
SIT-R3: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Measurements After receiving Cherry’s limited medical records, it was noted by her doctor that there were concerns about developmental delays in speech, fine motor and adaptive functioning, and self-reported difficulty remembering things. In the most recent medical record, from her stay in the hospital four years ago for childbirth, the attending physician noted that further testing was required to assess Cherry’s intellectual ability. After asking Cherry specifically about this, she indicated that her parents had told her that she was different and that she did not need a test to confirm that. After having Cherry sign a release of information, so that the counselor could speak with her parents, her mom indicated that she always knew that …show more content…

This indicates a high degree of inter item consistency. Additionally, the standard error of measurement (SEM) within the age groups (4 to 64.9) fell mostly between 3 and 5 points (Slosson et al., 2008). The supplemental data on the stability of the SIT-R3 was reported utilizing a group of 41 individuals that were retested at a 1-week interval. The conditions produced a reliability coefficient of .96. Further, the split-half reliability of .97 was calculated using the Spearman-Brown correction and the Rulon procedure for the total sample (Slosson et al., 2008). A particularly intriguing aspect of the SIT-R3 is that a vocational rehabilitation counselor can be the administrator of the test; hence, the need to contract an outside agency, or additional funds to pay for the administration of the test, are not necessary (Hansmann & Zimmerman, 2008). Notwithstanding the usefulness of the SIT-R3 as a screening tool for possible presentation of an intellectual disability, a critique of this tool, as stated earlier, is that this test should only be used as an initial screening measurement to determine whether or not more in-depth assessment may be necessary. Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive

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