It was a nice sunny day in the Ocotillo wells desert. There were six families camping with us in six different Rvs. All of us little kids were playing around were playing around in the sand. Some of the parents wanted to go for a ride on there quads while the other half of the parents stayed and watch us. So my parents and the other adults left while we stayed at the camp site. Time passed and our parents are still gone, about an hour later we see my dad alone riding his quad fast toward us. He stopped and sprang off his quad and rushed in the trailer. "Wheres mom, and everyone else"? I said. Mom drove off a cliff and crashed. My mom was rushed to the hospital and was taken by a helicopter.
I had lacrosse practice on the hottest day of summer. The best day was going to jump off a cliff and die. Practice was done and I was hungry for food. I got in my mom’s car and asked my mom to go somewhere and get some food. We went to Taco Bell. I finished and was ready to go home and get a shower. We were going down the road and suddenly my mom got a phone call from my aunt. As soon as my mom started to talk to my aunt she started to cry and break down. She
It was a hot summer day on Lake Logan Martin, perfect for taking out the jet skis with my best friend Jake. We were showing off and trying to impress some hot girls on a pontoon when all the sudden, Jakes jet ski went flying upside down through the air like a drunk pelican. Before I knew it, all I could see was the bright orange and yellow colors of his jet ski zooming by my head, and Jake hit the water head first causing water to splash all over my face. I rushed over to where his jet ski landed and I was sure he was dead. I dove into the lake and grabbed him, he felt lifeless as I drug him to the surface. A patrol boat sped up to us and helped pull him on the boat. Thankfully he just suffered from a broken clavicle and a broken arm but it
Our families hiked up to the top of Nevada Falls and there we sat down to picnic, near this beautiful Falls. We broke out our box lunches, opened our soda's. A few minutes into enjoying our food, I looked up about ten feet behind the group and above the rest of the party. Here comes a Mother black bear over the rise with her baby cub. Seeing this instant trouble, I told every one to drop their food and back away. The Mother herself looked only to be not more than five or six years old. And to quote my girls the cub was "adorable." We all backed away and watched the mother sort through our lunch, and decide
We were all scared. My grandpa, dad and I running straight into the track. The only thought there was in my mind was, he isn 't okay. Making sure that he turns over and lays on his back as someone calls 911, I left to go get the cart from the trailer. As I left the track to get it, I start crying, fearing the worst. I run back the track and have my dad help me put the car on the trailer cart and pull it back to the trailer and run back to my uncle. As I got back to my uncle, he was talking some intolerable words. After a few minuets, I heard my name from him.
As soon as we pulled up me and my brother Spencer jumped out of the car like we were bungee jumping, although I still kinda felt really sick, but there was no time to chicken out and ruin this perfect day so I sucked it up and went with it. We took the Six Flags bus to get closer to the park. The bus had a circle in the middle that spun so I asked my mom if I could sit there and she said, yes! They were sitting in the front of the bus where I couldn't see them but it didn't matter. I felt like I was already on a roller coaster because every time he would turn a corner I would go flying. I looked out the window and saw the most beautiful tree I have ever laid my blue eyeballs on, in my life. All I could think of is I will never see a tree that beautiful in my life! After what feels like an hour on the bus I get really sick and tired of the “pretend rollercoaster” so I look out the window to see another really pretty tree! “My goodness they have a lot of beautiful trees” I say under my breath and think nothing of it. A few more minutes go by and the
My brother, my mom, his friend, and I was going to a Vacation for the weekend, driving to San Diego. We've admire and took picture of the sun setting the ocean with the rippling flow and could hear the noise of the ocean fresh breezes, when we got the hotel we was all tired, but we had to get registered a room to go to sleep in. The next day my mom , my brother, and his friend went somewhere without me, selling puppy's to two people. When I waked up and notice that they was gone, I called my mom and said," Mom where are you guys, and long has it been since you guys left," she said, " three hours, and selling the puppy's right now, but it will take a while when come back, so get ready to go get something to eat, ok," ok," I said. when I was
It was the weekend before christmas, there wasn't snow but it was cold. We were leaving Home Depot. My boyfriend was driving his grey minivan. I was in the passenger seat next to him with his two friends in the back and a few of his other friends following us in Ethans van. The light turned green and we went down that road like every other time, but that time was different. We hit a patch of black ice. Boom. We hit the curb and s. I turned to look if everyone was okay as a flash of lights came from behind. It was kenneth's friends in the other car, they were coming up fast.
