People paint heroes in colors and words seemingly out of nowhere; however, these heroes are real in their own way. They may not have the superpowers, if they do have them, as described and shown, but there are qualities that were admired enough for them to be created. Heroes are very much real, not just something in a book. They are also human with human designs and faults. This makes them likable because not everyone is perfect and heroes acknowledge that themselves, no matter how much they are idolized. Examples of heroes are your parents, other relatives, people in the military, firefighters, policemen, musicians, characters, and authors. They are everywhere in your daily life if you just look around, real or not. Such as author Rupi Kaur and character Gabi Hernandez. Rupi Kaur is a regular woman currently living in Canada. Before she came to Canada, she lived in India and emigrated to Canada with her family at the age of four. She has said that ever since she was young, she loved painting and writing because it was the way her mother encouraged her when she had no friends and could not speak English. When she finally could speak English, she took to making short poems for her friends. This furthered her love for words and drawings as she grew and eventually she took to social media platforms such as Tumblr and Instagram. It was on Instagram where she gained popularity for series of photos presenting menstrual cycles explaining that some cultures shame the
Many heroes exists in todays world. Some are just fictional but the real ones are the ones worth mentioning. A true hero is a person who is willing to sacrifice everything for the well being of others. they're giving personalities cause them to give everything they can to help others. They are constantly in a race to fight for something beneficial to all.
Nowadays, there are more and more movies and books about the hero, such as superman, spiderman, and the Avengers. These heroes all have superpowers, they are strong and save the world. They are immortal and so powerful that can solve all the problems. However, the word can be explained in a different way, in book “Unbroken", the main character Louis Zamperini is the hero. Louis did not have any superpowers, other than went to the WWII, he was a hero that ever give up on himself, he believes tomorrow will be better. This belief saved his friends, too. Louis' kindness to forgive “the bird” at the end of the book shocked me. But they are not regarded as the realistic heroes to me, I only see them at the theatre or in the book. The hero to me
An accomplished professional educator and academic administrator, Eric Becoats has served as the chief administrative officer of Greensboro, North Carolina’s Guilford County Schools and as an adjunct professor with the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University’s School of Education. He has also worked as a consultant, providing executive-level support to the president and chief executive officer of Chicago, Illinois’ Atlantic Research Partners. Since July of 2015, Eric Becoats has served as an assistant superintendent with the School District of Philadelphia.
What is a hero? Philip Zimbardo, in his article Transforming Society by Teaching Everyday People the Characteristics of a Modern Hero states it best “a hero displays certain characteristics such as integrity, compassion, and moral courage, heightened by an understanding of the power of the situational forces, an enhanced social awareness, and an abiding commitment to social action.” The term hero is commonly thought as someone with super powers. While yes, the comic book characters are heroes in the sense they fight crime, stop villains, and save the day with their charming character and super powers. The heroes that are mentioned ordinary people. They are people with great influence in their communities; such as Chris Long of the Philadelphia Eagles, and his stand for better education in the cities he has played. Malala Yousafzai
When you think of a hero, you shouldn't automatically think of Superman or Ironman. Lots of people can be heroes. For instance, several characters from S.E Hinton’s The Outsiders are heroic. Three characters in The Outsiders that are heroes are Ponyboy, Johnny, and Darry.
When people think of a hero, they do not understand you don't need to be just like superman, you don't need to be able to fly, or be immortal and never die. There is no need to wear a mask, save the world, or have special powers. To me, any regular person can become a hero in their own way. I believe a hero can be found in any piece of literature, most main characters are all heroes, but they are all heroes in a different way. To me, in order to be a hero, all you need to do is put someone else's life in front of your own, if you can change someone else's life you can then call yourself a hero. Aristotle once said that a tragic hero is "one who does not fall into misfortune though vice or depravity, but falls because of some mistake".
