
Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legal

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Countless persons are against same sex marriage but in some ways support it. Many same sex marriage adversaries differ centered only on the use of the word marriage. Those adversaries to same sex marriage feel that the term marriage is defined by the public or religious beliefs and should be in some degree limited to only a relationship between man and woman. There is a discussion over what to call same sex marriage however it falls into account the true nature of what gays seek and opponents oppose. Gays seek full marriage equality in every way not the separate but equal status. Since marriage is a basic human right and an individual personal choice, the state should not interfere with same gender couples who choose to marry and share fully and equally in the rights, responsibilities, and commitment.
Why did the gay society need same sex marriage legalized? Well, the answer is pretty simple. There are benefits to marriage that only legitimately married couples can delight in, including hospital visitation, taxation and heritage rights, family health coverage, and protection in the event of a divorce. It is not a matter of money or heritage; furthermore it is a substance of sharing what you have with your spouse as an act of love. Since same sex marriage is still deemed abnormal by the society, I believe that only a homosexual couple who really love each other can have bravery to actually be married, hence ensuring that their marriage will be a prosperous one, in contrast

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