
Sacrifice Of Iphigenia

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Iphigenia has been apart of many mythological stories, showing the harshness of people. The myth of Iphigenia was said to be that she was sacrificed for the mistake of her father, Agamemnon. He was setting out to fight in the battle of Troy. The story of Iphigenia represents the sadness and sorrow felt for her and the identification of the struggle she experienced. Both The Sacrifice Of Iphigenia by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo and “Iphigenia” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson use the myth of Iphigenia to indicate that inhumane, egocentric people will sacrifice others in order to defend themselves. After analyzing the poem “Iphigenia,” it can be acknowledged that Alfred Lord Tennyson takes in deep consideration of Iphigenia’s pain. This can be exhibited on line 1 of the poem as Iphigenia says “I was cut off from hope in that sad place” (Analysis). The tone of the poem could be utilized as woe and upsetting, establishing the fact Iphigenia is in distress and needs help. There is little hope, contemplating the idea nobody will appear to help (Analysis). The quote “The stern black-bearded kings, with wolfish eyes, waiting to see me die,” is used in terms of her sacrifice, exterminating the idea of hope for Iphigenia for the time being (Analysis). Alfred, Lord …show more content…

Giovanni Battista Tiepolo uses Iphigenia and her placement to demonstrate that everyone around appeared to witness her being sacrificed. The situation Iphigenia is in can be related back to the mood, creating sadness and pity for her (Analysis). She is said to be “better known as the daughter of Agamemnon, Iphigenia was sacrificed in order to appease Artemis” (“Iphigenia”). In the poem, Iphigenia appears to be managing the pain and sadness she is feeling due to the situation she was put

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