
Samael: A Short Story

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"What is this!?" He snapped turning the sketch pad around to let Amaimon see the very picture he had been working on. See the water spring up around Samael's body. It was all wrong. It wasn't anything like the real Samael, the real water, the real dance and sway and command. The deep connection, the absolutely stunning, yet simplistic, quiet passion of that moment where the time King cut the water with his hands folded in prayer. Just as father's words cut his heart like a knife, sending the earth kind into a wild, flurry of pleading prayers. "I-It's nothing...please...I was just drawing...I-it's not even finished...t-that's why it l-looks l-like..." "Like Samael." Amaimon gulped, looking down and fiddling with his hands. "I-I'll fix it...its n-not done is all..." "Well, this one certainly looked finished." Amaimon's eyes widened as his father began to flip through the entire book, looking over every single picture. "I'm sorry!" He cried quickly, seeing the seething hatred in Satans eyes only flare up further, bright blue flames licking at the pages now. Other than a few drawings, which were of plants, the entire book was filled with the time King. The young demons last attempts to try and remember him, to preserve his memory. Not anymore. Satan growled angrily, …show more content…

He knew why. Samael had left Gehenna, no one knew why, but left he had and to leave was an act of treason. Therefore, any opinion of him, other than one of hate was treason as well. But Amaimon could never hate his brother, even now he could not bring himself to that emotion. Even as he picked apart every hour, every minute of that day he could not stand to hate the brother who had so carefully raised him for so many years, no matter what the reason was he could not. The earth King knew he had been committing treason since the moment the older was gone by lamenting over his absence, he had just never been open about it. Now the one time he had been, even accidentally, father had caught

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