
Saint John's Wort Essay

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Saint-john's wort Saint-john's wort was introduced from europe. It has a height of 20-80cm with a tap root, stolons and short rhizomes. Making it an aggressive invader in native pastures. The flowers are yellow and pods which are many-seeded brown capsules. The leaves, stems and floral organs of the saint-john's wort have tiny visible glands, in these glands there is a phototoxin, hypericin (black glands), protohypericin (translucent glands). The more glands that the plant has the higher the toxicity will become. Saint-john's wort is limited in B.C, mainly located in southern vancouver island and southern interior. Although in the western U.S.A the saint-john's wort is wide spread also known as “Klamath Weed”. The toxin concentration of the weed are low when the plant is younger then when it's mature. This weed causes skin problems for livestock, although those that seem to not be effect is deer and goats. Not considered a problem for cattle because it's known as palatable. However cattle that have been …show more content…

Found in damp grassland, calcareous soils, fens and meadows. Triglochin palustris has a height of 60cm, often grows in smaller clumps. The leaves are sharp-pointed tips unlike blunt tips and seed pods are slender compared to ovoid pods. Although the Triglochin palustris isn't as common as the seaside arrow-grass, widely distributed in Western Canada but can be found in North America and Europe. The amount of marsh arrow-grass needed to be eaten by sheep or cattle is depended on the amount of poison in the plant and the rat that the animal eats it. ¼ to 3 lbs of marsh arrow-grass can kill a 600lbs animal. To prevent the loss of livestock keep animals off areas where arrow-grass grows. Must act fast to treat an animal that has come in contact with arrow-grass by injecting a mixture of 20ml-10% sodium thiosulfate and 10ml-10% of sodium

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