
Rtt Task !

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Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership RTT Task 1 Nursing-sensitive Indicators Nursing- sensitive indicators are defined as those outcomes that improve in the presence of greater quantity(higher staffing ratios) or quality(educational levels and competence of nursing staff) of nursing care ( These nursing-sensitive measures help healthcare organizations to analyze the quality and quantity of nursing care services. ( )Nursing sensitive-indicators (NSIs) are characterized by measures that are in the realm of nurses to improve and control. According to the website , in 1998, the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators was established by the ANA so that …show more content…

J to prevent hospital acquired pressure ulcers. Frequent turning, repositioning, meticulous skin care and assessment are appropriate steps that would be taken to prevent pressure ulcers. The ANA lists patient satisfaction with certain elements of care as a NSI. Patient satisfaction is defined as the measure to which the patient's preferred aspirations and anticipations are accomplished (Fitzpatrick & Kazer, 2012). According to Fitzpatrick & Kazer, 2012, "The patient's subjective evaluation of the cognitive emotional response that results from the interaction between the patient's expectations of nursing care and the perception of the actual nurse behavior/characteristics"(p.388). In the above scenario Mr. J's and his family's desired goals and expectations were not met. Their desire was to have the specific diet as stipulated by their religious beliefs and the expectation was for Mr. J to get the diet he requested. Close attention should have been paid to these goals and requests. The situation was made worse by the nurses' unprofessional response when asked about the slip-up. There is a high relationship linking patient satisfaction on nursing care and satisfaction overall care. For this reason, nurses need to be active participants in quality reporting and in the development of patient satisfaction tools. Restraints prevalence is another NIS that could assist the nurses in the above scenario to identify

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