Chris decides to work as a intern at Dean Witter stock exchange and quickly entrust the Bone Density scanner to a poor hippie girl while he goes in for an interview with Dean Witter. The poor hippie girl runs off with the machine so Chris cuts Dean off and runs after her with his application and putting his opportunity as a stockbroker in jeopardy. After he gets the machine back and fills out his application and returns to stock building to turn in his application in person. He later get in a taxi with Jay Twistle to try to prove that he is worthy for the job and proves it by completing Jay’s Rubik’s Cube. He gets the interview after he has to go to the jail office and pay off all his parking tickets and spends a night in jail. He makes it
That night Christopher just got off a double shift at the police station. Before he went back to his apartment, he went by a dinner to get him some coffee and something to eat. When he went back to his police car, he heard the message for the kidnapping of the the kids. He responded and said that he was be looking out for the RV.
Corey feels too frustrated to be grateful that there's a working elevator. He was sitting there for an hour, waiting for a working elevator. He knows that it was way past the time, but he refuses to cancel the meeting and continues his way to the interview. Since Corey is disabled, he uses the elevator. However, the elevator stinks.
After a rough day of trying to find a job, he goes to a bar where he meets his Cousin Leo Lupiz who he hasn’t seen in years. After some catching up. Marco tells Leo about his current situation Leo tell Marco he has a job that he could use help with
The boys head out to go to the location where they think the body is, and they walk on train tracks towards their destination, and they pass the town dump in which they encounter the dump custodian, Milo, and his dog Chopper. Milo insults Teddy’s father which causes him to unleash his anger on Milo, making it a really messy situation. Meanwhile Gordie and Vern are almost run over by a train while trying to cross a bridge. Afterwards, Chris predicts Gordie to become a famous writer one day.
They start off by purchasing the cheapest apartment they can in Columbus. The apartment is terrible and is in a bad part of town. Morgan decides that he will find a different job each day at the labor distributor. These jobs are typically manual labor and pay below minimum wage. Alex gets two different jobs.
a buff police officer was asking him questions that he couldn't answer because he was scared. the 3rd time he was arrested for stealing a phone that he couldn't afford. what happened when Quan was in jail he had some people to help him some guy took Quan to this door and it opened and Quan went downstairs with some
It is quite interesting reading countless articles regarding Rube Goldberg, scrolling through page after page of groundbreaking technology and national competitions, while never seeing the faintest hint of who this man actually was. The populace all “OOH” and “AAH” at school science fairs boasting Rube Goldberg machines, but a sparse few actually know the ins and outs of this man’s life. Reuben Lucius Goldberg is living testimony to the fact that while our names may not be remembered, our creations will, especially if they are extravagantly entertaining.
Chris decides to leave his bone density scanner with the Hippie Girl. Chris does this because he has an interview at Dean Witter so can try and get an internship, but the Hippie Girl steals the bone density scanner and gets on a train. Chris tries to win over Jay Twistle by solving a rubik's cube so that he can have a chance to talk to him for the internship. The only thing that Chris didn’t know about the internship was that it didn’t pay a single dime. A homeless guy sees chris walking with a bone density scanner and thinks it’s a time machine.
A Rube Goldberg machine is a compound machine that uses different energy transformations and simple machines to solve a simple task. Our hypothesis was that, if we created a simple machine then, the compound machine would blow out a candle because, the energy transformations would do all the work for us. Our machine didn’t work, there were some obstacles we were faced like the reactions actually working, and only worked with a little help. The different energy transformations like potential, kinetic, and mechanical energy in this machine allow this machine to blow out the candle. A Rube Goldberg machine can be used in everyday life to accomplish easy things like turning on a
Some examples of some of the difficulties that Chris had faced while training at his intership at Dean Witter was that he did not have enough time as the other interns. Due to this he found it alot harder to work his way up a sales calls list. Some reasons behind why Chris didn't have enough time in his day of internship is that he had to have spare time to earn money to feed his son Christopher, to pay Christopher's babysitter for that day and he also needed time to make sure he was in line by a certain time so he could have a place to sleep at a homeless shelter.
He almost misses the court filing deadline and, just at the last minute, a hardcopy is suddenly found. The next day Andrew is fired for the incident.
Chris Gardner excels at his stockbroker internship in Dean-Witter, earning the attention and respect from his superiors. However, his personal life plunges exponentially. He loses his money and has to resort to sleeping in homeless shelters and subway station bathrooms. He begins to think that happiness can never really be achieved, but he is proved wrong when he feels happy
Chris is a charismatic young man, but takes extensive measures to ensure he does not become too close with anyone. By going out into the wild without so much as a letter to his parents,
Miles gets up and answers the door. The principal informs them that they need to meet in the gym immediately. The two boys throw on some clothes and hightail it to the gym. When they got there they saw Laura and Takumi but no Alaska. The principal goes to the podium to speak but Miles stops him. Frantically searching the bleachers for alaska begs the principal to wait until she gets there. The principal pulls him to the side and breaks the news why all the students are there. They all met so he could tell them about how Alaska had gotten in a car accident early that morning. Miles can’t take the news so he runs out of the gym with Chip right behind him. Chip comforts Miles as he throws up, cries, and screams. After they’ve accepted the fact, they still hardly sleep or even talk. They decide to get the group, or what's left of it back together. They take a walk down to the smoking hole and talk about what they loved about her. Chip throws a cigarette into the river and the rest the rest follow. They made a ritual in remembrance of her. The group decides to do a memorial prank for her with the whole junior class in on it. Miles realizes that his closest friends helped him get through one of the hardest times in his life.
He could not believe his eyes, he walked over to his best friend Sarah's apartment and ask her to come over and sit with him while he asked more questions to this button, she came over and sat with him but it didn't make any sense to her, she kept asking him why do I need to be here and it doesn't do anything. he wanted to prove to her that it worked so he asked the button if he should get pizza delivered to his house. she didn't believe him and started to leave the house no more than five minutes later when the doorbell rang and Alexander grabbed a $10 bill and handed it to the pizza man at the door. she couldn't believe her eyes what he had just asked had and done. they were getting a bit restless with just asking some small questions so they went with the big one I want a million dollars. they waited for 5 more minutes when all the sudden the doorbell rang again, they opened it and it was a