This report reflects that Sam E. Antar, former Chief Financial Officer furnished this office with a signed statement on 8 March, 1989, indicating he had assisted Eddie Antar and the Antar family in alleged stock fraud of inflating of earnings along with other conspiracies mentioned herein.
He has volunteered to assist us with providing key information that will lead to the capture of Eddie Antar who is on the run and the possible prosecution of all parties guilty of the alleged crime.
Following Sam’s confession, we received two more confessions to knowledge and covering up of Eddie’s alleged fraud from Isaac Kairery and Eddie Gindi.
VII. Overall Financial Impact
Over the course of seventeen years, Eddie Antar and members of his family,
Andrew Sanchez was a college pitcher for California State University at Northridge (CSUN). During one of his competitions he was struck by a line drive of an aluminum bat. He filed a suit against the bat manufacturer and other organizations stating that the bat design of this specific bat posed a significant increase of inherent risk in the sport of baseball, specifically pitchers. However, prior to the start of the 1999 baseball season, Sanchez signed a disclaimer form recognizing that playing carried a risk of injury. The defendants motioned for a summary judgment proclaiming the primary statement of the risk and that the plaintiff would be unable to prove the exact cause of his injuries. The trials court eventually granted the summary judgment when it
scene, and as a result he held his gun towards Sammy and demanded him to put down his knife. As a result, he put down his knife, and commenced to yell on the public bus. Officer Forcillo felt immediate peril which resulted in three shots fired by the police officer. Sammy Yatim was pronounced dead at the scene. The officer was found culpable of second-degree murder not because Sammy was a malefactor, however unnecessary to kill another knowing he could result a threat to public. As police policy he could not utilize licit force against someone who can be in a solemn situation. Furthermore, another case at the Vancouver international airport who involved a polish immigrant denominated Robert Dziekański who arrived to Vancouver for the first
In July 1987, the Commission was contacted by one Mr. Arnold Spindler who accused Eddie Antar and Sam E Antar of committing fraud by inflating profits of the company.
On October 20, 2017, several Police Officers responded to a physical altercation happening on the 700 block of Wabash Ave, Atlantic City NJ. As a result of the altercation 2 men identified as Alphonso Johnson Sr, and Alphonso Johnson, Jr. were stabbed and taken to Atlantic Care Trauma Center in Atlantic City. Lonnie Taylor was arrested and positively identify as the suspect by a witness.
Charge: “She did on or about 11/10/2015 unlawfully assault and batter Amoni Whitfield, in violation of 18.2-57(A) of the 1950 Code of Virginia as amended.”
In Taney’s opinion on the Scott vs. Sanford case, he reasons why the court’s decision to refuse Dred Scott’s citizenship was the right one. Taney pulls from multiple sources, such as the declaration of independence, the constitution, and congress to void Dred Scott’s case. With a stoic tone, Taney meticulously tears Scott’s claim to shreds. Taney does not believe that Dred Scott is entitled to citizenship. In his written opinion, he conveys this in the most professional way possible.
Hatshepsut was an Ancient Egyptian pharaoh who used powerful pieces of art and architecture to justify her reign. Most Ancient Egyptians did not agree with her rule because she was a woman so she had to act fast in order to secure her position and to be seen as a valid ruler. At first, Hatshepsut as a co-ruler on behalf of her stepson, Tuthmosis, until he was old enough to assume the role of pharaoh. She astounded everyone by claiming the title of pharaoh for herself. She was only the third female ruler in 3,000 years. In order to persuade the Egyptian people of her legitimacy and her royal lineage, she used propaganda to make her seem as genuine as possible. She made sure that all depictions of her resembled that of a male instead of a
There are some many political, economic, social issues that social workers and even families faces. In the Sanchez case, immigration laws plays a huge part in their family. There are members of the Sanchez family that are undocumented and could face deportation if caught. The family needs immigration resources that will assist them with the adoption of the grandson and with Roberto in their home. Emilia, which is the daughter of Hector and Celia, was born in the United States. However, she could be denied citizenship because of her drug problem. This will show “poor moral character” which is under the immigration law (New Directions in Social Work, n.d.). Also, the Sanchez family faces financial problems. Due to undocumented status of some of members, the Sanchez family cannot take advantage of the resources that may help them with their financial problems. Roberto, which is the undocumented nephew of Celia, was injured on the job and because of his status is unable to receive any financial assistance like worker’s compensation. This cause financial issues for the household. Social issues has also plaque this family. Emilia has had an abortion which is against the belief of the family. They are devout Catholics and do not believe in abortions. Vicki, which is the daughter of Celia and Hector, has been diagnosed autism. The family has not seek out resources for the daughter. I believe the family may be ashamed of her and is not
This subject company in this case study is WoolEx Mills. The top management team at the Mills had to act fast to prevent the accusations charged upon them, so that they may venture deep into the United States market. In the process, they had to act in a way that will present the company’s financial statements; cash flows in a way that they did not show any suspicious fraudulent activities. The type of fraud in this case study is known as manipulation of accounts which involves the act of offering the accounts in the way they are not in reality.
The organizational structure of Phar-Mor was ineffective and lacked many control activities including: segregation of duties, authorization, documentary and IT controls. As a result, Phar-Mor’s president had a stronghold on certain upper level management and executives which gave him the opportunity to control the fraud and hide it from other members of the organization and supposedly Phar-Mor’s auditors, Coopers and Lybrand LLP.
Phar-Mor Inc. fell prey to greed from the top. Unfortunately, the auditing firm assisted the organization with the conspiracy to defraud the users of financial reporting, the government, and the stakeholders. The chief officers used the funds for personal usage and appropriated funds to functions that were not related to the organization business. The financial statements were riddled with material misstatements and fraud acts of theft were blatant. For example, the senior financial officers including the CEO grossly over stated inventory to hide losses.
Imagine a time where you had an argument with your parents. What would was the outcome of the argument? Did you get what you wanted? Many may wonder: why would you argue with when you now you most likely will not get your way. Maybe we argue because we are mad and want to vent Maybe we argue because we are convinced we are right even if we realize later that we weren't. We ask ourselves why why do we fight battles we now we are destined to lose? The argument of “The Most Dangerous Game” General Zaroff, hunts trapped sailors on his island. He does this because he is bored of hunting animals he knows he will win. He thinks he will also defeat Rainsford, other great hunter. Zaroff is a murderer and is uncivilized because he killed people
This case also informs us that Sam’s decision to be dishonest in his work comes after learning
Ruthless ambition can alter the way we live our lives and participate in the world that we live in in many different ways. In The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Macbeth uses his own versions of ruthless ambition to pursue his newly bestowed “destiny,” no matter who or what gets in his way. To begin his journey of seeking his fate, Macbeth is persuaded by Lady Macbeth to murder King Duncan. It is stated in the text, “But screw your courage to the sticking place And we’ll not fail.
In Crazy Eddie Case, a former CPA, Sam E. Antar, was a key individual who helped Eddie Antar mastermind one of the largest securities frauds uncovered during the 1980s. Sam admitted that he had no empathy whatsoever for investors because he never concerned about morality or the suffering of those victims. Next I’ll analysis Crazy Eddie Case from ethical perspective and use Ethical Decision Making Model to evaluate Sam’s possible behaviors.