
Sadness In Hamlet

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Many years ago, Shakespeare wrote: “To be or not to be? That is the question.” We’ve all heard that famous quote from Hamlet misquoted. The actual meaning of the quote is more along the lines of questioning whether to exist or not. The young prince of Denmark is contemplating suicide. That type of deep sadness is something that no one could understand unless they’ve actually been in that pit of despair. Do you know what it’s like to have the overwhelming pressure of sadness in your chest? You feel as though you’re drowning in an above-ground pool with glass walls. You see people prancing around and living their lives happily. Most of them don’t even realize you’re there. The occasional good samaritan stops by to ask if you are okay, but they don’t stay long enough to even hear your response. …show more content…

For some reason, you can’t seem to swim back up to the surface, let alone take a breath. It’s almost as if you have a chain tied to your heart that’s weighing you down. As time goes on, the walls don’t get lower. They become higher; filling with more and more water, which means more and more pressure. Every once and awhile, you get tired of trying to struggle to the surface. You relax for a while in complete submission to the pressure that threatens to crush you. You can hear people calling out to you. Then, you see the blurred shape of someone you love standing outside of the wall screaming at you. They are trying with all of their might to get to you. You realize you want to go to them, too. You try to break through the walls. You’re both banging on them and trying to reach each other, but the walls are too strong. Your walls that you built around you for protection are now stopping anyone from caring about you again. You try struggling to the surface, but you’re too tired. Redemption is too far away. You mostly just wish you could stay at the bottom of that crushing pressure and just disappear

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