High Impact Projects
A Newsletter About Solutions and Creating Exceptional Value
Software Company Narrows Focus from
1 Million Prospects to 40 – Closes 30 Sales in First Year!
After 3 Years of Revenues Less than $2 Million, Sales Soar to
$75 Million in 4 Years!
Systems Produce Paybacks for Clients of more than 10-to-1
Stopped Trying to Sell to Information Technology Department – Found
Line Executives With An Urgent Need to Buy
CEO Found a Way to Reduce Risk and Capture Financial Upside
A Repeatable Pattern Emerges
Compiled by Tom Ingram, PMPi
Before Jeff Miller took over as CEO,
Documentum had suffered three years of flat revenues, never exceeding $2 million per year.
After Miller took
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By focusing on the area which your customer has
the greatest payback, they have the most to gain economically from purchasing from you quickly. Assuming you can consistently deliver this payback, it is much easier to get
Niche 2, Niche 3 and Niche 4 going after you have a strong set of happy customers behind you. Subsequent
Documentum’s initial success in the regulatory affairs department, they spread to other niches in every department within pharmaceutical companies. Then they spread to other businesses with similar regulatory problems
(regulated chemicals, oil refineries, etc.) This included a big win in the document management area for oil and gas exploration and production companies, where Documentum helped them manage the property/lease/royalty paperwork. This approach is often called the bowling pin model, because you set up the initial niche as a “headpin”, knock it down and that makes it substantially easier to “knock down the following pins”.
This approach also helps you keep a controlled risk (or cash burn rate) by requiring the software company to demonstrate that it can find and close customers with an urgent need to buy, one niche at a time.
Changes to Software Product Offered:
Note that Documentum had the discipline to stay focused on the needs of very tightly defined sets of customers.
As a hot deal in a hot market, competition among venture capital (VC) firms had driven the pre-money valuation from $17 million to $27 million, with a post-money close at $35 million. Although the Series C round had been slated for November/December 2000, Papa had noted the increasingly difficult financing environment and managed to make his funds last for 18 months, rather than the anticipated 12. The company had hit every milestone on its original plan. Its product had been installed at several marquee customers, including Tower Records and one of the world’s largest asset management companies, and it was about to be in trials at Putnam and a major investment bank—Dean Stanley Goldman Credit Partners (DSGCP). A veritable who’s who of potential customers was seriously considering the technology. Papa expected that $7 million would take his company to break-even,
Furthermore Companies also faced the risk that the startup would run out of money and also lack proven execution experience. Also the technology that Documentum uses while revolutionary has been only tested with two companies Boeing and Syntex it will be very difficult to explain to potential clients what exactly the software can bring to them in terms of value and what exactly are the ramifications of using the software in their companies.
On the other hand, prices are the most insignificant buying criterion in High End, Performance and Size segments. No matter how high the prices are, customers in these segments are more preferable to high-tech product. In particular, for the High End and Size segments, ideal position occupies 43% and products’ ideal age is 29%. Furthermore, reliability is the most important consideration to customers in Performance segment. Hence, Niche Differentiation is a proper alternative for these three segments.
Information Technology (IT) is a foundation for conducting business today. It plays a critical role in increasing productivity of firms and entire nation. It is proven that firms who invested in IT have experienced continued growth in productivity and efficiency. Many companies' survival and even existence without use of IT is unimaginable. IT has become the largest component of capital investment for companies in the United States and many other countries.
Keys to success for Paradigm Security Enterprise LLC, DBA Paradigm, especially today in the government’s sector of business are the rising investment in computers and software. Additionally, as the government upgrades and integrates its systems economic demands will create new opportunities for industry operators, particularly the small business segment certified to develop network
The business problem to be solved is how to improve operational efficiency, reduce customer wait time, and minimize the risk of losing or misplacing a customer’s items, which will preserve profit by reducing preventable losses. The current system and process is outdated and flawed, which is causing customer dissatisfaction and loss of profit.
