
Samo Salar Fish Observation

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Furthermore, group swimming behaviors of Atlantic salmon or Salmo salar L. show to be affected by flow velocity as well. In an experiment, a group of Salmo salar L. were placed in a cage and were exposed to low, medium, and high flow velocities. Swim group structures were characterized as circular polarized swimming (circle), swimming facing the current (on current), or swimming in combination of the circle and current patterns (mixed). Results showed that the group of Salmo salar L. displayed circle swimming arrangement under low flow velocity conditions, mixed swimming arrangement with medium flow velocity, and on current arrangement with high flow velocity. As flow velocity increased, the group of Salmo salar L. would alter swimming behavior from schooling to swimming against the current and resided near the walls of the cage (Johansson et. al. 2014).
Such unique swimming behavior can be explained by the survival benefits and fitness advantages in altering swim structure. Under various flow velocities, particular group swimming structures allow the Salmo salar L. to …show more content…

This experiment was taken place in a recirculating flume under various flow velocities. Results concluded that as water flow velocity increased, foraging behavior for food consumption decreased in the Chondrostoma nasus L. significantly. This is likely due to the fact that there is a trade-off among swimming costs and the net energy yield. Chondrostoma nasus L. residing in high water velocities are less likely to forage for and capture prey as a consequence of the high swimming energy cost associated with their environment. Chondrostoma nasus L. residing in lower water velocities, have a lower swimming cost when it comes to capturing food and will thus, forage more frequently (Flore and Keckeis

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