Saint-john's wort Saint-john's wort was introduced from europe. It has a height of 20-80cm with a tap root, stolons and short rhizomes. Making it an aggressive invader in native pastures. The flowers are yellow and pods which are many-seeded brown capsules. The leaves, stems and floral organs of the saint-john's wort have tiny visible glands, in these glands there is a phototoxin, hypericin (black glands), protohypericin (translucent glands). The more glands that the plant has the higher the toxicity will become. Saint-john's wort is limited in B.C, mainly located in southern vancouver island and southern interior. Although in the western U.S.A the saint-john's wort is wide spread also known as “Klamath Weed”. The toxin concentration of the weed are low when the plant is younger then when it's mature. This weed causes skin problems for livestock, although those that seem to not be effect is deer and goats. Not considered a problem for cattle because it's known as palatable. However cattle that have been …show more content…
Found in damp grassland, calcareous soils, fens and meadows. Triglochin palustris has a height of 60cm, often grows in smaller clumps. The leaves are sharp-pointed tips unlike blunt tips and seed pods are slender compared to ovoid pods. Although the Triglochin palustris isn't as common as the seaside arrow-grass, widely distributed in Western Canada but can be found in North America and Europe. The amount of marsh arrow-grass needed to be eaten by sheep or cattle is depended on the amount of poison in the plant and the rat that the animal eats it. ¼ to 3 lbs of marsh arrow-grass can kill a 600lbs animal. To prevent the loss of livestock keep animals off areas where arrow-grass grows. Must act fast to treat an animal that has come in contact with arrow-grass by injecting a mixture of 20ml-10% sodium thiosulfate and 10ml-10% of sodium
March 25th, 1347 Saint Catherine was born in Italy. St Catherine is the patron of firefighters, illness, miscarriages, nurses and sick people. During her life, St Catherine herself suffered illness' leading her to be the patron as apparent. At the age of 16, St Catherine had previously disregarded marriage, as she envisioned mystical experiences seeing guardian angels, transforming her into a brilliant minded young woman even though she was not supported with formal education.
St. Ignatius of Antioch understood the Christian faith to be objective and sensible, stating that Christianity is fundamentally a religion based in historic, tangible realties . He was adamant to the fact that Jesus Christ was a real human with real flesh; he encountered real suffering and died a truly human death. Ignatius saw Christian faith and the person of Jesus Christ in such a way that it put him at odds with the Gnostics, who held to a Docetic Christology that was circulating widely among the Church. For Ignatius, this was a serious issue that needed to be addressed due to the purity of the faith and the truth it held. At stake was the validity of the incarnation, suffering, death, and resurrection of the person of Jesus Christ. If this is not real or true, Ignatius believed that man
With government approval, certain beetles have been used to help reduce the number of Purple Loosestrife. Hylobius Transrersovitiatus and Nanophyes Marmoratus are a weevil that lays larvae and adults feed on the Purple Loosestrife roots, along with the Galerucella Pusilla and Galerucella Calmariensis, which are types of beetles that feed on its foliage and flowers. These beetles and weevils have reduced the Purple Loosestrife by at least ninety percent, but for large areas infested by the Purple Loosestrife, herbicidal is required for removal. The only problem with the chemicals used is that it can cause nearby plants to dye. Over a period of several years, the chemicals can reduce to only small areas being infested by the Purple Loosestrife, which promotes other plants to reappear. The Triclopyr and Imazapyr is a chemical used and is
Despite the widespread popularity amongst First Nations people, however, and while “at least some of the traditional remedies involving devil’s-club may have a sound biochemical basis (Turner, 1982, p. 17)”, it hasn’t been widely used at this stage in the modern commercial market. There is ongoing research to determine its potential benefit for commercial pharmacological use, and there is some concern for what the implications of this could be for this slow-growing, sensitive shrub.
A. One of the primary concerns in Stillwater County Montana (MT) (See Attachment 1) is the continued spread of the noxious weed, spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe, formerly C. maculosa), along the Stillwater River. (See attachment 2 and 3). The Spotted Knapweed Control Plan (SKCP) is designed to treat and manage the current and future infestation of spotted knapweed along the gravel bars and bank sections of the Stillwater River. The several previous attempts to control spotted knapweed in this area have only been somewhat successful. The SKCP utilizes four treatment methods to effectively reduce and eliminate spotted knapweed in the designated sections: 1). Biological control; 2) Grazing Control; 3) Manual Weed Control; and 4) Herbicidal Control.
Farmer: I use Ethephon, which I have heard can be found in a variety of commercial herbicides.
