
SAT Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

Education continues to produce class inequality due to standardized tests, specifically the SAT. The SAT is a standardized test in the United States that is used to evaluate students and provides a chance for students to obtain scholarships and admission into colleges. However, while everyone is provided an opportunity to take this test, research has been done to show that there is a positive relationship between income and test score. As the income increases, there is roughly a 12 point increase in score for every test section in the SAT. By implementing SAT into colleges and scholarships, education itself is empowering those who are already wealthy to get into better colleges or receive scholarships. Education reproduces class inequality by giving students the same opportunity to succeed but not exactly giving students a fair opportunity to succeed. …show more content…

Yes, there are those who are indeed poor and score very well on their standardized tests. An argument that could easily arrive is that there are individuals that are of lower income who do end up scoring very well on their standardized test. To that argument, there is an acknowledgement of human agency, which allows humans to choose, and to behave intentionally. By adding human agency, student’s behavior cannot be determined, but rather probabilistic. Humans have intentions that natural science cannot define or explain on its own. There are individuals who are of lower income that score very well on their SAT, there are also individuals who are of higher income that score very poorly on their SAT. However as a society, the majority of students who come from a lower income family, generally score lower than the majority of students who come from a higher income

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