After going over each chapter in Salon Success during Mrs. Smiths English class I can say that I’m glad to be done with this book. The first unit is about life skills. Within this unit there are four different chapters which are, Redefining Character, Understanding Ourselves Along With Others, Communicating With Confidence, and Planning for Success. The second unit is about your relationship with your clients. This unit has two chapters which go more in depth with Building a Clientele, and making sure your guest has an experience they want. Mrs. Smith has created many different assignments to go along with the different chapters. Fortunately Mrs. Smith was nice enough to Create slide shows. The Salon Success textbook is not one I would choose …show more content…
This chapter focuses on respect, integrity and commitment. Salon Success guides us as it explains why each of these skills are important. Salon Success states how these are critical personal keys to success. Stylists are more likely to become successful without chaos by using these skills. The first skill recognized is Respect. Personally respect is a huge thing in today's society. It’s hard to respect others if you can’t respect yourself. On page 7, Salon Success states that “ Once you choose to respect yourself and figure out how to do it, you will naturally treat others with more respect as well.” I feel more connected to this chapter, because If you respect yourself you're more likely to have respect for the people around you. When you choose to respect something you are choosing to accept it. Society today has a hard time accepting what is around us, which makes it hard for others to respect one another. Respect is something that I think goes along with commitment. Commitment doesn't mean you have to stop what you're doing and only focus on one thing. You can be committed, and dedicated to multiple things. Salon Success quotes Roslene Glickman “Obstacles are what we see when we take our eyes off our goal”(20). I don’t agree with this quote because I’m working on achieving my goal of becoming a stylist. Not only am I committed to my goal, but I have my family, and work to focus on as well. I don’t look at my job, or my
The relationship between Salon & Spa owners/ managers and a local Cosmetology School is very important. It also plays big role in public relations aspect of the business on both parties.
Respect is holding something or someone in high regard. Respect has an impact on all aspects of my life, both personally and professionally. As a personal value, respect is twofold; I must respect everyone around me as well as respecting myself. I will demonstrate respect for others by treating everyone equally and without judgement. I will listen and be considerate of the opinions and values of others, regardless of conflicting opinions. I will respect myself by dressing modestly and not objectifying myself as a woman. I will not engage in any unethical behaviour that may compromise my personal morals and values.
It is important to allow someone to know that you respect them. It will ease the conversation and create trust. Behavior and attitude will allow the person demanding respect to feel that respect. When we respect each other, there are fewer conflicts. People get along easier and avoid the unnecessary drama associated with a lack of respect.
In other cases respect is earned, and not given. What I mean by this is that, sometimes people must gain the respect of others. This can be earned in many ways, like being respectful of others, being the best you can be, and doing kind things for others. This respect can cause people to look up and follow in example of someone, and eventually making you an example for others to follow and look up to, on so on and so forth.
Respect as a virtue is a simple virtue and should be followed at all times in daily life. In a short definition respect means treating others, human or otherwise, in a dignified manner; however, this does not mean that everyone on Earth as royalty. As Marshall puts it, “respect is a close relative of tolerance (Marshall 44).” Following this further the author is acknowledging that all humans will always have our
There are several successful points we’re looking to reach for in our business and they are: providing an accessible location for our customers, providing an atmosphere that’s relaxing and professional, providing a wide range of service to the clients in one setting and offer extended hours as well and providing excellent customer service to up hold our reputation and professional service of our team beauticians and barbers.
People demand different amounts of respect, though not everyone is willing to give the amount needed. Maybe this is because not every one knows what respect means.
Respect is something that we all want and it's a major aspect of esteem. Getting respect from people requires behaving like a respectful person. This means showing dedication to your career, your sobriety, and treating them with the respect they deserve.
This year in English we read the Salon Success book. This book is helpful but very bland. The book is about how to improve our communication skills as a stylist. Each chapter of the book explains a specific focal point to improve on in our profession. It also gives examples on how to better communicate with clients, co-workers, and build clientele as you further your career. The Salon Success book doesn't only focus on improving your career skills, but your well being such as, managing stress, coping skills, and respect. The lessons in this book can help with your life choices in a business setting as well as outside of the professional industry.
The job of a hairstylist is to create, develop, and enhance client’s personal appearance. However, it is not all about beauty, you have to be able to interact good with the costumers. Being a hairdresser, your job is to shampoo, cut, colour, and style a client’s hair. While you do all this, it is your duty to advertise some products and recommend what
Everyone wants to be respected. It’s in our nature, but in order to obtain respect, first of all one has to respect oneself. Second, one has to show respect to others in order to gain respect from them. If one doesn’t show respect to someone, that person may often feel blown off and lose respect for you. Respect in my eyes is like a math equation loyalty plus duty equals respect. respect is gained in conducting ones self in a way that others can stand
Most people go through life and always hear about the word respect, but they don’t know what it means. Respect is the esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person. There are things in life you need to hold in respect. Respect for yourself, respect for others, and respect for property. Respect is taught to people everywhere and it is even taught to them in their religions. Respect is the very aspect that keeps everything in your life.
The concept of respect isn’t automatic, rather it is earned. A person doesn’t automatically gain respect from everyone they meet. A person needs to acquire respect for oneself, in order to distribute respect. This was stated excessively well by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
The beauty salon has become an almost iconic figure in Western culture and Southeast Asian culture as well as in modern generation. The beauty salon is where a woman goes to have their hair and nails done, but is also a
Respect is an important value to be taught when growing up. Through the years I have learned that in order to learn anything you must have respect for others. I have learned many valuable lessons from listening to my grandmother. She has told me many of her experiences, which has made me a better person. Having respect for other people has allowed me to be more open-minded and see qualities in people that most would not. I have always listened to what my friends and family has to say. That doesn’t always mean that I agree with them, but it is their opinion, so I respect it. In return I receive respect from them. As people begin to respect me more their trust in me also grows.