
Run A Meeting Analysis

Decent Essays

How to Run a Meeting
How to Run a Meeting is an interesting article that gives details on ways to make a meeting as efficient and effective as possible. Meetings are time-consuming and very important in communicating information or solving organizational problems. To effectively run a meeting there must be planning activities before the meeting and leadership activities to execute during the meeting. Prior to the meeting you must first set objectives. Weather the meeting is meant to share information or solve problems it is important to make it known to everyone why you are meeting. Meeting should be called If the information is complex or controversial, has implication for the participants, or there is a reason it needs to be given personally, …show more content…

Then plan the agenda, and do your homework. To help prepare the participants it is useful to distribute the agenda and background paperwork prior to the meeting so individuals can be prepared for what needs to be discussed at the meeting. Also it is beneficial to talk with the participant prior to the meeting to see if there are any hidden agendas you should be away of so that you can be ready when they come up in the meeting and are able to address them effectively. Next consider the time and location you will be having the meeting because both can convey different messages on the importance and style. After thorough preparation you are ready to begin the meeting with a view of the agenda with the understanding that it is not set in stone and input is appropriate. Then you will encourage problem solving by being sensitive to the stages the discussion will go through, describing the problem, searching for alternatives, evaluating alternatives and selecting a solution. Know these stages can help you to adjust your leadership style based on where the group is in the process. It will also help you to keep the discussion on track. If the topic of discussion digresses too far into unimportant or irrelevant topics then you will need to refocus the group and bring them …show more content…

I agree with the content of this article and think that it lays out a good game plan for leaders to follow to help run meetings more effectively and get the most out of them. I think the idea of distributing the agenda and relevant materials ahead of time is a great way to insure that participants are aware of what they are walking into. Every meeting I have is like a blind date, I have no idea what the meeting is about or what will happen during the meeting. Of all of the great suggestion in this article that is one I think would be truly beneficial and would be great if I could apply it to me organization. I cannot tell you how many times we have had meetings in which the information shared or the problem being discussed surprised the participants and so discusses were limited to those who could quickly think on their feet, and those of us that like to think things through for a few minutes before we response or can come up with good ideas tend to be quick and non-responsive. I come up with goods ideas but usually after the meeting is over and I have to go directly to my supervisor to discuss my

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