The saint that I choose to follow as an example and pray to and whose name I chosen for Confirmation is Saint Sebastian. His feast day is January 20th. Saint Sebastian had many very important events occur throughout his life, but there were three that stood out to me. The first thing that impressed me about Saint Sebastian was that he converted many Roman prisoners and the governor of Rome to Christianity. He did this even though he knew that if he was caught he would be killed. The next important event was after he was discovered to be a Christian he was sentenced to be executed. He was shot with arrows and left to die. Saint Sebastian survived his execution with the help of God. The next important event in his life was when the Roman emperor …show more content…
The virtue that was he practiced the most was courage. Saint Sebastian shows courage when he converts all of the prisoners and the governor to Christianity even though he knew he was putting his own and their lives in great danger. Saint Sebastian resembles Jesus in many ways. One way that Jesus is resembled by Saint Sebastian is that he risks his life to teach others about the word of God. Another way Saint Sebastian resembles Jesus is that he encouraged others to be strong in their faith.
There are many ways that I could follow Saint Sebastian's example in my everyday life. One way I could follow his example is when I am in a bad situation I could do what God would want me to do just like what Saint Sebastian did. The next way I can follow Saint Sebastian’s example is by helping others who have any doubt about the teachings of God. The last way is by practicing the virtue of courage just like Saint Sebastian did.
I chose the confirmation name Sebastian because Saint Sebastian had a unyielding relationship with God. He inspires me to make even small sacrifices to God because he was willing to risk his life teaching others about God.
“Prayer to Saint
Almost all saints in their life have shown courage. One saint that had courage was Saint Francis of Assisi. Saint Francis was a rich man, however he ignored all his money for God. He gave up his wealthy life just for his savior. Saint Francis would help sick people just like how Jesus did. He would approach Lepore's even if people thought he was crazy. Saint Francis of Assisi was a brave soldier in the army, having no fear knowing that God was present with him. Saint Maximilian Kolbe had a vision of Mary and she was holding two crowns, and he had to choose one. Later on his his life he was
For my Confirmation I choose St.Marguerite Bourgeoys. Marguerite was born on April 17, 1620. Marguerite had survived many difficulties in the twenty-six years she had been in wilderness of Canada. She had survived the Iroquois attacks, a fire that destroyed her village, and plagues on the ships that she took back and forth to France, but nothing could stop her from achieving her dreams. The only thing that threatened her hopes and dreams more than anything else was what her own bishop told her in 1679. He had told her that she had to join her Congregation of Notre Dame with its teaching sisters to a religious order of Ursulines that stayed in one place and were close together. She had been told to do this before. Marguerite had overcome
In addition to being perceived as one of the most important attributes in a saint, heroism actually started to be praised by Christians as one of the principal qualities in any true Christian. Augustine de Hippo basically believed that in order to be seen by God as a person who was capable to serve divinity, the respective individual needed to be familiar with the attitudes that he or she needed to put across and with the fact
such figure of the Church that I thought of as an amazing role model is Saint Maximilian
Priests can help you navigate your way through life because God’s voice shines through them. Father Jack Flaherty is one of the most compassionate and driven priest I have ever met. He goes from parish to parish spreading God’s love to everyone in need and goes above and beyond in making sure that everyone feels welcomed wherever they go. Due to his large time commitment, dedication to God and his parishioners, and his exemplary exhibition of heroic qualities, Father Jack is a hero
For my Saint report, I chose Saint Veronica. Saint Veronica is known as the lady who offered a fabric to Jesus so he could wipe his face while in transit to his torturous killing. The material is accepted to exist today in the Vatican and is viewed as a standout amongst the most prized relics of the Congregation. Saint Veronica is not specified in the book of scriptures, but rather is known not by Catholic custom and in the 6th Station of the Cross, "Veronica Wipes the Substance of Jesus."
The sacrament of Confirmation is the single most important sacrament a young adult Catholic can receive. It is the sacrament where you fully affirm your beliefs and initiate yourself into the Catholic church. It is necessary to have a role model that will help guide you throughout your spiritual life and that person for me is Saint Francis of Assisi. I am inspired by his incredible connection to animals and hope to one day become a veterinarian. I chose him as my Confirmation saint because of who he was before and after God became present in his life.
There was one man I talked to in particular that sticks out in my mind. And we didn’t even deliver to him. When we first got to IU Medical Center, we had to wait about 30 minutes for the food to be brought to us. While we waited, a man about 75 years old started talking to us. He told us about how his wife had died eleven years ago and after she died, he started volunteering at Meals on Wheels every day for the past ten years. He explained that his wife had a disease that got so severe that she was put in an assisted living home. The particular assisted living home she was in had meals for her, but were expensive. So her husband found Meals on Wheels. The couple got themselves each two meals a day and had lunch and dinner together every day. After the man’s wife died, he started delivering the meals to people who are not healthy and able to get out and go shopping for meals. This man was such a sweet man. This man is doing something that Jesus would have done. Even at his old age, he still takes time every day to help somebody else out besides himself, someone less fortunate and unable. This man sacrifices at least three hours a day delivering meals to people that he would not have known otherwise. This man made an impact on my life. He showed me that even when we think we are
I chose St. Margaret as my patron saint because she gave a lot of time and money to the poor. She read the Bible daily, even though people (like her husband) didn’t have the same beliefs as her. She was focused on her faith and encouraged people in her life to live a devout life and grow in prayer and holiness. I admire that she barely slept every night and fasted often in order to spend more time worshipping the Lord. St. Margaret is someone who I will continue to admire even after my
Saint Sebastian is the Patron of Saint of three things. Those three things are soldiers, athletes and those who desire a saintly death. However, in Saint Sebastian’s lifespan he shows multiple Gifts of the Holy Spirit, why he is a saint, and why he is chose to be my patron saint for my Confirmation. But, to know why he shows multiple Gifts of the Holy Spirit, why he is a saint and chosen to be the patron saint for my confirmation’ we would need the history of Saint Sebastian first.
When picking my Confirmation Saint, I wanted someone who inspired me, who I was interested in, and who I could strive relate to. A Saint who perfectly fit this description for me was St. Helen.
For my saint and Confirmation name I chose Saint Anne. Saint Anne was a very holy woman and was the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the grandmother of Jesus Christ. Her name means grace and in Hebrew it also means Hannah.
“Your Reverence may suppose that it would have needed no great effort to behold those hands and that beauteous face…. I began to feel such certainty and security that my fear was soon lost,” (St. Teresa 42).
Francis of Assisi was a poor man who astounded and inspired the Church by taking the gospel literally—not in a narrow fundamentalist sense, but by actually following all that Jesus said and did, joyfully, without limit and without a mite of self-importance. Francis was famous for his love of all creation. He called for simplicity of life, poverty, and humility before God. He worked to care for the poor. Thousands were drawn to his sincerity, piety, and joy. In all his actions, Francis sought to follow fully and literally the way of life demonstrated by Christ in the Gospels. My report is going to discuss the life and contributions of St. Francis of Assisi.
The middle name chosen for me was Hope. My father picked out the name Hope because in his eyes it is an inspirational name. Hope was a popular Christian name back in the 17th century. The factor that contributed to this name could be because my dad is a religious man. I actually really like my middle name because it is frequently used as a sign of caring.