This rule requires Secretaries of schools to set nutrition standards for their school without going above the state or local nutrition laws. I personally don't buy school lunches or anything so I don't think that I'm the right person to ask about this but all I say is that make the lunches good and healthy and they should be
One of the most controversial issues today is the question of how to address childhood obesity. Because of the large proportion of meals that children, particularly low-income children, consume in schools, cafeteria food has been targeted by dietary reformers as in need of a major overhaul. However, while many different types of new school menus have been proposed, the extent to which healthier foods can be offered remains controversial. Opponents to reform state that children will not eat healthier lunches, and that changing the food that children eat will have minimal impact, since the children will either bring food from home or eat food at home that is more 'kid friendly.'
Our bodies require fuel only obtainable from food, so it's vital to stay pay attention to the political aspects that affect how and where we get our food. It's important to note the youth in America have little say in how or where their school lunches come from and how it affects them. This is a contributing factor in the poor investment the current public school lunch program has become today.
The National School Lunch Program enforced a rule, which “sought to improve school meals” (United 4088). The rule includes many different parts to it, which requires state agencies to acquire and check many different pieces of data. The first thing the state agencies are required to do, according to the United States Department of Agriculture, is to “Conduct a nutritional review of school lunches and breakfasts as part of the administrative review process” (4088). By having these checks, the USDA can ensure that schools are following the dietary restrictions as well as meeting the FDA nutritional standards. The second step for state agencies is to “Determine compliance with the meal patterns and dietary specifications based on a review of menu and production records for a two-week period” (4088-4089). This guarantees that schools will follow the FDA regulations because the state agencies force schools to follow and be compliant. To conclude the first rule, the third and final action that state agencies must take is to “Review school lunches and breakfasts every three years, consistent with the HHFKA (Healthy Hungry-Free Kids Act)” (4089). This assures that schools are adhering to the FDA guidelines over the long run. The agencies check the school menu over the past three years, to make
Not only do both of the reasons above prove and show great examples of why or why not schools really should or shouldn't let school cafeterias be transformed into fast food courts supplied by fast food companies, in the end it's the school's themselves who make the choices to change the foods that they supply. Therefore here are three examples at which they can use to see if there school is even ready to make the leap toward fast food companies supplying lunches. First the school will need to be sure students can afford the lunches,second make sure the school can afford it as well, and thirdly the schools will need to have make sure the students are willing to go along with it. Although there is several more steps in which changing to a fast
How would you like it if the lunch lines weren’t so full but your students all had a filled stomach? Well I honestly believe that if you gave only 11th and 12th graders the opportunity to leave campus for lunch and it would make everyone’s life easier.
Children in America are faced with different choices every day. Some of these choices can be either good or bad for them. But these children don't really know the consequences of their actions, but the school does. Schools are serving unhealthy and un properly cooked meals to children every single day. These food companies make big money from these schools because the schools just buy the lunches so the kids will eat something. The schools don't really care what goes into the students stomachs, but as long as the school meets the requirements it's okay. Then the students just eat it because it looks and taste good, but they don't have an idea of what their eating is made out of or where it has been before. The government needs to start making school lunches more healthy for these students, if not then then unfortunately the number of obese children will rise.
Everyone loves the idea of a government that truly cares about him or her. Especially a government that would go so far as to layout a healthy diet plan to insure the health of your children and to battle childhood obesity. It is great that the government is concerned about adolescent obesity and the nutrition students receive at school. However, the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Food and Nutrition Guidelines provide more problems for schools and they need to be eradicated, as well as repealing the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.
The National School Lunch Program is a federally assisted meal program that operates in over 100,000 schools and child care facilities. Those who participate in this program get cash subsidies as well as food from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Participants are also required to followed dietary guidelines. Meals provided to the students must meet certain nutritional standards and free and reduced priced lunches must be made available to those who need it. By regulating what the schools can serve and
"Tick tock, tick tock. It is 20 minutes until lunch but I am starving!" Some days in high school I would have lunch at 11:00 a.m., or the next day it would be 1:20 p.m.. I would be starving. When I should have been paying attention to class I was not because I was more focused on how hungry I was and how long it was until it was time to eat. Yet, when getting to lunch, the meals seems to not have enough to fill my stomach up or it was so gross I did not even dare to take a second bite. People are misinformed on school lunches due to the fact they do not know what is being served or why exactly what is being served is being served. Not eating and eating too much of the wrong stuff are all problems of childhood hunger. Recently when students go to lunch their meals are being based off of Children Nutrition Programs or a different type of health related program.
School lunches in California need to change fast! School lunches in California are a big part of childhood obesity. Childhood obesity should not be an issue at all because it is a bad thing for school sports to have obese kids rather than fit kids. In the opinions of many students, they state that it makes the school look better if the kids are more fit. Healthy kids meals healthy athletes, healthy athletes means better performance, better performance means more wins, and more wins means better school reputation. And that is why school lunches should be changed to healthier meal plans because it will also increase pride in our school and involvement in extracurricular activities.
The target users of our database are persons working for a school district cafeteria. These employees create the menus for several local elementary through high school campuses, and need to create menus for those schools based on many various factors. Due to the way public school cafeterias function, employees need to be wary of several obstacles when creating menus such as; cost, allergens, waste reduction, and calorie/nutrient status. We have indexed ingredients, allergens, cost, and calories for various sandwiches that have been approved by the school district. This index helps cafeteria staff search for the perfect sandwich combo based around the specific campus criteria.
Marc F. Bernstein’s comment in The Sunday Review portion of The New York Times states that there are “a large number of highly under scheduled high school seniors.” Bernstein implies that the last year of high school for some students is a waste of time. Even though most seniors may be under scheduled by having multiple lunches or only two or three classes, being a senior is more about the classes you take. Most of the students that only have three classes most likely have duel enrolment classes in addition to their high school courses. Not only are they getting credits for college and high school, they are also getting free college classes and books. Even though these students are under scheduled they have an advantage to take college classes and or go to work during the time that they are not at high school. Only having two or three classes in a day could be used as an advantage to many students. I myself, a senior at Pace High School, only have three classes then I can leave. I get out of school at twelve every day. During this time that I am not at school I am taking two duel enrolment classes, working twice a week, finishing homework, and helping
Paris in the 1920s radiated a feeling of enthusiastic optimism and thus attracted a rich and diverse group of people. A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway documents the young author’s experience in Paris, focusing both on his own journey to becoming a true writer and his relationships with other artists in the city. During the 1920s, Paris exemplified the spirit of the world in the aftermath of World War I and allowed creativity and philosophy to thrive. Despite its sometimes slow pace and unconventional narrative style, A Moveable Feast truthfully portrays the Parisian way of life and the impact the great city had on a young Hemingway.
One of the best ways to gain an understanding of a religion is to immerse yourself into it. Through the interfaith visit, I was able to gain a glimpse of what it is like to immerse myself into another religion. For my interfaith visit, I was able to go to the Hindu Temple and Cultural Center of Kansas City.
Humanities is a very broad subject it covers from what our ancestors used as writing tools to the art and music they appreciated. In both of the videos in this unit the speakers gave a variety of examples, from education, personal skills, history in ancient Greek culture, and how our art has change throughout the years. Furthermore, one of the most interest topics that I found quite amusing was the history in the types of different cultures. There is so many types of cultures and practices around the world. This creates issues because sometimes we don’t understand our piers cultures, and we start judging. Understanding of Humanities can create a better perspective of how we see other cultures. Learning the history of other cultures can help us relate to people better. We live in south Florida which is the melting pot of cultures, we have people from all around the world, that’s why understanding the humanities in cultures can help us be more successful.