response... Five weeks. That's all it was. Five weeks. Five weeks without talking to you, five weeks without your touch, your voice, your eyes staring into mine, and that cocky smirk that you always wore on your face that I always fought the urge to wipe off. Oh yeah, why weren't we talking? Honestly, I didn't know anymore, but I refused to be the one to back down, to be the one runs back to you- no matter how much I want to. I didn't really think I was going to talk to you, not until it passed the sixth week because a girl can hold back for so long -ahem, I meant you, yeah, you-, but there was something off today. Something really off, and I was going to get to the bottom of it. I found out from Simon that you deployed yourself to the …show more content…
Dave died yesterday, you know. Wait, that's stupid. Of course you didn't know, you're still in the army for God's sake! He had a Heart Attack, the doctors said it was of stress. Now, I really don't want to make this your fault but I think it is, without you leaving, Simon wouldn't have locked himself in the lab downstairs and only allowed Jeanette to come in there after a few weeks of persistent asking; Theodore wouldn't have just been sitting outside, staring at the grass and ignoring everything that was happening in the universe with a sad expression on his face; Jeanette wouldn't have become clingy because she didn't want to lose her sisters as well; Eleanor wouldn't have gotten a hit on the head during soccer practice because she was too distracted with everything that was going on in life; and I wouldn't have put up this act of acting like I was happy and glad you were gone when it was the exact opposite. Maybe you didn't realise what kind of effect you had on our lives, and neither did we, until you were gone. I can only hope that you're out there,
ornery I can handle it because whatever you throw at me I’ll catch. I like how I know almost a lot about you like we have the same favorite colors but in different colors and your favorite bands and your like apple pie which is disgusting and you must be the devil. I remember when we first met or I at least have memories from when I was around you and our conversations about ourselves and what we’ve fascinated with, those were the little things that made me want you and look now I have you. I fall for you even more when you tell me those three words. You’re always on my mind when I wake up and when I’m in bed laying my head on the pillow. I decided to type this out because I have hella shitty writing and this is more neat and I have more space
At the end, I think you knew that, and though you accused me with words and violence, I remained faithful for the few years we had. Even if I begged you to release me, your jealousy and your desire to feel young again would never have allowed you to let me go.
You never blamed me for the times I cried, you never pitied me for being sad, and you never told me to get over it. All you did was hold me close and tell me you loved me. Even the time I screamed at you, accused you of lying to me, accused you of never really loving me, you still held me; you still told me you loved me.
A lot has happened over the this course learning everything from music in the 1960s to interrogation techniques of the current. The last ting we learned about our country is how Christians played a role in it. The history of we came to be in America, how we have an influence and the social enigmas with wanting it in politics. The main things we covered in the past eight weeks is how different events have effected or influenced the United States. We begin in the sixties and worked our way through the major events and crises of our country.
Two famous myths from the ancient world, “Pandora’s Box” and “Loo Wit, The Firekeeper,” describe human suffering in their own way. The theme of “Pandora’s Box” is acting out of revenge will only lead to suffering. The all-mighty god, Zeus, cultivated a plan out of revenge for what Prometheus had done (shown fire to the humans), “Zeus extended his displeasure… It was a scheme which would [affect]... the whole race of human beings…” (Untermeyer 1).
I was scared to let you know how I feel but every time I didn't I was losing you, just when things got better they got worse.
I joined the Marine Corps looking for a challenge. I wanted to open doors for a new career and longed to have a positive impact on the world around me. Looking back five years later, I realize I found all that I originally sought, but I’ve also found something profoundly satisfying and meaningful that I never knew I was missing.
Remember when you said you’ll be there for me, have my back, and fight for me, Remember when we would play fight, play video games, especially FIFA, and sleep together, Remember when you used to blame on me for everything, read me bedtime stories, and cook for, I’ll forget those moments we’ve shared. You was gone too soon. It’s not your fault that you was in the hospital, or buried, we don’t know what happened to you, it happened too soon,
What if I were to tell you that most, if not all, the popular medical knowledge you adhere to in your daily life are either false or greatly exaggerated? What if I were to tell you that you would be better off ignoring most popular researching findings? This is exactly what Dr. John Ioannidis proposes in David H. Freedman article “Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science”.
why he didn’t want this amazing opportunity. I still remember his words. He said that
"What are you sorry for?" he asked, pulling my face in front of his, gazing into my eyes intensely since I first climbed astride on him. I didn't reply. I didn't have to, for in his eyes I saw the sudden acknowledgment that I had found in myself as I stood in front of that doorway staring at him just minutes earlier. An hour prior our whole relationship had been predicated on sex, however now it was so much more.
It’s impossible for me to view that face without adoration. When I think of you I think of all the stuff we’ll never do together.
I remember as you walked towards me for the last time, a metal beast wrapped around your hands. Your skin glowed brown in the sun. I opened my arms to you, but you turned away as my leaves rustled in the
It has been almost a year since you were almost mine, and I’m noticing that your eager attempt to domesticate me has begun to wear off. That recklessness you despised is returning like a hurricane. The plates are piled high in the kitchen, I’ve had a glass of wine more than two days in a row, and I haven’t even looked at the ironing board in a week. I can almost hear your skin crawling from my hometown, and I believe I’m living further North than you’ve ever been in your life. It’s perhaps a terrible thing, that I’m enjoying being everything you hated when I did, truly, love you so, but neither of us have been the most considerate to each other; when all is said and done, I’m being unkind in retaliation. I hope you can forgive me.
Yeah, I don’t really know what I am doing with myself anymore. When we started dating I was confused and scared. I pushed you away. I know and I feel horrible about it. I didn’t mean to but I just didn’t know how to express my feelings for you and I don’t do well with embarrassment or compliments. And It’s easy for me to get embarrassed when someone I like says something nice to me or about me. Later on I heard that you had done some unfavorable things to people I was close to and I became conflicted. Then my friend told me that he wished for me to break up with you. We talk often about me breaking up with you. People thought that I didn’t really love you, to be honest I wasn’t really sure if I loved you. Then thanksgiving came around and I couldn’t see you or talk to you everyday, so I wished to see you everyday. Though that didn’t come through because I ignored you. Though it wasn’t intentional at first as time passed I was afraid of answering you because I didn’t know what to say. I stopped talking because you insisted on buying me a Christmas gift. Which is a nice gesture but I didn’t want you to buy me anything because I was fine with just having you. The last day we were together Jaden said you were upset with me and I understood why I mean I did ignore you that that hurt you so much. But when you said you would ignore me the rest of the day it made me really upset, Instead of being mature and ignoring that comment since I knew you weren’t going to