A 43-year-old woman lies about her age and falls for a younger man who doesn’t know the truth.
SALAD DAYS is a script that presents with an enjoyable, high concept premise. The idea of an older woman pretending to be a younger woman and lying to her boyfriend/husband is a great setup for comedy, conflict, and character development. One can envision the antics and capers the protagonist will endure to keep her age a secret. Plenty of humor can be generated.
The script has the opportunity to examine themes about ageless love and the age gap between men and women.
While the concept is solid, the first act requires more development.
The first act sets up the ordinary world of the protagonist, Suzy. She works for a candy company,
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It’s unclear why Suzy would say: “Don’t you have a girlfriend?”
The conversation on page 29 isn’t very compelling: “Do you find me desirable?”
On page 30, it’s not clear why Valentino would ask, “What dating site?” given they met on a dating site.
The scene in the hospital with the baby works better without the added dialogue. Just the visual of Suzy holding the baby is needed, vs. Valentino asking her “Want a baby too?”
Create a separate scene about being evicted versus the same scene with them in the car.
Suzy is sweet. She’s definitely good hearted and likable. She’s insecure and this makes her vulnerable. She has inner conflict about her age. She has good potential to be a comedic character, but continue to develop her comedic side by showing how she covers up the truth about her age. Make sure to identify how she grows as a character and how her feelings about her age changes.
Bob and Diane are both great sidekicks. They sound and act like natural comedic characters.
Valentino is more likable when he’s a bit on edge. Don’t make him too nice. There’s no tension in that. To create tension and chemistry there has to be resistance. He becomes way too immature and
Compared to the guys in this film the ladies, Laila and Diedre, are shown to be more mature despite their age difference between each other (Laila is a senior and Diedre is a freshman). Earnest and
Despite the obvious difficulty of the age difference, the true conflict of our heroine is revealed when Lou Bessie stops by their apartment in search of Husband. She is about to leave when she looks at the pictures on display
In her short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Joyce Carol Oates provides mental or psychological internal events, the sense of excitement, suspense, and climax, to connect with the theme that Arnold Friend is the demonic character or adversary who convinces Connie to cross the threshold into adulthood and lose her innocence, and likely, her life. Connie’s loss of innocence emerges when she puts herself in the position to be manipulated by others, specifically the men that she meets when she goes to the “drive-in restaurant where older kids hung out” (Oates 490). When Connie grants these men to manipulate her, she attempts to find the value in herself that she has been looking for because of her low self-esteem. Connie portrays
The most critical factors in influencing the lives of these children as they evolved into adults are temperament and their relationship with their parents. Considering this, I was not aware of Suzy’s relationship with her parents, because that did not give much detail in 7Up, so my prediction of how she would turn out to be was incorrect. I predicted she would be an unmarried woman, with no children, and focused on her education and career throughout her entire life. However, when I wanted the film 56 Up, it painted a completely opposing picture of her. She dropped out of school and had two children by the age of 28 and then another at 35. She also sounds less confident in herself. When she was a child, she had full confidence of
But of course, before the passion of such relationships began obstacles had to be face and rules had to be broken. Within these conflicts laid age, “Ah done thought all about dat and tried uh struggle against it, but it do me no good. De thought uh mah youngness don’t satisfy me lak yo’ presence do” (pg. 127) It’s through such words that Tea Cake, conveys to Janie how he truly feels about her and how age is just a number that contains no symbols within the love he holds for her in his mind. Within Janie’s own mind, the thought of it did not trim, “every hour or two the battle had to be fought over again,” (pg. 27) but in the end love became victor and the ideal marriage she once dreamt of at the age
STRATEGIES: Annually, YDI applies for reimbursement of meals from the New Mexico Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). The CACFP Application for meal reimbursement is to be completed by the Nutrition Manager. Reimbursement funds are used as the primary source of funding for YDI Head Start, Early Head Start, and Pre-K meal service. Head Start, Early Head Start, and Pre-K funds are used to cover costs not covered by the program.
age and the big changes. However, the main plot line tells the story of two women, Idgie
Suzy helps Victor cope with his father's death by telling him stories and urging him to go collect any memorable items from his father's trailer. In the story Victor wants to go in willingly to collect his father's belongings without anyone pressuring him to go in. With all of Suzys story telling throughout the film, a different side of the kind of man Victor's father really was is displayed, when while reading the story it shows the man we all began to hate due to how he treated Victor and his wife. Suzy helps Victor understand his father's true motives to give him a sense of closure. Suzy plays an extremely important character in the film so why Alexie did not include Suzy in the story is unknown, for the addition of her character had a great effect on the audience. This
After Jody’s death Janie unwraps her hair and is living happily single until she meets the handsome, ambitious, and much younger Tea Cake. Despite their drastic age difference,
In society age is a key aspect in the way people view others and how they communicate, a person’s age sets a tone for the language they use in communication with different groups be it their peers, elders, or the young. Three aspects of age in society are communication, ability, and socially constructed stigmas. Many of such aspects are portrayed in the movie “Something’s Gotta Give”, where a swinger on the cusp of being a senior citizen with a taste for young women falls in love with an accomplished woman closer to his age. Harry, the soon to be senior citizen is played by Jack Nicholas and Erica, played by Diane Keaton is an accomplished writer and the mother of Harry’s young companion. The movie makes you stop and think; what does age mean in the dating world today.
Tea Cake shows that the age difference between them is not a concern and does not get in the way of their love. There is an understanding between the two of them that this will be of concern to most people, but they decide to look past it.
central to the play. I am going to look at only the first act of the
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children also known as WIC, was developed in 1972 and employed in 1974 to provide families with nutritious foods, education, social counseling services and access to health care. Under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) this was one of the first efforts to modify nutrition guidelines of food provided by a federal food and nutrition assistance program. WIC was implemented after realizing that hunger and poverty rates were on the rise throughout the U.S., which translated into an increase of nutritional risk posed to pregnant and post partum women, infants and children. As a federal mandated grant, the WIC program
The first scene introduces the characters and gives a taste of their personality to the audience. Also the play has an element of Whodunnit since Eva’s Smiths story is slowly exposed due to the Inspector’s questioning.
Since fast food first emerged in the United States it has become a large and successful industry, netting billions of dollars every year. This rapid expansion of fast food has put a fast food establishment within reach of almost every American. In Adam Chandler’s “What if Consumers Just Want to Buy Junk Food” he claims that although a majority of Americans believe they eat healthier today than in the 1970’s, but in fact studies show the very opposite. Chandler associates this to the consumers preference of unhealthy foods, but there is strong evidence that this rise in unhealthy consumption in American society can be attributed to the marketing and business tactics of fast food corporations, the availability and ease of access to fast food, and their socioeconomic status.