I remember when I was 11 me and my dad were walking in a park near our house and my dad saw one of his friends kids who was 7 running around in the playground. My dad went up to him and asked him where his dad was and he said his dad had left him there. What surprised me though was that the kid said that he had been there since 11 and it was already 3. So my dad called his friend and told him that if he knew his kid was there and he said yes. After that my dad called his wife and she had to come from work and pick him up she was very angry because she thought her husband was going to take their son to his grandma's house.
It was a cold stormy night. The house was still. I was lying in bed when I heard a series of knocks at the door. As I descended the stairs the knocks were getting louder and louder. I thought to myself, "Who could be at the door this late at night?" When I opened the door there was a tall man dressed all in black. He smelled of fish and looked like he just walked out of a mud pit. He was having car troubles and needed to use the phone. I invited him in and told him that the phone was down the hall in the living room. Instead of calling the tow truck he called his friend, George, to come pick him up. I invited him to have a cup of coffee and some cookies while he waited for his friend to pick him up. We talked for about an hour when there
It was almost dark, my uncle called the cops to report a missing person statement. The cops were so mean. They legit told my uncle that they would not go out and search for him until he goes missing for 10 days. We had no other options but wait and pray. It was dead quiet, silence filled the room. My uncle heard a knock on the door. We all thought it was my dad. My mom and uncle rushed to the door to see if it was him. When my uncle opens the door, a stranger was standing there. He looked worried and like didn't know how to start talking or introduce himself. My uncle asked what he wanted and the man was like “ Is this Bassam’s brother?”. Bassam was my
We got in my dad’s truck and headed to our house. I still remember this like the day was yesterday my dad turned to me and my brother and said “I hope you boys never have to experience anything like this ever again In your life’s.” We got back to our house and it was perfectly fine. A tree fell across the road which would become our tree house for weeks to come. There was no power what so ever so at night there was no air or lights. My dad pulled a mattress into the living room and me, mom, and my brother laid on it and my dad would sit up all night basically fanning us with a huge piece of card
The next day when my parents returned home from work, they called me into the living room. This scared me a little, they only did this when something bad was happening. When I walked into the living room, my father was sitting in a chair and my mother was sitting on our couch. When
When I woke up a walk down stairs and I was wondering where my mom was because we are supposed to go to 6 flags today. I was so excited I couldn't wait. Then I ran up to my mom's room and there she is sleeping in her bed. I yelled WAKE UP we are supposed to go to 6 flags today. She said oh I forgot then we both jumped in the shower before we left. Then we were on our way to 6 flags. We left at 8:00am so she said we would be there at 10:00am. ZOOM!!! the car went by us in a flash. We barely saw it. Then my mom gave me a large box when we stopped at kwik trip. She said I couldn't open it till tomorrow. Then we got back on the road. I was listening to the music for most of the ride. Then there it was my favorite song was on. I told my mom to crank it up.
It was the summer of ’95 and one day I woke up and felt really sick. I lived alone ever since the passing of my dear husband, John, since I lived alone I needed someone to take care of me just in case something really horrible went wrong! Well anyway, I had called my daughter that morning and she sent little red riding hood on an adventure to get to my house to spend the night. About 45 minutes later I heard a loud knock on the door, being the curious
It was the first Sunday of December morning when my father asked me to take some boxes to the basement, I had never been down there, as a kid I always thought it was scary, but know as a 19-year-old guy, how could I say no. I went downstairs with a couple of boxes, but could not find any place to put them. The area was a mess, so I decided that I would organize every box that was there. While I was organizing, I notice this one box hidden in the back, so, I decided to open it. Inside the box, there was a newspaper and a couple of burnt pictures. Therefore, I decided to read the article, I could not understand much, it was an 18 years old newspaper, but it talked about a burning house with two twin babies, It said that one had been saved with no harm while the other one was rescued later on with severe burn mark. It was a miracle that other baby had survived, they called him miracle Carlos, and his brother Richard. I stood there for a second before my brain processed