Safety is a concern for people of all ages especially the elderly. There are many risks for the elderly and it is important for nurses to have the knowledge and skills to assess and help prevent injuries. Aside from monitory her respiratory, cardiac status and vitals, I want to assess for any risk for injury. According to Berman and Fransen and Snyder (2016) explained to add an overall general health history and examination to check for problems such as mobility, sensory or perceptual problems, cognitive thinking, emotionally how she is, and if there has been any past history of safety issues. There are several risk assessment tools that can be used to aid in collecting data such as a Mini Mental Examination, Confusion Assessment Method, Katz ADL and Get up And Go to name a few (p.640-659). I do not …show more content…
It would be the best and least restrictive for this client if this were the concern. If she was too confused or drowsy and there was a concern with her falling and risking a broken bone because of her osteoporosis. I may first consider alternatives such as a bed alarm, keeping the bed at the lowest height, continuous supervision, using a bedside commode with frequent assisted toileting to prevent the client from getting up without assistance. Offering to take a confused client for a walk if it poses no risk may help a confused client as well as dim lighting, warm beverage, or placing a personal picture in her room may be comforting. If alternative methods fail a vest restraint may be appropriate for the confused client. It’s important that it is tied to a moveable part of the bed frame with a quick release knot to prevent the client from becoming trapped. All restrains whether mitt or vest restraints when used need to be released every two hours and while in restraints checked frequently; every 15 to 30 minutes (Berman et al.,
1 Understand the requirements of legislation and agreed ways of working to protect the rights of individuals at the end of life.
Advice can be sought from a professional who may recommend the use of specially designed tools or offer advice on suitable methods of teaching.
Assessing risk to self and others- for the health and social workers to protect its clients such as Ahmed and Sylvia from any harm they should ensure that they have assessed all the risks that might occur to self or others (Ciccarelli and Meyer, 2006). In the case scenario Ahmed and Sylvia should be protected from harm by the care givers assuring them the best alternatives of the care. This is because Ahmed has become violent to Sylvia due to his disease degenerating. Informing relevant people about the identified risks- the health and social workers and carers should be able to share information about the identifiable risks so as to provide effective solutions to the risks in order to protect the clients from any harm (Fullan, Hill and Carmel,
Discuss how an understanding of nursing-sensitive indicators could assist the nurses in this case in identifying issues that may interfere with patient care.
Many nurses face the issue of understaffing and having too much of a workload during one shift. When a unit is understaffed not only do the nurses get burnt out, but the patients also don’t receive the care they deserve. The nurse-patient ratio is an aspect that gets overlooked in many facilities that could lead to possible devastating errors. Nurse- patient ratio issues have been a widely studied topic and recently new changes have been made to improve the problem.
According to American Nurses Association (ANA), (2010) “the nurse promotes, advocates for and strives to protect the heath, safety and right of the patient” (p. 6). Nursing responsibilities should be acted at the highest standard and must be based on legal and ethical obligations.
It’s important to have these things in place to ensure the safety of the individual and the professional who work with them. Risk assessments provide detail information as what things need to be put into place to assist individual’s needs. This risk assessment this is to see what precautions you need to take and what you can do to prevent these things from happening in the first place. Workers and service users have the right to be protected in there working environment form harm
Nursing-sensitive indicators can be an important tool in identifying patient care issues that could potentially arise during a hospital stay. By analyzing the data on specific nursing-sensitive indicators, the quality of patient care can be optimized and patient satisfaction can be improved. The American Nurses Association (ANA) and the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) are two sources of information and guidelines for nurses and nurse managers to use in planning patient care and workloads for each nursing unit. The use of available resources, staffing by acuity and patient needs, appropriate referral indicators, and cooperation
Task 4: State the importance of working as part of a team and give examples of how you could maintain a positive working environment.
Mandating safe staffing levels for registered nurses in acute care settings has been an important topic of discussion for many years. As the demand for registered nurses continues to rise, so does the clinical demands on the nurses currently working. If there are no specific policies in place that mandate safe and appropriate nurse-to-patient ratios for all acute care facilities, registered nurses (RNs) may be required to take on even more patients than the already high numbers currently given to many of them. Inadequate RN staffing has the potential to cause increases in adverse patient events (American Nurses Association (ANA), The registered nurse safe staffing act, 2015) as well as an increase in nurse injury (Musick, Trotto, & Morrison,
All contractors will have to sign in and sign out when they come to and leave the scheme. This is also monitored due to fire safety risk as to know how many people are in the building.
Client safety is an important and vital component of quality nursing care. Conducting a focused geriatric assessment as part of the standard assessment can also improve older adults quality of life and keep them as independent as possible for as long as possible( Elsawy, B., & Higgins, K. E. 2011). Monitor vital signs and perform peripheral neurovascular assessment and document findings. Keep Audrey’s bed in a low position and keep needed items within easy reach of her to promote safety and prevent fall. Keep call bell within easy reach of Audrey and encourage to ask for assistance whenever needed. Encourage Audrey to wear compression stockings as hip fractures carry a significant risk of developing a venous thromboembolism. The National
Practicing cultural safety requires nurses to have undertaken personal reflection of their own cultural identity. This enables them to recognise the impact that their personal culture has on their professional practice (Cox & Taua, 2013). This personal reflection should allow the nurse to provide effective care to an individual or family from a different culture (Cox & Taua, 2013). In this essay I will reflect upon two of my own cultural groupings, discuss the concept of “other”, the relevance of cultural safety to nursing practice and how I might care for someone who is culturally different from myself.
As the primary provider of care for the patients that arrive at the emergency department, I play a vital role in protecting these people from harm. So important is this subject that the American Nurses Association (ANA, 2016) chose the Culture of Safety as their yearly theme in 2016. Safety as a primary goal sets the stage for all services in healthcare to fall into place. Safety starts the minute I walk onto the unit each day. The first think I do is to open my computer with a secured password.
In order to critically examine the concepts central to the discipline of nursing it is important to clarify my understanding of what constitutes a discipline. Nursing literature has led me to understand that a discipline can be, in simple terms, thought of as a field of study with a unique perspective which gives rise to the nature and scope of inquiry of that field and therefore leads to a specialized body of knowledge (Parker, M & Smith, M, 2010). In attempt to cement nursing’s place in the professional world and in an effort to distinguish it from other disciplines it seems imperative that nursing itself agree on the discipline’s most significant concepts. Through early course readings it