Through the use of technology, teachers can make rubrics class projects, papers, reading, etc. Rubistar is a great resource to help teachers make rubrics with the different categories the teacher is looking for. Rubistar helps make creating rubrics an easy an effective process. Teachers can create an account or save it to excel to be able to access later on in their educational career. Teachers can print off multiples, so every student can get one and know what is expected of them.
To the left is an example of a rubric created by rubistar. It shows what I would be looking for when a student was writing a persuasive essay about their hometown.
Another application i used was Google slides. Google slides works to be able to create a presentation where you can change the design of the background of the separate slides. You are also able to create text boxes where you can put information in. within this assessment we used google slides for we had to create a certain folder named DGT1.42 so that the teacher would know what assessment was within the folder. We did our pseudocode for the calculator program within google slides, the pseudocode is where we described what each of the functions were used for to be able to translate the “python code” into “english” for people who couldn't read what each of the python functions were. As shown
One required element of persuasive writing is the element of clearly defined terms. Snyder discusses various online activities students engage in during class, such as making travel plans, reading the newspaper, or following the pennant race, which is defined as the last few weeks of
Mathematics: The rubric used with the assessment checks for students’ understanding and work process through all problems presented on the quiz: do they understand the concept? Are they able to follow the process correctly? The rubric focuses on John’s thought and reasoning process.
This text of mine has been written using mostly logos, some pathos, and a pinch of ethos. I have split my text up in different segments. In each segment there is a different combination of mostly one or two different persuasive modes. the text is made of seven segments.
I will use the district initiative,” Classroom Instruction that Works” to create student Effort and Achievement Rubrics that we will utilize in the Student Data Binders.
Common Core State Standards has social studies teachers faced with the task of incorporating writing instruction into their curriculums. A research-based instructional framework called Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) is a research-based instructional framework to help in implementing writing strategies in social studies classroom. This structure, the PEA, plan (P- point, E- evidence, A-analysis) and the 4 Cs of Historical Analysis (Compare, Contrast, Cause & Effect, and Context).The PEA strategy and the 4 Cs are used to create argumentative responses in one paragraph or a multi-paragraph essay, and it needs to make clear, concise points.
Student Assessment/Rubrics: Students will be assessed through observation during direct instruction and demonstration of knowledge on guided practice and individual practice. Students must score 80% out 100% on the individual assignment to demonstrate mastery.
aside and instead tell a story about the town he grew up in. Robert is a political scientist with a
This rubric evaluates the students’ abilities to appropriately fill out their “Evidence-Based Claims” graphic organizer. This organizer is separated into four main portions, and each portion is evaluated for its purpose for generating evidence-based claims.
A persuasive letter should contain a three part thesis statement and my thesis might be: Although I understand that many priorities exist, the classroom configuration in LRC
Use the following three-point rubric to evaluate students ' work during this lesson. * Three points: Students were highly engaged in class and group discussions; enthusiastically participated in the scavenger hunt; followed the rules of the scavenger hunt without needing
Didn't grade students work using a rubric where they can see what they got for each criteria
Mrs. Lawrence: At our school there is no format; however, they must include certain things like objectives, materials/resources, hooks, etc.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
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