
Russell Williams: A Solider With Mental Illness

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In contrast to this, Williams might have just been a solider with mental illness, which was triggered either by his work or when he was a child; and not a bad seed that is some deviation in the army. The film failed to acknowledge this, and instead made Russell Williams appear to be a monster and a neighborhood terrorist. A study has shown that the presences of mental disorders are strongly linked to sexual crimes (Vinkers et al., 2011), along with other crimes as well. The media misrepresents a case of potential mental illness as a man who is a preying on women, and instead makes the public afraid of him. Not only that, but based on descriptions mentioned earlier about Williams being usually calm, it is also possible that he suffered from …show more content…

There wasn’t much mention of his past, other then the fact that his parents were divorced, and a few stories from college that were given by his best friend. There was no mention of whether or not Williams had a mental illness, which could have helped to explain why he committed these crimes. There was also very little information about him and his wife, like if he he abused her or not, which would have helped viewers understand where this violence and strange behavior came from. The people who spoke about Williams who knew him directly were limited, but did give the illusion that he was creepy, and that something was off about him. What I did not like was that the producer kept emphasizing the friend’s statement that Williams’s behavior was so shocking, because it gives the illusion that army personnel are so ethical and moral, when in fact they also kill other people. The film uses this to their advantage because, along with everything mentioned earlier, it demonstrates how unexpected this event was, which is something that the producers really …show more content…

Stats show that one in four women in North America will be sexually assaulted in their life (Sexual Assault Statistics in Canada, n.d.) and just in this film there were two women, which does show how prevalent it is. The other fact that these sexual assaults happened in the women’s homes also supported the statistics that 80% of sexual assaults occur in the victim’s home (Sexual Assault Statistics in Canada, n.d.). However, what made the story shocking, and what the producers kept implying was that none of the victims actually knew Williams. Statistics have shown that about 80% of the attackers know their victims through family or friends (Sexual Assault Statistics in Canada, n.d.), which is inconsistent with the story of Russell Williams. This offered a shock value to the story, and also made the story creepier because he was a random invader. We would not be as scared if it was someone that we knew because we tend to believe that we can trust the people we

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