After spending four years in Royal Military Academy and a year in Transportation School as an officer student, I was designated to serve at the 2nd Group of Transportation as a Transportation Platoon chief. This first assignment was very important for my military career, because it has shaped my personality and affected the conduct of many future assignments. In this case, what are the important lessons learned from my first assignment and which of them has the major impact on my professional life. The necessity of being too close to my subordinates, the ability to work in civilian or other environments and the importance of sacrifice virtue are the major lessons learned in my first military assignment. In order to debate this thesis statement, this essay will tackle the first lesson which concerns leadership, then the importance of the adaptation before ending by the virtue of sacrifice. …show more content…
Transportation Branch, unlike other branches is active and movable either in peace time or war time. This feature obliges the transportation units to operate far from their bases, and consequently military persons are in most cases far from their families. In order to ensure the maximum efficiency, platoon chief should be a good listener and capable to solve social problems of his subordinates. During one of the long term mission executed by my Platoon, I noticed a behavior change of one of my subordinate who occupies the truck driver function. After asking about the raison of this change, I found out that his wife is pregnant at the last month and she is alone. So, I gave him a permission to join the base in order to be near to his wife. This decision has not only enhanced the moral of this person but also the moral of all personals of my
In order to continue and maintain this prestigious Profession of Arms, we must first understand the essence of what it takes to earn this status, looking both at strengths and weaknesses within the Army. However, the author first states we must agree on the definitions of the Profession of Arms and the professional soldier, which are both inherently linked. The professional soldier or Army leader is responsible for maintaining the Profession of Arms through their leadership, skill, character and trust as a role model. In essence, the Profession
Being a leader is always a challenge, and assuming a new command is challenging. There are a lot of expectations to me as a leader. The organization has selected me to a new position, and they believe I fulfill their standards for their leaders. The organization trust and expect me to lead, develop and achieve. My superiors and subordinates have a lot of expectations. They expect me to lead them in the best way to solve our assigned missions. In my new assignment as commander of 4th Armor Brigade Combat Team (ABCT), the main critical leadership problems are the lack of cohesive teams, ethical and work standards and the level of stress. I will through analyze explain and defend my selection of critical leadership problems and apply a model for solving them, including implementing and measuring my vision as the new brigade commander.
Once an Eagle by Anton Myrer is a very influential novel in the military. In fact, it is required reading material for all 1st Lieutenants in the Marine Corps as well as in the United States Military Academy at West Point. Many Army leaders have read the book and often discuss it among themselves in social situations. Although a fiction read, many leaders extrapolate the use of mission command as well as the leaderships attributes. In this analysis I will be comparing a single event in the novel to the Army’s leadership principles as well as Mission Command. I will then provide a personal reflection and conclude.
There are very few things in the modern military of today or any military that has ever existed before our current military for that matter, that are more important than the rank structure and the the respect that is demanded of you by that rank structure. Those are two very important characteristics of every successful military unit. With added details here and there, in this essay I will mainly be discussing what respect actually is, how being respected is normally earned and in the military how it is demanded of you as a sub-ordinate to any ranks higher than you or in some cases any fellow military personnel who is more senior to you and why. On top of that I will be covering
The purpose of this paper is to point out some of the attributes an outstanding Army leader should possess.
This paper on Leadership will compare the primary differences and characteristics between the tactical leader and the organizational leader. I will provide you with the basics for development, characteristics, and the fundamentals that help guide and influence each leader’s style and how they influence Soldiers to follow them. Leaders at all levels demonstrate their values, knowledge, skills, and abilities in many different means and methods in
Most military families face the possibility of a loved one returning to service which can also cause a great deal of fear and unpredictability within the family. Studies also prove that family members struggle with emotional distress and children often have behavioral issues as a result of parents deployed to serve in the military. “The strain of war deployment with associated risk that the service member may be harmed or killed, adds to the stressors inherent in military family life, even in times of peace” (Link, P. E., & Palinkas, L. A. (2013). This also suggest that family separations due to irregular tours and training deployments. Often impact the relationships in the family and can change the family dynamics often leaving one caregiver with a majority of the responsibility of raising a family. The military culture can adversely affect family functioning with inflexible hierarchical relationships, expectations and of obeying rules and
The purpose of this counselled essay is to explain my understanding and importance of following orders. This essay will have several sections to explain different areas where following orders effects. . I will cover the significance of following orders within the unit, prominence of following order within the artillery world, results of failure to follow orders, and how following orders will help me in the future. The importance of these procedures created by my superiors are apparent in a soldier’s daily life.
