
SAPA Project: My Personality Strengths

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According to the SAPA Project personality test, it showed my personality strengths are openness, agreeableness, and emotional stability (SAPA Project, 2015). These strengths, to me, describes me perfectly. Conscientiousness and agreeableness were almost equal. The test describes my openness as being able to think outside the box and being open to new or different ideas. It mentioned that open minded people “think in symbols and abstractions far removed from concrete experience, such as mathematical, logical, or geometric thinking” (SAPA Project, 2015). In our discussion this week, one of my talents are actually being able to teach math. If there is any connection to me being able to teach math, perhaps I am opened-minded. I tend to think …show more content…

It described my personality accurately. Reference SAPA Project. (n.d). Retrieved on March 11, 2016 from I think organization do not take enough time to identify the strengths each person has. When we join an organization, we are put in positions where we are needed, versus doing what we know best. I hear often at my job the term “business needs.” What I understand from that is we need to do what is best for business. But if the business took time to understand and applied the talents within the company, the business needs will flourish. One step that can be taken to help better develop and make use of strengths is to communication and engage with everyone within the organization. According to the article Strengths From Chaos, it states “Employees demonstrating a high level of engagement are actively involved, show a high level of commitment, and demonstrate great satisfaction with the organization.” (Lask, 2010). In other words, if you are engaged in the organization, then you will be better at what you are doing. That same concept can be geared towards using our abilities. From personal experience, if I had a position where I am using my strengths on a daily bases I will strive to …show more content…

(2010). Strength from chaos: Utilizing a strengths-based approach to facilitate the formation of a career self-concept. Career Planning & Adult Development Journal, 26(1), 66-73. The term “strength-based” can be defined as using your best abilities and applying them to your position. I feel people are more relaxed and comfortable when they are using their strengths within an organization. Those abilities can be beneficial to an organization by increasing productivity and job retention (Zimenoff, 2015). Productivity is one of the most important part of a company’s success. It can determine an organization’s growth or failure. In the article CHANGE YOUR FOCUS, CHANGE YOUR TEAM: An Integrated, Strengths-Based Approach to Corporate Career Development, Marie Zimenoff describes how productivity can effect an organization on a financial level: “Most human resource leaders are familiar with this research, which also provides alarming cost data associated with productivity loss. In 2013, Gallup estimated that actively disengaged employees cost the U.S. between $450 billion to $550 billion each year in lost productivity (Lipman, 2013). “ (Zimenoff,

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