1) Attending the STEM academy will do nothing, but benefit me. For starters, joining the academy will motivate me to push myself to my full potential. I’ve never tried hard in school, mostly because nothing seemed to interest me. If I get accepted to the academy, I will push myself harder because these classes can determine my life, which brings me to my next point. The courses STEM offers, ( specifically biomedical ) will give me a better understanding of the field I wish to work in. Even if I end up losing interest in the biomedical field, I would greatly benefit from it. STEM will give me a taste of what the field is like and if I don’t like it, I can reconsider what I want to do with my life. I’d rather switch my major during high school
Tyler woke up on a Saturday morning and got ready for the six hour car ride to what would be his new home for the next four years, Ohio Northern University. He said good bye to his mom and both of his miniature schnauzers, Bonnie and Clyde. Tyler then left with his dad to embark on a four year journey that he hoped to be full of friendship, knowledge, learning, and most importantly success.
I have been interested in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) for as long as I can remember. In school I received many more opportunities to broaden my horizons. As soon as I found out about it, I joined the Robotics team. My experience being a part of this team has been quite crucial to my decision about what I want to study in college. Robotics made me realize that Engineering is a very exciting field. The countless problems and the time crunches are quite invigorating. I was the Programming Captain in my junior year and I am currently the Robot Manager of the team. The courses I took throughout my high school career have also been crucial to my decision. I
STEM gave the tools and skills necessary to apply to amazing internship and encourage me to be an outgoing student. While in high school I participated in clubs such as civil engineering and animal rescue club where I helped collect $500 in donations for dogs in the BARCS Animal Shelter by selling chocolate bars. I have also participated as a member in the National Honors Society where we commit to scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Taking advantage of all these experiences helped make me develop and mature as a person.
I am writing to apply for the High School Assistant Principal positions for Iroquois Central School District. I am extremely interested in the position and would be honored to have the opportunity to present myself. Below are attributes that qualify me to be a strong candidate. I have degrees in Interior Design and Industrial Design. I am certified to teach Art and Technology K-12; I have a Master’s of Science in Industrial Technology and I completed my School Building Leader certification in the fall of 2011.
My passion for mathematics was fixed at the age of ten, on the morning that my mathematics teacher told I would be sitting the Junior Maths Challenge, 'as practice for when you are older'. As I nervously started to answer the questions, a whole world began to open before me. I revelled in the problem solving, answering questions of a nature I had not seen before. My teachers were delighted when I emerged from the exam hungry for more. Since then I have consistently demonstrated my aptitude, achieving gold awards through to senior level, and scoring highly in the European Kangaroo.
My effort to serve my community have been an immensely important area that I always try to expand on. From my hundred and seventy service hours, I have learned that giving back even in small amounts positively affects the lives of the people involved. My favorite memories of serving my local area is during the special NJROTC ceremonies when I am able to see the wonderful faces of veterans and military families when we present the colors or the veteran with a flag. Through school, I have been able to see the faces of incoming freshmen in my workroom mature into the present sophomores and the students today. In my church, I am apart of the Ushering team which assists with the service every few weeks. Through this, I am able to see the bright
The STEM Early College has played a tremendous role in my growth over the last four years. Starting out my ninth grade year I was very shy and I would only talk to a select few people. But now after four years I have come out of my shell. I am still a shy person but I talk to almost everyone, and I can stand in front of a crowd and speak. Along with my communication skills I have also learned how to approach things in life, such as a job, classes, and a challenge. I have learned how to manage my time and obligations.
Throughout high school, I challenged myself by taking Advanced Placement math and science courses, such as chemistry, physics, and calculus. These classes jump started my interest in pursuing a STEM related career. I also had the opportunity to take an Introduction into Engineering and an Engineering
When I was three years old, I could be found standing on fountains at the local mall and putting on concerts for passers by. Now, at 18 years old, the same joy I felt singing in the middle of a mall is what I feel crafting stories on stage and pursuing a character’s truth. Throughout the years, theatre has been an immensely important creative outlet for me, and the confidence I have found on stage has translated in my real life, making me a stronger person. As I pursue higher education in this field, I am excited at the prospect of continuing my studies at the University of Michigan, and being able to take advantage of all the opportunities I am so passionate about.
As I mentioned in my first essay, I wish to pursue a career in either the medical field or technologies that contribute to the medical field. Both interests deal directly with STEM. STEM is a gateway for me to live my dreams and succeed in a field that is difficult to enter without the correct steps taken and references known. Majoring in STEM would provide me the education and contacts needs to enter the medical or technological field at an advantage. I believe that STEM is truly a resource that allows students to focus on their studies more intently and unearth his/her passions in an academic world. For myself personally, STEM would help me to narrow down the fields of medicine and technology to the precise profession that suits my interests. Likewise, in a world that is creating new careers daily, STEM is one of the few pathways that adapts to the growing diversity of options, and facilitates ubiquitous knowledge for success no matter the circumstance. To me, that means that I can reach my hand into the currently unknown world and create my own course of action with certainty that I will meet success along my way. There is no better way to enjoy life, than to find a passion and chase after it, and I conclude that STEM will allow me to do
STEM teaching is the acronym of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM teaching gives you a higher income. It’s part of our daily lives; technology would be our smart phones, smartboards, computers, and tablets. It’s estimated that 80% of jobs available for the years to come will require having math and science skills. “Growing field- 1 in 20 jobs are said to be STEM related by the year 2018” (Dominique Waldron). I think STEM teaching is a smart
The position of honors is a much valued and highly respected position in which only a select few are chosen for its place. I myself believe that I am a suitable candidate for such a position given the type of person that I am as well as my personal experiences through business.
Maya Angelou once said “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style”. I believe that some people are complacent with mediocrity and therefore do not try to excel to their highest potential. As for me, furthering my future by attending college will help rise above the horizon of being average. I want to put my willing, intellectual, open mindedness, and so much more to good use.
Since the time when I was little, my parents always encourage me to do the best, work hard, become educated and have a positive life style at a very young age. My earliest memories are that of reading interesting books because I love to read and do my science whiz experiments. However, I also had great interests in playing with Lego pieces and conducting fun chemistry games in my own tiny lab. It was a fun time for me; at least that’s how I recall it now. The only things I had to worry about were: what will I have for lunch today, which chemistry game or Lego pieces do I want to play with and my team winning the sports games I use to compete in.
If someone asked me where I am going to be in ten years, this would be my answer. I will have a great, high-paying job, and beautiful wife and family, and a nice sports car parked in front of my lovely house. When I look into the future, I see myself being successful and happy. Even though I always pictured myself this way, I never worried too much about how I would get there. I feel the Suffolk University can lay the groundwork for making these dreams into reality.