The Sacredness of Mount Olympus � PAGE * MERGEFORMAT �1�
Sacred places represent the essential spirit of human kind, and at some point in time, was part of a significant event, ceremony, or spiritual worship. People venture to sacred places to satisfy the human spirit 's desire for communion with themselves and their collective humanity. Sacred sites are the most loved and visited places on planet earth. When one arrives at a spiritual destination they find themselves closer to their individual realities. These places have the power to awaken the soul and enlighten the mind. Though some places today, such as Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, exist today as sacred places, they usually carry a different significance from those of mythological
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The figurative home for the 12 gods has deeper meaning now, and faces heavy challenges to preserve it.
According to Greek mythology the summit, shut from sight of men on earth by clouds, is home of the Olympian gods. Later the name Olympus was given to the remote heavenly palace of the gods, and only the twelve most important Greek gods lived there. The leader of the Greek gods Zeus lived there (he was the ruler of the heavens and earth). His queen Hera lived there along with their children Ares, Hermes, Apollo, Hephaestus, Athena, Aphrodite, and Artemis. Zeus 's brothers Poseidon and Hades also lived there while ruling the seas and the underworld. The Olympians lived in majestic splendor similar to human beings in both their physical appearance and character traits. The gods would feast on ambrosia and nectar and took delight in mortal loves, sometimes even producing children, whom were known to be demigods, since they were half god and half mortal.
Sometime during the 6th century B.C. the Olympian gods began to yield in importance to the mystery cults. Their beliefs changed again at the rise of Christianity. The Olympic Games started on Mount Olympus, held every four years as a celebration to honor Zeus. There the athletic games and contests of choral poetry and dance were invented. The games where held from 776 B.C. to A.D. 393. They originated on the plain of Olympia in Elis, and in the town of Olympia.
The Olympic games were an athletic competition help in Greece around every four years from 776 B.C.E. In 776 B.C.E, the first olympics were held in Athens where many competitors clashed during the sporting events. The olympics then stopped in 393 C.E. due to Theodosius I’s orders on stopping the olympic events. Later during 1896, the modern olympics began to take place. The olympics were different from the ancient olympics in that the competition was shaped due to social, political, and economic reasons.
Mount Olympus is the highest mountain range in Greece. The mountain is 9,570 feet tall and it divides Thessaly from Macedonian. The Greeks believed that upon Mount Olympus there were gods. In document 2 is says,”they worshiped the gods and believed they controlled every part of daily life like the weather, crops, love, money, and business.” This was a positive for them because the gods are responsible for the good and it is out of their control so they will have less stress and the gods could give them good thing in return.
The Olympics come as far as 776 BC, from the ancient Greece, but the first official winter games
The Olympics have been around since the 776 BCE as far as researchers are concerned.The Olympics were founded by Hercules,son of Zeus, according to legend.A man named Corobus was the first ever olympic winner in history. The Olympics were held every 4 years. The games went on for nearly 1,200 years; later, in 392 BCE the emperor established the Game's (History of the Olympics).
They are called Olympians because they live in Mt. Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece which is located in Thessaly in North East of Greece
Shrines are sacred places because of there connection to religious event, a saint, a holy relic, or the presence of a god (Bellows,201). They can be temples or caves, in cities or in the wilderness. Shrines are considered ancient landmarks for places where religions may have lived or died. A place where a miracle is said to have occurred or some divine manifestations. Shrines are sacred for a variety of reasons, but all have a sacred connection.
Ylla was written as part of a collection of short story, The Martian Chronicles written by Ray Bradbury. The Chronicles tell a tale of humans fleeing earth after an atomic fall out and their experiences with extraterrestrial encounters. The Martian Chronicles were written in the 1950’s by an American author after World War Two. During World War Two the U. S. was running experiments with atomic weapons and eventually used them against Japan. Ray Bradbury is well known for his works such as Fahrenheit 451, I Sing the Body and The Illustrated Man. He won the Pulitzer citation for his works in 2007.