Merck’s aggressive lobbying campaign was intended to boost sales of its Gardasil vaccine, which received Food and Drug Administration approval. FDA approved Gardasil on June 8, 2006, for females ages 9 -26 to help prevent cervical, vulvar and vaginal cancers caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). It included types 16 and 18 and genital warts caused by HPV types 6 and 11 (Bethel University, 2011). The FDA gave Gardasil a fast approval, something called a “Fast Track”. This is used when a drug that is targeted to a certain disease has been developed, and can be for therapy. To have a product “Fast Track” it must poses the following; avoid serious side effects, improvement the diagnosis of a disease, and show superior effectiveness
Saint Peter was born in Bethsaida Gaulanitis, Syria Roman Empire at around 1 AD. Peter’s feast day is on the twenty ninth of June. Bethsaida Gaulanitis was near where the Jordan River enters the Sea of Gennesaret. This place was abandoned at around 65 AD. Peter’s original name appointed to him by his parents was Simon, it became Peter when Jesus changed his name. His father’s name was Jonah. Jonah was a physically strong individual, hence he became a fisherman. Peter deeply followed in his father’s footsteps. His mother’s name was Perpetua. Not much is known about her. Peter also had a brother named, Andrew. Andrew was another one of Jesus’s twelve disciples. Peter did not go to school, he was just taught by his father in the trade of fishing
The image of St. Nicholas has been distorted throughout time and it is important to determine who St. Nicholas really was to best understand his current personification. Many of the realities of St. Nicholas’ story have been twisted by stories that make learning about St. Nicholas difficult. Though his real life is often overlooked and forgotten because of his personification as Santa Claus today he still led an important and honorable life. The historically accurate story of St. Nicholas is very important because it greatly affected the culture. St. Nicholas’ real story can be best seen by examining his young life, and memorable works during his time as a Bishop.
George Orwell is one of the most influential authors in the whole world. What makes him so unique is his interesting background. Orwell is known to be anti-fascist and anti-communist but before he started expressing this ideas Orwell was a supporter of communism and even fought for the communists In the Spanish Civil War. After his experience in the Spanish Civil War, Orwell started writing books about this conflict and the injustices of both the nationalists and communist ideals and therefore came two of Orwell´s most recognized books that being Animal Farm and 1984. These books have some similar themes and more importantly they relate to the Soviet Union. This brings an important question. To what extent were there any other influences besides totalitarian states for Orwell to write both 1984
The name Matthew comes from the Greek Maththaios, which is derived from the Hebrew or Aramaic Mattiyah. His name means “gift of Yahweh” or simply “gift of God.” Saint Matthew was one of the twelve apostles and he wrote the Gospel according to Matthew. Although he was a publican, it is said the Saint Matthew was a Jew. Before his conversion, he was a publican, which was a tax collector, by profession. Not much is really known about Matthew later on in his life. His beginning of apostolic activity started in the communities of Palestine. He wrote for his countrymen in Palestine and composed his Gospel in his native Aramaic. This is refereed to as the “Hebrew tongue” which is mentioned in the Gospel and the Acts of
I chose to analyze Vincent Van Gogh Starry Night, located on page 461. This is one of my favorite paintings. In this painting there is so much going on. For example, there is the night sky which takes up most of the space in the background while on the bottom corner everything seems so peaceful within the town. The night sky indicates something else with the swirling wind, and the stars, and the moon.
St Thomas Becket (December 21, 1118 – December 29, 1170) was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to 1170. He engaged in a conflict with King Henry II over the rights and privileges of the Church and was assassinated by followers of the king in Canterbury Cathedral.
Saint Bonaventure was born in Umbria, Italy to parents Giovanni di Fidanza who was a physician and Maria Ritella, he was an Italian medieval Franciscan, scholastic theologian and philosopher, and there is not a lot of information about his childhood. He fell ill while he was young and was saved from death by the intercession of St. Francis of Assisi. He was born as Giovanni di Fidanza just like his father but later on be canonized by Pope Sixtus IV. He would be also later on declared a Doctor of the church in 1588 by Pope Sixtus V.
St. Francis of Assisi was born in Umbria in the year 1182. He was a child every father hoped for, he was filled with life, a determined and courageous individual. He was gifted with rather good looks, qualities that attracted friends and a gift of leadership. His father was an extremely wealthy merchant in Assisi. But this son, his favourite, was the one who broke Peter Bernardone’s heart. The boy turned on his father, and in a vicious event that eventually resulted into a public scene. St. Francis of Assisi stepped away from his father, his business and left his father in a state of immense emotional suffering.