In the story “Rules of the Game” written by Amy Tan, the game of chess symbolizes life lessons. When Waverly questions the rules of the chess game and why she can’t move the Pawn in another direction, her mother answers her by saying, “This is American rules… Everytime people come out from foreign country, must know rules. You not know, judge say, Too bad, go back” (Page 5). This quote shows that, even though the law is intangible, it holds power that can define a person’s life. Therefore, when Chinese nationalists immigrate to America, they’ll eventually realize that the law is different from their home country’s law, in which can cause them to make mistakes and suffer consequences without knowing. Hence, it’s important to study them so you
Have you ever had the courage to completely change your life?In the Novel Tangerine by Edward Bloor the protagonist Paul fisher completely changes his life by events that happen around him,getting his brother in huge trouble,and discovering the mystery behind his big glasses. ” Mike Costello is dead,Mom. ”This quote refers to when Erik Fisher explains to his mom that Mike died. Paul is horrified and deeply saddened by this event but the change to Paul is very significant.
When the mysterious murder of Sam Westing occurs, one character, Angela Wexler, steps up and stands out as caa character from the rest. In the novel, The Westing Game, written by Ellen raskin, angela is juggling problems from being forced into marriage, and trying to figure out who she really is. She is unlike any other character in the book because multiple people who read this novel can relate to the way she is feeling and isn't very confident in herself. Lastly, she is one of the five mysteries in the novel. Overall this mystery novel would not be as interesting without her.
Jody Baxter is one troubled kid and is very outgoing and loves the outdoors. He is the only one out of his siblings that is still alive; his older siblings had died early in life as infants. Being an only child can sometimes be tough, I know of many families with one kid and it is hard to do because they can get kind of annoying and you will find out how jody turns out after you read this dynamic essay about Jody Baxter. Jody’s family doesn't have much to live on nor do they have a lot of values because they live in the middle of the forest so there isn't much to do or have. When you live so far out and miles away from even your neighbors it is hard for nearly anyone. Jody has a lot on his mind as a little boy growing up. In the book The Yearling,
A wise person once said,”You choose the behavior, you choose the consequence.” In Tangerine by Edward Bloor, readers see the consequences to characters based on how they act. Paul Fisher, the protagonist struggles with his memories of the past, dealing with his daily life and being affected by the choices of those he is most aware of, Erik Fisher. At the beginning of Tangerine, Paul Fisher is incapable of standing up for himself or defending himself, being bullied and feeling less of himself from the start, but as the novel develops, Paul is affected by the choices of Erik, and in time finds his voice. Starting off, Erik had made the choice to call Paul eclipse-boy.
Sue Monk Kidd has introduced very complex, yet simple characters that can be easily related to by many readers of the novel. Rosaleen has a tough exterior, but truly cares for Lily Owens, as T.Ray Owens is unpleasant, and considered to be abusive toward Lily. Further on, we have Zachary Taylor, a handsome, charismatic football player while working for August in her honey house develops feelings for Lily, as there’s June Boatright with a heart of gold, yet is distrusting in regards to Lily at first. These character are just a few of the many that entail the plot, and make them relatable. Although, like I said Sue Monk Kidd has developed many character that we can relate to, I believe I relate to Lily Owens the most in “The Secret Life of Bees.”
One of Krista’s(Jared’s mother) favourite quote, “The world is hard, you have to be harder,” genuinely describes the journey Jared goes through. Son of a Trickster,” by Eden Robinson, is the story about the coming of age and difficult period of adolescence of a young Aboriginal boy. Through her novel, Robinson is able to convey a message that the Aboriginal people from the Haisla and Heiltsuk First Nations are dark and grating societies of Canada. In order for the readers to understand her perspective of the society, she first demonstrates the selfishness of the societies with the symbolism of the raven along with its traits and attributes. Secondly, she uses supernaturalism which shows the mysterious deceiving society within the Haisla and
Lady Brett Ashley is heartbroken as her true love was killed in World War I. She is also promiscuous and parties non stop. She has short hair like a man and is still attractive to all the men in the book and many of them fall in love with her. Her looks and Jakes feeling towards her are shown in the quote “Brett was damned good-looking. She wore a slipover jersey sweater and a tweed skirt, and her hair was brushed back like a boy’s.” Brett also does not seem to have any female friends and seems to only enjoy being around men. She is in love with Jake, the count and Mike Campbell all at once and they seem to not care about her sleeping around with other men. Lady Brett Ashley is also very unhappy throughout the story. “Oh, darling, I’ve been
Gatsby: Oh Jesus,you just hit that girl we should go back and help pick up her body and bury her
Caroline Klatt English 9H~ Per. 6 Nov. 15th, 2014 Hazel Bergeron is an average woman, living in a corrupt society in which being ordinary has come to entail that you are stupid. While Hazel cheers on those who are as incapable as she is; demonstrating kindness, her stupidity completely engulfs her own good nature, inhibiting her from acknowledging reality altogether. In Harrison Bergeron, Hazel presents multiple attempts to improve the life of her husband; George, even though what she’s suggesting is illegal, “‘If you could just take a few out when you came home from work,’ said Hazel.
