
Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism

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In the documentary “Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War On Journalism”, Fox News began as a seemingly innocent, right-winged, news channel, with the slogan “We Report. You Decide.” However, as time moved on from the first airing of the news channel, it was as if Fox had followed a more biased and corrupted route than what had been proposed. It primarily discusses how Fox News, and perhaps other popular media news outlets, have begun to actively misinform their viewers for personal or business gain. Originally, Rupert Murdoch, a news corporation CEO, was deemed as the overall instructor of what was to be represented on the Fox outlet. However, at the time of his ownership, the news outlet was said to have had “zero news value.” Therefore, as Roger Ailes, a former media strategist for several Republican presidential campaigns, joined, and inevitably took over the channel, Fox News began to “evolve” into something called “fair and balanced” news reporting. Unfortunately, “fair and balanced” was far from the truth. In fact, after several examinations performed by both journalists and former Fox News contributors, it was discovered Fox News had been continuously using sinister tricks, such as …show more content…

This is discussed by Bob McChesney, as he separates the normality of free press to Fox New’s “eliminative journalism.” Which, presumably, is considered a form of journalism in which the host, or interviewer, interrupts or cuts out specific ideas or topics, provided by the guest, in order to present the hosts as more knowledgeable in the topic or in order to hide specific details away from the viewers. This method is constantly used during the interviews presented by Fox News. For instance, Bill O’Reilly, a common interview on Fox News, constantly tells is guests to “shut-up” when he doesn’t agree with the views that are being

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