
Safe Nurse Staffing Ratios

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According to The Journal of the Medication Association (2002), Hospitals, which routinely staff with 1:8 nurses to patient ratios, experience five additional deaths per 1,000 patients than those with 1:4 nurse to patient ratio. Safe nurse staffing ratios has been a significant issue that, registered nurse professionals have been struggling to overcome for many years. In the randomized research study, “Nurse Staffing Levels and The Quality Care in Hospitals”, by Needleman, J, Buerhaus, P, Maureen, S, and Zelevinsky, K, administrative data was collected from hospitals based in 11 states, to determine the correlation between the amount of care provided by nurses, safe staffing levels, and adverse patient outcomes. According to this study, “Among …show more content…

Statistical data on hospital discharges and nurse staffing were collected between the years of 1997-1998 from the following eleven states; Arizona, California, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nevada, New York, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. The total sample included 799 hospitals. The population of patients included medical and surgical patients that were followed by basis of hospital discharge abstracts and those that were potentially sensitive by staffing of nurses. The levels of staffing of RN’s, LPN’s, and nurse’s aides were estimated in hours. To control for differences among all hospital data, in the mix of patients they used patient level logistic regression analysis to predict each patients’ probability of experiencing an adverse outcome. Patient level variables included the rate of outcome in the patient diagnosis related group, age, state of residence, sex, primary health care insurer, whether or not patient was admitted for an emergency, and presence/absence of chronic disease. Data was used to calculate length of stay, rates of adverse outcomes, hours of nursing care, and proportion of nursing hours of care for each nursing personnel. To examine whether the mix of skills of nurses or number of patient care hours were more significant, two models were used to gather results. The first model looked at mix of skills and proportion hours of care provided by RN’s, LPN’s, and nurse aides per day. The second model measured all nurse staffing of RN’s, LPN’s, and nurse aides in hours per

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