pity myself as I remember the hard times when no one could afford any bread, not that there was any at all. They were hard times. Julienne was down with the dreadful flu, no food or medicine to help, the next day, she was simply gone. This thought always brings me to anger. The nobles were just partying away while we peasants were dying. I had to end the absolute monarchy. Back to the situation, I thoroughly observed each, and every representative, watching their expressions and how the
Narrator: All summer the family worked extremely hard to prepare financially for Jurgis and Ona to be married in the fall. In which the wedding happened at the end of November, they rented a hall, and invited everyone, who then came and left them with over a hundred dollars in debt. It was a harsh and resentful experience, that forced them into a marriage of discouragement. The beginning of their marriage life was such a rough start even though they loved each other, and they dreaded the fact they couldn’t have a moment to enjoy it. There was times when everything felt like a hopeless dream and there marriage wasn’t bound to be a success. It was the next morning after Jurgis and Ona’s wedding they both were exhausted and weary.
One night during one of the king’s parties, an old lady found her way to this kingdom. Before she could even knock on the door of the king’s palace, two guards shoved in front of her and asked for her cause. She explained how she only wished to stay a night as she was on a long journey. They interrupted her, saying she was not worthy of being there. She was pushed to the ground. Angry, she left in a haste and ventured her way to the outskirts. As she did this, the guards went back in and informed the king of the visitor. The king simply laughed upon hearing the news and announced that peasants should know their place in society and continued feasting and partying.
Hayday Palace was built in the 8th Century by Princess Polly Anna. Since then it has had a long and war like history. It was destroyed by a fire in 1326. It was rebuilt over the 50 years by Princess Polly’s great granddaughter Emma. It was conquered by both the Welsh and the Irish who poisoned the well with whiskey. In 1952 the Americans mistook the palace for a forest in North Korea and bombed it. In 2004 Cowboy Builders LTD bought it that used one wing as a tenement building and the rest was waiting to be
After it was ruined they fixed it into something even better, they put a cout in the center of the palace and then they had a throne room and at the bottom of the storage room was a couple of storage room’s. So that’s why when they destroyed it it made it better because they made something new out of it.
This morning I completed all my duties of the castle, before having Dorota arrange a set of clothing for me. She tied the golden ribbon of my beautiful, sanguine, wool dress so that it hugged my waist, just tight enough. As she left the room, I brushed out my long brunette curls, admiring my gown in the mirror, and placing my favorite headdress atop my freshly groomed locks. Lastly, Dorota fastened the locket my mother gave me as a child round my neck. I strolled down our grand staircase to the main room of the castle to bid my mother a farewell for the remainder of the day.
There shalt thou find my cousin Beatrice proposing with the prince and Claudio. Whisper her ear and tell her I and Ursula walk in the orchard, and our whole discourage is all of her. Say That thou overhheardst us, and bid her steal into pleachèd bower where honeysuckles ripened by the sun forbid the sun to enter, like favorites made proud by princes, that advance their pride against that power bred it. There will she hide her to listen to our purpose. This is thy office.
every desire. As it turned out, the Prince was not satisfied with his wife to
Williamsburg has a plethora of food, culture, and day to day life. One interesting site is the governor’s palace. The first two men who worked on the palace, both died before seeing the finished product. (Edward Nott and Henry Cary). The governor died four years after, and the architect was prosecuted. The governor’s palace is a clear example of past and present importance, and the motto “that the future may learn from the past” Therefore, The Williamsburg board should pass a commemorative coin for the governor’s palace. This is because the palace was the root of many important interactions; both social, political, and economic.
Absolute monarchs in the seventeenth and eighteenth century made sure to increase their power in order to have absolute authority. These monarchs all had several similar methods to control, consolidate, and increase power. Methods in these centuries included constructing grand buildings, controlling the nobles, and stimulating economic revenue.
Penguin palace was founded so that all those penguins who are being hunted can finally relax and enjoy life for once. There is everything a penguin could ever want, from expensive crawfish to luxurious hotels and spas. Penguin Palace can also ensure your safety behind the walls so you don’t have to worry about those pesky penguin hunters. Not only do you not have to worry ebout those stupid hunters but also those evil seals from the ocean. When you’re a mother penguin you have to teach your chicks our language squankers at a young age.
It was hard to find a seat in the hall, most of them were already taken. After wandering around looking for a place to rest my feet for what felt like hours, I found one single chair in the center of the room. That was when the bell rang, and each guest was presented with the largest plate of food anyone had ever seen. As I sat there eating I watched the soon to be King and Queen. They both seemed nervous, and were bitter toward one another. They did not share a look of love, but rather a look of brokenness. The brokenness faded and was replaced with excitement once the crown was brought out on the white satin pillow. That is when weird things began to happen.
Prince Manfred even blames fate on his wife for only giving him one eligible heir. “But she never received any other answer then reflections on her own sterility, who had given him but one heir.”3 The paranoid thoughts that Prince Manfred has push him to make the wedding sooner than planned, thinking that it would be a faster end to the prophecy as well but, this is not accepted by his wife. He has lost complete control over his thoughts and his actions.