This paper will follow a case study regarding the company Intuit, called Conspiracy of Change at Intuit. Intuit was a successful software company that enjoyed an 80 percent market share in each of its three product lines; it was one of the few companies still left that directly competed with Microsoft and still emerged on top (Jick & Peiperl, 2003, p.5). However with the increasing popularity of the internet it recognized that it needed to innovate in order to still remain relevant, “avoiding a downward spiral meant facing up to the Net, which had huge implications for Intuit’s strategy” (Jick et al., 2003, p.6). They decided to embrace this new technology and change the way the company
A specialization strategy focuses on a narrow market segment or niche and pursuing either a differentiation or cost leadership strategy in that market segment according to Jean Phillip and Stanley Gully. To be successful, businesses following a specialization strategy are required to know their market segment very well, and often enjoy a high degree of customer loyalty. The company can be successful using this strategy if it results in either lower costs than competitors serving the same niche or an ability to offer customers something that other competitors cannot.
By focusing on commitment to service and quality, Star Software has effectively implemented a niche differentiation strategy in a somewhat diverse marketplace. Its ability to differentiate its product has contributed to superior annual returns. Its target market consists of
A niche strategy can succeed if the company finds a specialty that immediately and clearly distinguishes you from the competition, and then get really good at it. You'll have more customers or clients, you'll have an advantage over competitors, and best of all, and the company will make more money. Also, when you cater to a niche, either a specific demographic group or industry, customers believe that you understand them.
Fortsworth Manufacturers is a California-based company specializing in the development and retail sales of personal computers; computer software; technology- related services and peripherals; and network solutions. The company also develops and markets portable digital music devices and media players with accompanying downloadable audio books, third party music singles, short films, music videos, and television shows. It has adopted the Dell model of customizing its PCs to consumer needs. However, in contrast to its rival, Fortsworth has made a commitment to research and development in other areas of technology. Its emphasis on product innovation has enabled it to remain competitive as sales of personal computers have dwindled in the United States as well as in Europe and Japan, Fortsworth's three primary markets. More and more people are using smartphones and tablets for their daily computing needs.
The key success factors to its business line were maintaining a comprehensive product that was affordable to mid-sized companies and sufficiently differentiated from competitors’ products. The comprehensive aspect is demonstrated by the ability to be a completely one-stop suite for these companies with offerings across all functions, ERP, HRM, financial management, etc. The affordability aspect is primarily a byproduct of not requiring a significant upfront cost to the companies and a licensing model with shorter periods of subscription, the maximum of which is a year. Additionally,
Delta Information Solutions [1], a global business and technology services firm, struggling to meet the deadlines for delivering software solutions to one of its major client. The profit margins for Delta are falling down with existing Client’s dissatisfaction on delivery failures and setback of new clients. Delta Information Solutions was formed by the combination of Delta 's legacy services consulting and outsourcing business and the integration of acquired METASYTEMS [1]. Delta Information Solutions provide software solutions and business modernization solutions for many clients in state and local government sectors.
MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mike Wester, Owner Kimberly Lovern, Designer May 5, 2015 Proposal to Implement Electronic Customer Relationship Management System via Purchase of Field Service Software Attached is my plan to implement an electronic customer relation management system through the purchase of Field Service Software. The dry erase board is as of now the primary data center point. Customer contacts, installations, and job completion dates are recorded on the dry erase board, yet regularly deleted by accident. The dry erase board has created productivity issues and hindered company growth, thus making a general impact on the organization and employees. Clients are the fundamental wellspring of income for the association.
This process helps a firm or organisation in focusing its marketing effort towards a specific segment or a group of segments. Depending on the product, organisational goals, the size of the firm and the marketing resources available a firm may target only one ‘niche’ segment or alternatively focus on several related segments. Another method can be to start with one segment and add more when business grows successfully. Large companies often target all market segments and try to serve them by offering a large variety of products to suit all their needs, wants and demands.