The story of Sam Ferris, an eleven year old boy who was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is “a life threatening cancer that affects the nervous system (Make-A-Wish 2012).” Sam always has this passion for baseball and his wish was for a baseball field to be built in his backyard, which would allow him to play with his friends whenever he wanted. Make-A-Wish knew that this was his one true wish, so they asked help from volunteers and donors to make his wish come true. The University of Mississippi and Itawamba Community College’s ground crew decided that they would contribute to building the baseball field. Those in the community generously donated the materials needed to build the baseball field such as “fencing, backstop, sod, clay,
Hi throughout this biography i'm going to inform about the life of doug williams. Doug williams life was a very unordinary, Doug williams achieved a lot of thing throughout his life and he was very successful.
Doug Swieteck is a fourteen-year-old boy and is also the youngest of three boys. The oldest is fighting in the Vietnam war. The second to oldest is a bully who takes everything valuable from Doug. The one thing Doug has comfort in doing is drawing. Doug does not know how to read even though he is in 8th grade. He is a scrawny little kid who people say looks like a thug.
Lawren Harris is an iconic Canadian painter. Best known for being a member of the group of seven, his landscape paintings are still admired by millions of people today. Harris was born on the 23rd of October, 1885 in Brantford, Ontario. His parents were Thomas and Anna Harris and he was born into a wealthy family. He attended St. Andrew’s College and then went on to study art in Berlin. He married Beatrice Phillips in 1910 and they had three children together. Harris divorced Beatrice and married Bess Housser in 1934. He became friends with J.E.H MacDonald in 1911 and together they formed the Group of Seven in the early 1920’s. Harris died on the 27th of January, 1970 at the age of 84.
The moratorium on the death penalty in Illinois was issued by a lying politician, but it is still in place today. This politician’s name is George Ryan, he married Lura Lowe, with her he had 6 children. Ryan was Governor from January 11, 1999 to January 13, 2003, but served in various office seats since January of 1981. Ryan was not only removed from office but convicted of fraud and racketeering; which is participating in illegal activities. George Ryan had done the actions he did because of money; The constant requests as well as the monetary pressures that are placed on politicians every day will weaken even the toughest morally sound individual thus making them corrupt.
Award-winning Broadway music came to the Lied center last night as “Broadway at the Lied” was performed.
Sam Houston was a very important man. He was a politician and he was a governor of Texas (Famous People 1). He was born on March 2, 1793, in Rockbridge County, Virginia (Famous People 1). His father was Samuel Houston and his mother was Elizabeth Paxton (Famous People 1). His father fought in the American Revolutionary War (Famous People 1). Sam Houston had eight siblings (Famous People). In 1807, his mother moved with her children to Tennessee because their father died (Famous People). When they moved to Tennessee, his brothers made him do a lot of work (TSHA 1). Sam didn’t want to do the work, so he fled across the river to go live with the Cherokees (TSHA 1). He was adopted by the chief of the Indians (TSHA 1). The chief’s name was
Son of a very prosperous Houston attorney (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica) James Baker, or for full,James Addison Baker was born in Texas on the date of 28 in the month of April ,in the year of 1930, attended prep school (a private school that prepares students for college between the ages of seven and thirteen) in Pennsylvania and went on to graduate from Princeton University in 1952 (Biographies of the Secretaries of State:James Addison Baker III (1930–)), then followed it with two years active in the U.S marine Corps from 1952 to 1954, he then received and earned his law degree from the University of Texas in austin in 1957 and then joined a major houston law firm (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica), Andrews and Kurth from 1957 to 1975 eventually becoming a partner in it, it was not until the early 1970’s that he became involved in politics.
While men like Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson are probably most popularly known to be the greatest of the founding fathers, they were a few great men among many. Of course each played a special role in the construction of the Declaration of Independence and the development of the United States, the most important however and perhaps most frequently forgotten is Pennsylvania delegate, Robert Morris. He was born in Liverpool, Great Britain, on January 20, 1784; however, he later immigrated to America when he was 13 years old. As soon as he arrived in America his father, a tobacco based businessman, started little Robert on the path to a valuable education. Robert’s education is what kick-started him on a path of success, this success was not only his but also of America.
Morgan Jackson is someone I met within the first week of my freshman year (this was a feat in and of itself). I remember meeting her and wanting to be friends with her because she seemed smart-witted, friendly, and considerate; so I started to talk to her about biology and pre-med (because she is a biology major with a pre-med emphasis). She is one of those people who has their life together; she handles the balance between her extracurricular activities and academics impeccably. She has a 3.8 GPA and has a high class standing. For as long as I have known her, Morgan has always been involved in Lottie’s Hall Government. In fact, it was through Hall Government that we became good friends.
Dr. J. Matthew Sleeth, his wife, Nancy, and their two children lived the life that most people would refer to as the American dream. A prestigious physician’s career, big house, and more material items than the small family knew what to do with. While working, Sleeth noticed an increase in chronic illnesses, and was brought to his breaking point treating children whose lives were cut short. A highly-educated man, Sleeth, outlined what every person could do to help preserve what God provided to sustain human life, not by doing more, but by doing less. The concepts that were highlighted included: conscious use of natural resources, materialistic views, improved personal habits, critical thinking processes, as well as what life would be like if
Clear your mind of everything and imagine what civilization would be like 20 years from now? What is the first thing that popped into your head? There are a million things that run through my mind when I think about the unknown. What if someone gave you a piece of paper and a pencil and asked you to draw what the future would look like? Could you do it? This is exactly the task that Syd Mead was presented to do. He is the creator of the art gallery I visited a few days ago.
“Treason is a strong word, but not too strong to characterize the situation in which the Senate is the eager, resourceful, and indefatigable agent of interests as hostile to the American people as any invading army could be” (Proquest). This quote basically describes David Graham Phillips and how great of an American writer he was. David Graham Phillips was considered one of the great muckrakers and American Journalists of the muckraker era. He and other muckrakers worked to expose the abuses of power in politics, business, and many other aspects of American life. He was born on October 31st, 1867 in Madison Indiana. During his childhood, he grew very close to his sister Carolyn and he had a very happy childhood. He was
Ryan White was born on December 6th 1971 at the St.Joseph Memorial Hospital in Kokomo Indiana. White’s doctors diagnosed him with hemophilia after his circumcision when he wouldn’t stop bleeding. To cope with his illness, he had to take bi-weekly blood transfusions “Immediately after” a surgery in 1984 Doctors diagnosed Ryan with HIV (“Ryan White Biography”). After Ryan was first diagnosed he asked his mother “Am I going to die” (believedigi, “Ryan White on CBS West 5th St”)? And his mother responded “We are all going to die someday, we just don’t know when” (believedigi, “Ryan White on CBS West 5th St”).
Baker was originally coached by John Hellemans but controlled and developed her successful career by self-training, “I was self-trained. I just trained as much as my body would handle, and that was a shit load. I trained and trained, and I trained more if I had time. I never got injured so I would often do more in case somebody else was training while I was resting.
Samuel Smiles, the writer of Self-Help, was a Scottish author and social reformer during the 1800s. As a child, he had ten siblings and was left fatherless. Part of what got him through his rough childhood was believing in Calvinism, which was the belief that life was best trough experiences. He was able to learn self-reliance as a result. As Smiles grew up, he went to school to practice medicine. However, he found his true passion through studying parliamentary procedure. As a way to pursue his true passion, he landed a journalism job as the editor of Leeds Times, which was a radical journal. During his work at Leeds Times, he was able to express his opinion on various topics such as women’s suffrage, parliamentary reform, and free trade.