The first accounts of the Ancient Olympic games trace back to the year 776 BC. Held at Olympia, the games were thought to have been dedicated to the ‘Olympian gods’, Hera, Athena, Apollo and most prodimately, Zeus, the god of the sky and the ruler of the Olympian gods. Ancient myths associated with the beginning games stated that Zeus, the father of humanity, have fought and defeated Cronus in a battle for the throne of the gods. Others predicted demigod Herakles staged the games in Zeus’s honour, as he had assisted him in conquering Elis. Olympia, the site in which the games were held, was located in the Western part of the Peloponnese. The sacred area held numerous temples and sporting facilities, as the site was used for both the Ancient Olympic games
The start of the Ancient Olympics early 776 B.C. The Olympics were every four years started
On August 4, 1914, President Woodrow Wilson delivered his proclamation declaring the U.S. an uninvolved neutral country in regard to WWI. The Great War, the war to end all wars was wreaking havoc all across Europe, but the American public desired to stay neutral. Reasons for neutrality included fear of losing loved ones, socialism because the war was believed to be to be a capitalist venture to protect imperialism, the rise of pacifists who believed war was wrong for any reason, and naturalized citizens afraid they would be forced to kill those from their old county on the battlefield. But by April 2, 1917 the country had chosen to enter the war for various reasons that were moral, economic and political. The U.S. was strongly justified in to enter the war for moral reasons, substantially justified economically, but weakly politically justified.
Unlike religious gods today, the Greek gods resembled human being in their form and their emotions, and suffered from the same dilemmas humans throughout time have faced. The Greeks believe in many gods and think they are very much like people. They have both supernatural powers and human weaknesses. The gods would fight, play on each other, gets angry or jealous, and steal from each other. The Olympian Gods live atop Mt. Olympus in Greece behind a gate of clouds. They watch the mortals down on earth which they can visit any time, and are responsible for the success or failure of human life. The Greeks worship their gods, pray, give offerings, and build temples to please the gods so they will not give any punishments.
Mount Olympus was the home of the Greek gods. It was chosen as their home because of its altitude, for Zeus, the king of the gods, was associated with the sky. Within the mythology, Mt. Olympus was large, foreboding
Although the original ancient Olympic Games can be traced back to 776 B.C, Homer’s Iliad indicates they may have existed as early as the twelfth century BC. The Games were then continued for twelve centuries and were devoted to Olympian deities. Olympia turned into the site of these memorable ancient Olympic games that scattered the seeds for the largest global sporting events of current times, the Modern Olympics. The location of the Ancient Olympics is situated in the western part of Peloponnese. The Ancient Olympic Games continued until 393 A.D when Emperor Theodosius I of Rome discontinued them. There were not any more Olympic games for fifteen hundred years before they were resurrected in 1896 in the city of Athens. The man in charge of the recreation of the Olympic games was a Frenchman named Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who introduced the thought in 1894. He proposed to stage the games in Paris in 1900 but representatives, from thirty-four nations were so captivated with the idea that they persuaded him to move the Games up to 1896 and have Athens serve as the host.
"The Olympics are a wonderful metaphor for world cooperation, the kind of international competition that's wholesome and healthy, an interplay between countries that represents the best in all of us,” said John Williams, the composer for theme music for the Olympics (8). The Olympic Games are international sports festivals that began in ancient Greece. The first ancient Olympics can be traced back to 776 BC when people held this religious festival to honour Zeus, the father of all the Greek gods and goddesses. The participants were male citizens from Greece, and these athletes participated in only one event — foot race. Unfortunately, this ancient Olympics did not last forever. The first olympic in 776 BC in Olympia was an significant event
The Olympic Games, was once a significant athletic festival that originated in ancient Greece as a religious festival which was revived in the late 19th century as a secular competition to