What if you are not able to see color or hear music? What if you never felt the feeling of love, the feeling of sunshine and snow? In the fictional story, The Giver by Lois Lowry, Jonas lives in a utopian world where the people in the community cannot see colors or hear music. It shows that Jonas lives in a seemingly perfect world.With this said, Sameness is an advantage because it prevents discrimination from happening and it protects people from the wrong choices. Sameness is an advantage because when everyone is the same discrimination would not be a problem. The narrator claims, “‘But now that I can see colors, at least sometimes, I was just thinking: what if we could hold up things that were bright red, or bright yellow, and he
" In the book The Giver, Sameness is complete control of variables within the community. These variables would be jobs, choice, food, clothing, names, color, and many other aspects of life. In The Giver, by Lois Lowry, Sameness is used to eliminate the harsh factors of the world and life that could bring difficulties. If Sameness was used in today's world it would be beneficial in many ways.
The things that make people human could be easily be taken away. In the book, The Giver, the government has made the citizens believe that sameness is good to have. The government would even go far enough to get rid of twins to completely avoid a little confusion. People are being forced to believe that sameness is a good thing and that being unique or different is a bad thing. These people are prevented from learning about the outside world. In The Pedestrian, people aren’t doing anything except for watching tv. The police catches a man, Leonard Mead, late at night walking and they suspect he’s doing a suspicious act. The police ask what he’s doing and he says that he’s just taking a walk like what he’s been doing for years.
The novel The Giver by Lois Lowry illustrates a dystopian society hi lighting the limitations of individuality and suppression of cultural memory in order to prevent any potential destruction that warrants deviation from the totalitarian state of mind with the society depends on. The dependence on the elaborately regulate system however causes the burden of beneficial and detrimental knowledge to the rest on one person's shoulders. Through sociological analysis I will analyze the effects of this reliance on the Giver’s ability to retain such crucial information on a singular causes the detrimental affect triggered not by the inability of the Giver but rather by the society’s unwillingness to change. It can be observed that dystopian societies are ambivalent in nature, situated in utopian text; however, in Lowry's novel the world is engineered where the utopia goes wrong due to its extinction of the aesthetic and personal choices. In “The Utopian the Function of memory in Lois Lowry’s the giver, the author analyzes the ambiguity between the dystopian aspect and the utopian aspect of the society created in the novel (Hanson).
You are about to experience a brief compare and contrast paper between reality and a fantasy. In which our world is no long a mass chaos but everyone is equal to each other. I am going to compare the book to the movie. Many things are different and most are the same, but i'm going to point of the differences today between the movie and the book.
Equality seems to be very good to have and it seems like everyone should have it, but is it really that good? Surely everyone should have it, but how much equality should be? “The Giver” and “Harrison Bergeron” both show examples of utopia and equality but both don’t work out. Our world wouldn’t be a better place if everyone are lifted up onto the same level, because although equality is very important and good, complete equality will be a bad thing, and complete equality is something that would never happen in our world. Equality is quite important for the majority of us, it is also good for society and the world.
In “The Giver”, written by Lois Lowry, one of the major theme’s is “sameness”, which effects very deeply the life of citizens in the community based on perfection.Sameness in somewhere just as this community, can either cause disadvantages or advantages at the same time, also including the loss of diversity.
The Giver was created by Lois lowry, Lois is a 78 year old author and was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, and she was inspired to write at age 8. She currently lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and she's married with four kids. The Giver is definitely an interesting book. It’s different, there's an 11-year-old boy named Jonas, he lives in a community with his parents and sister. They don't have a president or a queen, they have a chief elder.
Words can have a powerful affect on people’s mind and wellbeing and can exceedingly alter their perception of things. In The Giver words are given different meanings to alter the communities perception of the world they live in. Often when someone says they are a nurturer it means they care for a protect others, this is not so in the book. The act of nurturing, the way a mother might nurture her child is different from the nurturers in the book, they are chosen to simply watch the newborns, also called newchildren and make sure they are alive until they are assigned to live with a family. No bonding is happening between them, the newborns are not even given names until they are ready to be given to a
In Lois Lowry’s The Giver, the Giver and Jonas use the two following quotes to justify their community’s idea of “Sameness”, where everyone is the same but has no choice. The Giver tells Jonas, “Life here is so orderly so predictable—so painless.” In response, Jonas says, “We really have to protect people from wrong choices.” Eventually, both Jonas and the Giver realize that sameness is wrong and that it is better to be equal, to have the same rights, but able to choose to be different.
The survival of civilization and society has primarily revolved around one key aspect, conformity. Conformity among a society’s people ensures that certain rules are being followed, and are intended to establish order and equality among the general public. However, too much conformity is not beneficial to the individual nor does it help the group in the long run. In Lois Lowry’s dystopian novel “The Giver,” people live in a seemingly utopian society where everyone has converted to “sameness” in order to preserve a true sense of equality and structure. The society, with the use of pills provided by their political powers, are incapable of seeing color, have no memories, and are contained within their own environment.
The theme of the sci-fi novel, The Giver is equality is not always the best. The main character in The Giver, Jonas, tells us of his normal life and how even thing is just so perfect “ he(a new baby born) doesn’t sleep soundly. . . they are talking about releasing him.
Would you rather live in a community that has no choice, where everyone is the same or live in a community where their is danger but everyone is different? In Lois Lowry’s The Giver Jonas lives in a community with almost complete sameness. Sameness has its advantages and disadvantages, but is Sameness always a good thing?
In the story The giver the author Lois Lowry write about a special character named jonas who lives in the sky with a civilisation and has two friends named Asher and Fiona who are all equal in every way but in the story johnas is not chosen for a job so then after that he was given the job for receiver and was told to meet with the giver (The Giver The Giver is the current Receiver of Memory and trains Jonas to become the next Receiver. Because he carries the burden of the memories of the world, he suffers from the pain contained within the memories. He is lonely because he can't share his work with citizens in the community, and he is cynical and frustrated at times because he knows that the people gave up too much when they chose Sameness.)
Imagine living in a world where nothing changed and everyone was the same. In Lois Lowry’s novel, The Giver, the society is all the same. For example the people of the society do not fight and there is no war. Sameness is slowly working its way into our society. It is used as uniforms in some schools, even secluding yourself to a specific friend group because everyone has the same interests could be considered as Sameness. I believe Sameness is a major advantage due to no one suffering, but living where a society is completely the same would not be an interesting life to live. The Giver portrays how sameness in a society could have advantages and disadvantages.
Is sameness good? In the book The Giver by Lois Lowry sameness is throughout the whole community. The report below will include reasons sameness is a good and bad thing. Sameness is bad because of the way it affects people throughout the community.