
Rti Model Assessment

Decent Essays

Within the RtI model assessment refers to the collection of data through multiple methods such as behavioural incident reports, screening, nomination, formative assessments and functional behavioural assessments. These produce comprehensive quantitative and qualitative data that can be used to screen and identify students for social and behavioural problems and provide early intervention (Massey University, 2017; National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities, 2011). Assessments are used to monitor the responsiveness to the interventions and determine whether a student is not responding to interventions (Hawken, Vincent, & Schumann, 2008). It is expected that approximately 20% of students will be identified as not responding to Tier 1 after universal interventions (Hawken et al., 2008). Before identifying nonresponsive students, …show more content…

Several strategies can be used to determine which students are not responding to Tier 1 interventions and it is wise to use multiple strategies as due to individual differences no single method can identify all students. It is important all students have an equal opportunity to be considered for further interventions (Massey University, 2017). In RtI all decisions should be informed by strategies that collect reliable and valid data (Henderson & Strain, 2009). The strategies used for identification must generate information to identify students with at-risk social, emotional and behavioural problems including externalising (e.g., non-compliance or violence) and internalising behaviours (e.g., withdrawing from social activities) (Missouri DESE, 2016). There are three main systematic strategies that can be used to determine which students are not responding to Tier 1; the use of existing school data, nominations and screening instruments (Missouri DESE, 2016). Within existing school data there are several sources of data available to

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