
SMART Board Report

Decent Essays
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Students will now trade papers with someone in their group.
“Trade papers with a partner in your group”
7. “In box number two on your new paper, please write your name.”
8. “Take a minute to review the drawing in front of you in box number one.”
9. “Who can show me or tell me which direction the Earth is revolving and rotating?”
Students should respond by saying or motioning with their hands the movement of counterclockwise.
10. Students will watch the video one more time.
11. Students will draw another model in box number two of their peers’ papers.
12. The lead teacher will pass out a small piece of notebook paper and students will write their names on the top.
“Please write your name on the small piece of paper being passed out, this …show more content…

Students will be provided with the sentence starters “I see…” “I think...” and will be asked to use the sentence starters to respond to the question that will be posted on the SMART Board doc cam: “How is Earth moving in Space?”
Higher Level Question: Using the media station for reference, if it takes one year for the Earth to revolve around the Sun one time, where would the Earth be in the sixth month of the …show more content…

The following items will be written in a list format for students to choose from:
(Earth, Sun, North pole, South pole, night, day, equator, and arrows representing rotation)
Next, the lead teachers will ask the students the following inquiry question: “What causes day and night?”
Students will be selected to demonstrate, using the evidence they’ve collected or the models they’ve built, what causes day and night.
The lead teachers will ask students: “Who can act out and explain what movements of Earth in Space contribute to day and night on Earth?”
Higher Level Question: If one revolution around the Sun takes 365 days, how many times does the Earth rotate in one revolution?
Possible Answer: 365 times
Many students will be selected to demonstrate and explain using the evidence they collected through drawings, discussion, and observations.
Closure: (10 minutes)
“Before the end of today’s science lesson you must complete a ticket to leave.”
Pass out “Day and Night In Space!” worksheet.
“Please put your name at the top and this ticket to leave. This is an independent activity. It must be completed individually. When you are done, please flip your paper over, and a teacher will collect it from

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