
Sally Kohn Style

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Writing these two corresponding pieces of literature has given me a new appreciation for writers, as I now understand the decisions one must make when writing for a particular genre. I chose to model my public argument after an opinion article by Sally Kohn because I liked the engaging tone she took in her writing, and felt as though I would like to try and replicate that. Conversely, for my genre piece I chose to create a website that was also engaging but more educational and relaxed. Due to the differences in audience and purpose between these two pieces, I have to pay close attention to the details of format, organization, and style/tone. For the sake of replicating Kohn’s article I opted to keep her general format by introducing my piece with a related media example and closing with a call to action. I chose to use the UNICEF commercials for my introduction because they focus directly on my issue to child hunger and the majority of people who watch television are familiar with their content. I feel I used this effectively when I stated “These commercials usually pinpoint countries in Africa that are desperately in need by displaying images of emaciated children with tears streaking their faces accompanied by depressing lyrical music”. This was an effective introduction because, like Kohn’s opening, it was something my readers could relate to. …show more content…

I state “The next time you read or hear someone complaining about the amount of money spent on “lazy” people who receive nutritional assistance programs, ask what they think should be done to assist the children who are forced to live in these food insecure households”. This was an effective choice because it functioned as a call for the community to take action while still focusing on my main issue of child

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