The novel, Tangerine, is full of thrills, surprises, action and secrets. The protagonist, Paul Fisher is a middle schooler who damaged his eyes because he apparently looked into a solar eclipse. Paul’s brother named Erik Fisher is a junior from high school who is really good as a field goal kicker, but bullies Paul. Paul’s family goes by the Erik Fisher football dream which is getting Erik to college football. However, things change once Paul’s family moves to Tangerine, Florida. Secrets get revealed, stories change and Paul discovers more about his past. He learns more about the bully living right next to him. In the novel, Tangerine, Edward Bloor strategically uses theme and motif to show conquering fear.
Have you ever considered or imagined that your life would be massively improved without any of your family members in your way due to the all the tremendous effects they have and the unbelievable stress they put on your life? In Tangerine, a marvelous novel released in 1997 by author Edward Bloor, the main character and protagonist of the book, Paul Fisher, has his already not ordinary affected to an enormous extent by his family members, especially his mother, father, and his athletic yet unlikable big brother, Erik Fisher. In the book this characters affect the way in which Paul views himself, his social life, and his relationship with his friends and peers by making them extremely negative.
Many new arrivals still struggle to survive and often Chinese Americans still encounter suspicion and hostility. Chinese Americans have achieved great success and now, like so many others, they are stitching together a new American identity. As Michelle Ling, a young Chinese American, tells Bill Moyers in Program 3, “I get to compose my life one piece at a time, however I feel like it. Not to say that it’s not difficult and that there isn’t challenge all the time, but more than material wealth, you get to choose what you are, who you are.” (
In life, each person has to follow rules at some point. The rules can relate to school, home, religion, etc. Our society follows rules everyday to make their life better. Throughout the short story, “Rule of the Game”, the author, Amy Tan describes the title using life experiences of the protagonist, Waverly Jong. This story is about a young girl, Waverly who lives in Chinatown, San Francisco and is passionate about chess. While exploring the world of chess, Waverly learns that in life she will have to follow rules made by others to achieve success. Waverly follows rules while playing chess and her mother creates rules for her to succeed.
In the novel Peak by Roland Smith the main theme is courage. Peak is about a fourteen year old boy named Peak Marcello, after moving from Wisconsin to New York City, Peak climbs a tall skyscraper and gets into trouble. Instead of going to jail he has to go live with his father, Josh in Thailand. Josh is a very successful businessman and famous mountaineer/”rock rat.” (Pg. 19) Josh surprises Peak and he finds out that he is going to climbing Mount Everest. Throughout the novel, Peak encounters many different characters. A plentiful amount of these characters have a lot of courage. Some of these courageous characters are Kitar, Peak, and Teri, for many reasons that you will find out.
Sui Sin Far’s short story, “In the Land of the Free” touches on the reality of being a Chinese immigrant in late-19th century America. The story revolves around a Chinese couple. The husband is ready for his wife, Lae Choo, to arrive from China with their new son, later named Kim. However, due to policies on immigration, the American government was forced to take possession of the child due to a lack of paperwork. However, Far’s short-story has a deeper meaning than just focusing on unfair immigration policies. She takes advantage of the story’s ending to symbolize a rejection of immigrant culture, most especially Chinese immigrant culture, by taking advantage of Kim’s change in behaviors, appearance, and dialect.