
Sacramento Drinking Water Case Study

Decent Essays

The extent of lead exposure in Sacramento drinking water can be determined by three factors, which include the magnitude, frequency, and duration of exposure, to the population they contaminate. The magnitude of lead in Sacramento drinking water can be determined by the number of homes or buildings that possess the use of lead soldering within copper or galvanized steel pipes that are joined with a brass faucet; which was a common practice in pre-1950s homes. According to Environmental HealthGrove, the percent of homes built before 1950 in Sacramento County, California is about 11.4%. This is lower than both the California average of 16.20% and the national average of 25.45% of pre-1950s homes. If those homes built before 1950 still contain lead soldering within their copper or galvanized steel pipes, then the magnitude of exposure to lead in the Sacramento population can be determined by testing the blood-lead levels in Sacramento children. According to the CDC’s Environmental Health Tracking Network, the Sacramento County average for lead in drinking water is 0.6% blood lead levels between 5-9 ug/dL in children The high average percentage of children under …show more content…

This information can be gathered by examining the overall consumption of tap water by age in the United States, and more specifically toddler and infant ages where lead is most dangerous to consume. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average child ranging from 6 to 11 months consumes an average of .20 L/day of tap water, and the average 2 year old consumes .50 L/day of tap water in the United States. This information suggests that an infant or toddler living in a home with lead soldered pipes may consume up a frequency of .20 to .50 L/day of lead contaminated water which can lead to adverse effects for the development of those

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