
SCA3: Symptomatic Treatment

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Currently, there is no cure or medication that has been proven to modify or slow the course of the disease [5,6]. SCA3 is multifactorial and treatment is individualized; Treatment is determined by the symptoms that are presented from case-to-case. The primary goal of the symptomatic treatment is to improve the quality of lives of these individuals, as there are no curative options [6]. Medications are accepted and widely used to reduce symptoms of certain underlying conditions such as depression, fatigue, and pain. Pain itself plays a large role in the treatment of this disease. Nearly all patients with SCA3 report pain and fatigue associated their other symptoms [4]. SCA3 is treated using a team approach with physical therapy, occupational …show more content…

Patients will report to physical therapists with a multitude of impairments throughout the progression of the disease. The most prominent impairments will present during cerebellar testing. Patients will show signs of dysmetria, dysphasia, dysdiadochokinesia, and ataxia primarily as a result of the atrophy and damage to the cerebellum. Instability and lack of postural control will be demonstrated during the Romberg's test. Additionally, cranial nerve testing will have positive results for many cranial nerve palsies such as CN III, V, VII, IX, and XII. Patients show weakness in their trunk and extremities during the manual muscle testing. Vestibular testing will result in abnormal VOR, saccades, smooth pursuits and nystagmus. As a result of these impairments, patients experience functional limitations. Primarily, these patients are considered to be “high fall risks,” which ultimately decreases their independence due to weakness, instability and decreased postural control. These patients will feel uncomfortable in many situations and be unable to function independently in the community. This creates an increased risk for further injury. Due to the dysmetria and weakness, patients will also experience difficulty with their daily living skills, such as maintaining proper hygiene; They will have trouble bathing themselves and brushing their teeth without assistive equipment. PT interventions can help minimize and control these limitations. The implementation of balance training and assistive devices will be imperative interventions for an individual to modify and adapt to their gait

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