
Russell Baker's School Vs. Education By Russell Baker

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In the two articles, “school vs education” by Russell Baker and “the case against college” by Caroline Bird, both discuss how public schooling is corrupt in one way or another. Russell Baker discusses in his article that schooling does not truly educate you as much as real life situation will. Caroline Bird discusses how college for a lot of us is a waste of time and only a small margin of people are meant for college. Russell Baker, who has a Bachelor’s degree in English, demonstrates his views on how schools fluctuate from different skill levels in his 1975 New York times column “school vs. Education”. Bakers idea about learning is to truly get educated one must experience life lessons; while, school is training for even more school. The ideas for His article suggest that education begins once someone wants to learn for their own knowledge, not just because they have too. Baker also mentions that children who told they are good test takers do better than kids who aren't told they are good test takers.
Caroline Bird was born in the year 1915 and usually writes about empowering women; however, in her article “the case against college” she points out that college is not for everyone. She interprets college as intense competition, always competing for the best grade and be best in class. She discusses how Society says that we have to go to college to be able to do great things, or the world will be a bunch of uneducated 18 year olds. She then states “disillusioned

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