
Ryan Air Case Study

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Ryan Air Case Study
Strategic Management


Table of Contents

Step 1: Identifying the positioning questions
1.1 Summary of the case pg. 2
1.2 Main Questions & Problems pg. 3
1.3 How was the strategy developed? pg. 3
Step 2: Gathering & analyzing the facts
2.1 Ryan Air Environment Analyses pg. 3
2.2 Ryan Air Strategic Capability Analyses pg. 5
2.4 Ryan Air Competitive Strategy & Business Model Analysis pg. 5
2.5 Ryan Air Stakeholder expectations & purposes Analysis pg. 7
2.6 Ryan Air Economics Analysis pg. 9
2.7 SWOT Analysis pg.10
Step 3: Alternative Courses of Action
3.1 Alternative courses of action pg.11
3.2 Evaluation considering mission & long term goals pg.12
3.3 Advantages & …show more content…

These should include the rise in fuel costs and considering history, terrorist attacks.
Even though surveys show that customer satisfaction is not up to the standards of their competitors such as Easyjet, Ryan Air is still an attractive choice for the customer base which is budget conscious and likes no frill and low cost travel.
In 2000, Ryan Air launched its website where over 95% of bookings are made online. This saves the company from marketing and agent costs, while fulfilling the customer’s expectations of a simple online booking system. Further, Ryan air keeps upgrading its fleet to modern aircraft.
Optimizes efficiency, as among the 20 largest airlines by passenger volume Ryan air has shown to be the cleanest, using barely more than a third the fuel to transport its average passenger one mile compared to the least efficient, American Eagle.
Ryan Air has been in court for misleading advertising campaigns and inefficient services offered to the disables. Further, they have been accused of receiving illegal subsidies from an airport.

Porters Five Forces Analysis: this frame work is used to determine how attractive the low cost airline industry is terms of the competitive forces.
Competitive force
Type of Threat
Level of Threat for Ryan Air
Potential Entrants
Threat of Entry
It is hard legally and very

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