
Rwanda Genocide Research Paper

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The 100 days of slaughter might have been one of the most tragic genocide in the shortest period of time. Many people believe that this awful catastrophe could have been less of a disaster if the United States of America would have got in the middle of it. Even if the United Sates would have tried to get involved in the Rwanda genocide and maybe been able to prevent all those people from dying and stop the genocide before it became a huge issue. The United States already lost many troops in Somalia and couldn't afford to lose and more and even if they did get involved, many people would have still been put to death. Therefore, I think it was a good decision for the United States to not get involved. In 1994, over 800,000 people were killed …show more content…

Years prior, Belgium had created two political parties. The Union for National Progress and the Christian Democracy Party were created in 1948. The Union for National Progress (UPRONA) was under authority of Louis Rwagsore. Rwagsore was the Tutsi President at the time before he was killed in 1961. The Christian Democracy Party (PDC) was led by the Belgians. The Hutu Emancipation Movement, otherwise know as, Parmehutu, overthrow the Tutsi monarchy in 1959. The Tutsi people then fled Rwanda and started a new political party called the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF). …show more content…

On April 4, 1994, Hutu President, Juvenal Habyaimana and another Hutu leader, Cyprien Ntaryamira were on an airplane flying back to Rwanda. The plane was shot down and everyone on board was killed. The Hutu people blamed the terrorist attack on the RPF political group. They began to create hit lists for the Hutu militia to kill all of the Tutsi officials. Roadblocks were set up by the Hutu and if Tutsi people tried to pass, their IDs were checked. If they had any form of Tutsi identification, they were killed. The slaughter was just getting started. Neighbors were killing neighbors. Friends were killing friends. Family was killing family. Even religious leaders were killing the Tutsi people. There was thought to be no stop to the slaughter. (BBC) Many people believe that another country should have tried to stop the genocide. One country that people believed should have stepped in was the United States of America. The United States had just gotten out of Somalia and they lost a lot of troops there already. They could not afford to get in the middle of a war when they had no business being in it anyway.

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