
Saint Augustine 's Book Review

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Saint Augustine Book Review

Hist 381


Tracie Youngblood

Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis, also known as Saint Augustine or Augustine of

Hippo, was a Christian Theologian and Philosopher. He was born in 354 to AD. in North Africa to a

devout Christian mother and non-Christian, Pagen father. Although his mother raised him as a

Christian, he spent the first half of his life trying to find fault within his mothers religion.

He wrote Confessions when he was in his mid-forties, after he had joined the Church. It is often considered to be the first autobiography in Western Literature. However, Augustine used it more as an autobiographical framework of religious and moral text. Confessions consists of 13 books where he writes about his own experiences with sin and temptation. He discusses how the power of God’s word can give victory over one 's sins.

The name of the book provides a one word summary of the topic. By naming it Confessions, he tells the perspective audience that it is about the admission or confession of sin. Book 1, begins with a series of rhetorical questions that seem to be directed at God. He then moves on to provide answers to these questions by quoting scripture, "all things find in you their origin, their impulse, the center of their being."(Augustine & Pine-Coffin, 1961). Within the first chapter he shows specific interest in how God exists within the universe, and whether God is contained by the universe or

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