
SNL: What Does It Do To Politics

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SNL: What Does It Do to Politics?

One thing that has been around for a very long time is comedy, and it has become a part of almost everybody's lives. When it comes to comedy, there are many different subjects that are discussed. One topic that is targeted a lot more when being compared to other topics is politics. When discussing politics and comedy one thing that usually comes up in shows like Saturday Night Live and other late-night comedy type shows. Since the beginning of these shows they have made fun of the political parties and many politicians that have either taken office or were running for office. One of the biggest questions is whether or not these shows can have some major influence on the way that the viewers of the show …show more content…

The person that was seemed to be targeted the most was Sarah Palin, who was being portrayed by Tina Fey. According to Baumgartner, Morris, and Walth in 2012, the performances made by Tina Fey made it seem like Sarah Palin was a very misinformed politician. I would agree with their idea, because just about every time I saw Tina Fey dressed as Sarah Palin, she seemed to act like more of an uneducated person saying words that don’t even exist. This eventually led to what a lot of people know as the "Fey Effect," which is basically the cause for Palin's poll number to go down (Baumgartner, Morris, and Walth 2012). This was most likely the result of Palin losing favorability to some of the voters, because they started to see her as very dull minded and not very fit to be the Vice President. One of the ideas of why people tend to react in such a way to these performances would be because they are used to seeing bad things said about politicians with the use of negative political ads during elections. Then they are exposed to the television shows like Saturday Night Live where it shows these politicians acting in an unfavorable way, and makes them feel like they really are not the best …show more content…

In a study over the audience that usually watches late night comedy TV shows, most of the people that watched them were getting more information about the campaign than they usually would (Young 2004). This is good for politicians, because it gets people up to date in politics, which can help increase the liking for certain candidates. When they tell different jokes about different candidates, it also adds liking to them. One of the main jokes that was told about Al Gore was that people thought of him as wooden. When people heard this, they thought of it as a way of making Gore seem more human to people (Young 2004). When such jokes can help a candidate gain favor, it causes the favor of the other candidate to drop. When it came to the 2000 election between Gore and Bush, it seemed like it was going back and forth between favorability between the two. This was because of the jokes that pointed out some of their flaws and some of their good

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