Sacrifice is giving up something you like, in order to help someone else, without expecting anything in return. Some things that you can sacrifice are: belongings, comfort, or even just time. These can be used to help the needy, or just give comfort to someone who needs it. A sacrifice is a way to show that you care about someone or something, and that you want to help them. It could be something small, like going to see a friend who needs your help instead of going to an activity you really want to do, or something big, like giving your life to serve in the military.
The creed of the noncommissioned officer is a baseline for all noncommissioned officers Corporal all the way up to Sergeant Major, on how to conduct oneself in the leading of soldiers. It does not outline every single situation you may come into throughout your military career but if you live this creed then you should be set for success. In this paper we are going to take an in depth look into the creed and how you can apply every aspect of it to leadership.
MILITARY SPOUSES AND THE CHALLENGES OF MILITARY Military spouses role vary in ranks, from enlisted to officers they are all seen and approached in different ways because of the military rank his or her soldiers rank may be. “The role of the officer’s spouse encompasses a set of activities that are mostly traditional” (Harrell, 2001, p. 59). Officer’s spouses often are considered to be as elite as their soldier, depending on their rank, “in fact an officer’s wife becomes an extension of the officer” (Harrell, 2001, p. 61).
Prior to the attacks of September 11, 2001 most Americans knew very little to nothing about Muslims nor had an opinions towards them. The lack of knowledge quickly changed due to a combination of factors. Terrorist attacks against America have unfortunately persisted for years, the attacks of 9/11 were fundamentally different. Such attacks evoke a response and the response has evolved and transformed Americans attitude. Non-economic factors, such as prejudicial stereotypes, place a significant role in shaping intergroup relations and in influencing public attitudes. Negative treatment of Muslim Americans in the United States after 9/11 was not caused by the 9/11 attacks alone, but by pre existing social constructions that configured them as
Teamwork, what is it? This is the question that has puzzled mankind for a millennium. Essentially it is where more than one person works together to achieve a common goal. We as people use teamwork every minute of the day, but it is especially important to the job of the Infantryman, it is the backbone of our jobs. We as soldiers have to recognize that in order to do our job we must rely on the man on our left and the man on our right. This is the basics of the infantryman 's job trust the guy to each side of you and you will make it through whatever evil hell may send your way. What happened last Thursday night was a total lack of teamwork, trust and most importantly brotherhood. Three soldiers from 1st Platoon decided to take things into
A major theme in Jack London's classic book The Call of the Wild is that in life it is kill or be killed. If you were in a life and death situation, would you fight to the end? In the beginning,Buck is confronted by life or death situations. In the middle, Buck is challenged in the wilderness to survive. In the end, Buck is willing to kill for john Thornton and protect him the best he can.
She asked if I could get him a spot in my section to work directly under my supervision and “take him under my wing”, so to say. Of course, I agreed to it and began to work with the Soldier. As time goes on, we slowly start to address some of the issues and correct some of the underlying deficiencies. I work with him every single day trying to get to the root of some of these core behaviors. After a while, we seem to be in a good place and can start moving forward with all the over development that goes into being a Soldier. There is only one problem left, he is late to accountability/formation at least once a month. For the Army, accountability is one of the most basic Soldier concepts. You are expected to be on time, in the right place, and in the right uniform at all