
Sacrifice's Cyrano De Bergerac

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“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles”-Christopher Reeve. The dramatic representation of the life of Cyrano de Bergerac tells the tale of the large-nose military official falling in love with his beautiful cousin Roxane, and of the many sacrifices he makes for her. Cyrano was more than a lover and a fighter, he was a hero. He was a hero in every definition of the word. He protected his nation and the heart of the woman he loved. Although in the end Roxane eventually found out that Cyrano loved her, he never got to spend time with her as lovers, but instead he lived in the purgatory of friendship. He gave up all he had, to make sure the love of his life was happy. If she was happy then he could be as well, even if it meant he could never be in the relationship he truly wanted. Cyrano always stood up for and helped people in need and in the play he comes across many and battles his way, whether it be physically …show more content…

The wasn’t the only sacrifice he made for her though. Cyrano helped the man Roxane fancied earn her love. He wrote to Roxane everyday under Baron Christian de Neuvillette name. Christian was a much more handsome man whom Roxane was interested in. He quickly won her love with his immaculate way with words and poetry. Cyrano won the love of the woman he loved, but received nothing from it. He had to sit by while Christian reaped his rewards. He allowed Christian to be the “face of his soul”. He also faced great dangers in winning her over. One of the many was his journey to send each letter. Because he and Christian were enlisted in the military at the time, Cyrano had to cross enemy lines to communicate with Roxane. He faced the barrels of many rifles and cannons. He would do any if it ensured Roxane’s

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