
Sakoh Analysis

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In the land of Judah, along the barren hills of Sakoh, arose a great multitude of heavily equipped and well trained philistines, ready to attack the terrified Israelite Army that stood waiting. Frequently, throughout the day, a malevolent man the size of a monster, with arms made of steel and a heart of stone, would arrogantly stand among the masses and boastfully declare his dominating power. Day and night the creature, by the name of Goliath, would mockingly torment the Israelites and challenge them to step forward and face him. His voice shook the ground like an earthquake as he spoke in a low, masculine tone, “Why do you come out and line up for battle? Am I not a philistine, and are you not the servant of Saul? Choose a man and have …show more content…

When David arrived at the battle field, he was surprised to see the men fearfully hiding in the shadows to escape the giant. Rightfully confused at the sight, David interrogated the Israelite soldiers and was disappointed when he concluded that the Israelites were cowards. David was a fearless man who continually and significantly depended on God as his protector and provider. He quickly confronted King Saul concerning the matter and came to a solution in which he would fight Goliath. His inaptitude was apparent but his innate sense of courage was inscrutable. Reluctantly, King Saul complied and after much debate, agreed that David would face the giant with nothing but a sling shot and five stones. David approached the battlefield and with one motion, flung the sling around quickly. The stone then slipped from the cloth and flew through the air at an incredible speed. With astonishing precision, the stone hit the monster’s forehead with great impact, causing the skull to shatter and cave in on itself killing the beast immediately. Then, standing upon the giant’s dead corps, David sliced the beast head off using the philistine’s sword. Upon seeing this, the philistines fled in a stampede from the battle field, leaving God’s chosen people as

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