
Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People

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Task 1 Summary of legislations, guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people- The children act 1989-The main concepts of this act are parental responsibility, the welfare of the child and partnership and cooperation from all associated services. In summary the act states that the mental and physical well-being of the child is above all else and appropriate steps need to be taken to ensure this. The protection of children act 1999- The act created a system for identifying persons considered to be unsuitable to work with children. This is achieved by checks being made with the Criminal records bureau (CRB). The children act 2004-The act aims to provide and integrate children’s …show more content…

Mumps-The child may have ear pain, slight fever, swelling from the jaw to the ear, the swelling will start on one side and may travel to the other. Parvovirus-Fever, nasal discharge, bright red cheeks appears similar to a slapped cheek, 2-4 days later a lacy type of rash appears trunk and limbs. Rubella/German measles-This can be difficult to diagnose with certainty. Starts with cold-like symptoms, then a rash appears, first on the face, then spreading. Glands on the back of the neck may be swollen. Whooping cough-Cold and cough symptoms. Cough will gradually get worse and after around 2 weeks the coughing bouts start. These will make it difficult for the child to breathe. The child may choke or vomit and may also get a whooping sound after coughing. Task 4 When dealing with an ill child it is most important to make the child comfortable and keep him/her away from other children in case he/she is infectious. Do not give the child any medication as they could be allergic and it could hinder any other treatment they may need later on. If the child has a high temperature, do not let them get too hot or too cold, remove one layer of clothing to allow them to be a normal temperature. Make sure an adult is monitoring the child in case his/her symptoms worsen or change. It would need to be determined if the child is severely ill in case an ambulance or an A&E visit is needed. Contact the parent or carer for them to collect the child. If a child sustains a minor

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