
Saint Sebastian Was An Important Event In Italian's Life

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The saint that I choose to follow as an example and pray to and whose name I chosen for Confirmation is Saint Sebastian. His feast day is January 20th. Saint Sebastian had many very important events occur throughout his life, but there were three that stood out to me. The first thing that impressed me about Saint Sebastian was that he converted many Roman prisoners and the governor of Rome to Christianity. He did this even though he knew that if he was caught he would be killed. The next important event was after he was discovered to be a Christian he was sentenced to be executed. He was shot with arrows and left to die. Saint Sebastian survived his execution with the help of God. The next important event in his life was when the Roman emperor …show more content…

The virtue that was he practiced the most was courage. Saint Sebastian shows courage when he converts all of the prisoners and the governor to Christianity even though he knew he was putting his own and their lives in great danger. Saint Sebastian resembles Jesus in many ways. One way that Jesus is resembled by Saint Sebastian is that he risks his life to teach others about the word of God. Another way Saint Sebastian resembles Jesus is that he encouraged others to be strong in their faith.
There are many ways that I could follow Saint Sebastian's example in my everyday life. One way I could follow his example is when I am in a bad situation I could do what God would want me to do just like what Saint Sebastian did. The next way I can follow Saint Sebastian’s example is by helping others who have any doubt about the teachings of God. The last way is by practicing the virtue of courage just like Saint Sebastian did.
I chose the confirmation name Sebastian because Saint Sebastian had a unyielding relationship with God. He inspires me to make even small sacrifices to God because he was willing to risk his life teaching others about God.
“Prayer to Saint

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