A hero can be viewed differently in many eyes. Author and lecturer Joseph Campbell, has correlated a hero as usually being a male, often of lowly birth, but with special powers or a higher birthright, the hero doesn’t know about. Also, the hero parents are often dead, absent, or uncaring, and the hero is judged by the actions he takes and the way he reacts and relates to people. In the opinions of others, a hero is also a person admired for bravery, great achievements, abilities or good qualities and is regarded as a role model. A hero is also, admired for having done something very courageous or having succeeded in something great. In literature, the hero is the main character of a story, play, or movie. In the textbook, The Norton Anthology
What comes to mind when you think of the word “hero”? Some people would think of a fictional character such as Superman, a comic-book character who has great strength, and can fly. Others might think of a historical figure, such as Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States. While the aforementioned examples are not only noteworthy, but also well-liked for their courageous characteristics, there are many other qualities to being a hero.
All heroes are not fictional characters that have extraordinary or superhuman powers. A hero to me is a skillful or successful person who can motivate me and bring my confidence to the next level even through my down falls. A super hero in my eyes does not have any powers although you might think they do but it’s always their determination and focus that makes me believe heroes have super powers. Now that I have given you an idea of a hero to me, I can now move on to explain different types of heroes.
Oliver Stone once wrote, who he saw his heroes as“ Sciences who spend years of their lives trying to find cures...The inner-city kid who works at McDonald’s instead of selling drugs. The kid who stands alone instead of joining a gang, which would give him instant identity...People who take risks despite fears. People in wheelchairs who don't give up…”. (SB, pg.64) Heroes are people who choose the right no matter the situation. Making sacrifices for others benefit, being determined to rise over challenges, and not being perfect instead making mistakes are just some of the traits that make a hero.
"WARNING: THIS ROAD PASSES THROUGH PROCLAIMED BANTU LOCATIONS, ANY PERSON WHO ENTERS THE LOCATIONS WITHOUT A PERMIT RENDERS HIMSELF FOR PROSECUTION FOR CONTRAVENING THE BANTU (URBAN AREAS) CONSOLIDATION ACT 1945, AND THE LOCATION REGULATION ACT OF THE CITY OF JOHANNESBURG, The above message can be found written on larger-than-life signs staked on every road leading to Alexandra"(Mathabane, 3). The above quote is the first statement of the book just to give a taste of what is to come. Throughout Mark Mathabane's life he lived in what we in the United States would call poverty, but in Africa they call it the underclass. After starting to play tennis he became good enough to be able to move to the United States and escape his underclass
The heroes are like other human beings but have either done something which makes them excel over others or have a gift that others do not possess.
Some of the emotions and experiences Ron Woodroof faced in the movie, are similar experiences faced by real people living with HIV/AIDS. Even though HIV positive people may face certain struggles, the movie teaches people that living with HIV is not the end. Ron Woodroof lived 7 years later after his HIV diagnosis. Also, the movie serves as an insight for those that do not have safe sex. If people do not use protection, they are more susceptible to HIV, and they may become HIV positive like Ron Woodroof.
When the word "hero" is spoken, everyone has different thoughts. Some will think of super powers like flying and saving people from villains; while others have a certain person they know or have heard of that come to mind who have done something to make a difference in the lives of others but who is a hero to you? To answer this question you must first ask yourself what a hero is; what comes to your mind when someone says the word. When I am confronted with these questions I always have the same thoughts; smart, strong will power, and someone who stands up for what they believe is right.
What does make a hero a hero? Is it there looks? Alternatively, maybe is it their personality? However, the question is what are those essential qualities that make one a hero? Different people require different heroes to look up to or try to emulate. However, whoever it may be, they all possess certain qualities. My hero is my mother, for the reason that she is selfless, compassion, and courage. That kind of selflessness can often be premeditated, since concentrating on others' needs often winds up helping one accomplish one’s own goals. However, a heroic leader does so without any anticipation of a return. The display and concern show the care one has for others. This can often apparent itself in strong but gentle actions planned to increase the lives of others. Courage and bravery come to mind first when we think of heroism. However, it is difficult to achieve anything truly heroic unless one is up against overwhelming chances. As Nelson Mandela put it, "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it." These minor acts of heroism rarely attract any notice. A true hero is always sympathetic, benevolent and shows a great deal of compassion and sympathy to those poorly or in agony. He or she keeps away judgements; that are oriented to the self and embraces an attitude that serves others.