
Same Sex-Marriage Weddings

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Personal Preference and Politics Influence on Same Sex-Marriage Weddings In traditional weddings of heterosexual couples there are many elements that contribute to the “perfect” wedding. But what happens when the couple is homosexual instead of heterosexual? Homosexuality is defined as “a term that describes emotional attraction, sexual desire, and sexual activity between person of the same sex” What elements about the wedding change and why do they change? What contributes to the change? Is it all about what those around them think such as family, friends (whether old or new) or just what people on social media will think? Nowadays people, or in this case, couples who are out of the “norm” have to consider all of these factors and have to decide when is the right time to tell people, and to consider how people will react or act at their wedding if the couple decides to invite them. Some background on the research and the sample size that was used “54 relationships but some of the data were collected from just one member of the couple…37 separate couples, 10 were gay couples, and 27 were lesbian couples. Of the 17 individuals, 10 were men and 7 were women.” (Smart 2008, pg 764). All of these couples were within “middle class in terms of their occupation, education and housing type” (Smart 2008, pg 764). The background of the study is important to understand the responses of the couples that were interviewed. It gives you an idea of their family, and who they are as people

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