On this date worker visited the residence of Mr. John and Claudia Peterson, for the purpose of making first victim contact. When worker arrived, Mr. Peterson was standing outside. He greeted worker and stated, "Something is wrong with her." According to Mr. Peterson, Mrs. Peterson does not do anything around the house except watch TV. She has a history of being verbally abusive, throwing the remote and dishes at him, and she has threatened to kill him before. The last time she threatened to kill him she was placed in Senior Care. However, Mr. Peterson checked her out AMA because the doctor would not talk to him. When asked about her behavior prior he stated, "She has always been like this just not this bad." Mrs. Peterson has no family or friends
On 11/6/2017 at 1400 hours, I Officer Graves, responded to 735 E Haggard Ave Elon, NC 27244 in reference to an assist. Upon arrival Detective Turney, Lieutenant Sweat, and Officer Peters were at apartment K executing a search warrant. I was requested to remain outside of the residence at the front door. At 1426 hours Captain B. Tillotson entered the residence and left at 1441 hours. At hours Officer Peters released Jacy Loshin from the premises after issuing a citation. At 1455 hours Officer Chavis entered the residence and remained until the search warrant execution was completed at 1530 hours, when all remaining officers cleared.
On August 24, 2015 at approximately 6:40 pm. Officer responded to shots fird complaint in the North Mclemore and Lark Street area. Officer loacated two subjects that had been shot and two otheer subjects uninjured.One subject (Cedrick Person) had been fatally wounded from multiple gun shots. The other injured subject was his son (Marquis Person) had what appeared to be a single gunshot wound in the shoulder area. The shooting stemed from an altercation that occurred earilier that same day. After further investigationg the case, investigaters learned that Lakendrick Deberry was possibly the shooter in this incident. Arrest warrats were issued for Lakendrick Deberry for !st Degree Homicide, Attempted !st Degree Homicide and possessing a firearm
Upon my arrival, I met with Ms. Elyann Doebler of 510 Rhoads Avenue in Haddon Township. Ms. Doebler related that she and her estranged husband, Steven Hoskins have been separated for approximately 2 mouths. However, Ms. Doebler allows, Mr. Hoskins to come by the residence to say goodnight to their five children routinely. On this night, after Mr. Hoskins put the children to bed, he informed Ms. Doebler that he would be spending the night on the couch. Ms. Doebler objected and an argument ensued, after which she responded to headquarters.
On 5/8/16 Client Antionette Williams #239 got into a fight with a resident on Unit #206 Shaundenis Pagan mother, the client stated that Ms. Pagan started by know oh her door asking for cigarettes and then proceed to another resident unit and told that person that Ms. Williams was talking about her, that situation escalated leading into an argument between, Ms. Williams, Ms. Pagan and Ms. Chanel Grant. After the argument on the second floor, Ms Williams decides to go to the parking lot for a fresh air, while Ms. Pagan went into her room and put her sneakers provoking other the other residents, they all went outside the building at the same time, Ms. Pagan mother arrives to drop her granddaughter with Ms. Pagan, went they all starting to fight.
REPORTER: The reporter/ daughter (Kathy) called to report abuse for the victim, Susan. Susan’s vulnerability is her age, and she needs assistance with her ADL’s. The reporter said Charles Mims is abusing the victim. On yesterday (04/27/2016), Susan called the reporter and she was crying. The reporter said she could hear Charles cursing and hitting the victim on the leg. The reporter said Charles forced Susan to sign over the deeds to her home, and he (Charles) owns the home. Charles will not allow anyone on the property. The reporter and her sister would like to care for the victim, but they are afraid of Charles. Susan was receiving services through Home Health, but the services were ended. The reporter said they are trying to get an extension on the Home Heath Services for the victim.
When Stephanie reached the highway she drove right past the sign that was labeled “Sacramento” because it was covered by a bush. The next morning she was reported missing from work and the first call was made to inform Jo-Allyn Brown, Stephanie’s mom. Jo-Allyn called everyone possible; friends, family, relatives but everyone said they hadn’t seen Stephanie for days so she decided to notify the authorities. This case was first assigned to Deputy Stanley Acevedo. The first step to solving a homicide crime is to interrogate.
REPORTER: The reporter/niece (Deshannon) called with concerns for the victims, Louise and Lorinn. Louise can not walk or dress herself (needs assistance with ADL’s); the reporter said she is very confused. Lorinn is disabled (needs assistance with ADL’s). The reporter said the victims were admitted into the hospital (unknown) when and released on 12/23/2015. Prior to being admitted, the reporter said the doctor said he would see if he could have them placed into a nursing home or facility. The reporter said they were released from the hospital and didn’t go to the nursing home. According to the reporter, the doctor said they were dehydrated. The reporter said they need help; Lorine has a nurse who comes out to the home and gives her bathes,
Ms. Smalls (Case Coordinator) receive a call on 8/7/2017 around 7:45 AM from Mrs. Latonya Frazier(MHS) reporting Jacquelyn White was found in the bedroom closet asleep with a belt around her neck. Ms. Smalls advised Mrs. Frazier to call law enforcement and mobile crisis. Mrs. Frazier express concerns of the family safety. The youth left a note on the dresser addressed to her biological mother and asking Mrs. Frazier to return her cell phone to the mother. Mrs. Frazier explained earlier that morning around 12:40 AM, that one of the youth’s in the home reported Jacquelyn had a conversation about thinking of different ways to kill everyone in the home than burning the home. Ms. Smalls left a message and email the DSS worker. Ms. Smalls emailed
REPORTER: The reporter/ Care Manager (Linda) called with concerns for the victim, Gary. Gary utilizes a wheelchair and he can not walk a long distance; Gary can perform his daily ADL’s. Lisa lives in the household with Gary, and she is his caretaker. The reporter went to visit the home today (03/09/2016) and noticed that the victim was outside in the road sitting in a chair with a shoes or a shirt on. Gary reported that Lisa (medical POA/daughter) put him out of the home. Gary and Lisa got into an argument because Gary accused Lisa of taking his 1600 dollars. Gary reported that Lisa didn’t purchase him any diapers or any other necessities; Lisa didn’t buy him anything. Gary said Lisa got into his face and he pulled her hair. The reporter spoke
This case involves the arrest of Suspect Andre Doss for driving on an expired driver’s license in violation of CVC 12500(a)-Unlicensed Driver. The suspect was cited out.
(son) stopped the nurses from coming out to the home (unknown when/unknown what agency the nurses were working with). The reporter called the sister, and Cora (sister) reported that the victim was not going to his doctor’s appointments; the last appointment the victim missed is unknown. The reporter said she received a call in April stating that his blood work was fine (unknown who called her). The reporter said the yard looks like a junk yard (umbrellas, no trespassing signs, flags, Fourth of July celebration items, 6 cars parked under the garage. The reporter said Willie Jr. (son) has started selling food out of the home; he’s selling chips, drinks, cookies, tacos, hamburgers, and etc. Also, he has a desk and cabinet with a cash register inside of the home (kitchen and living room). The reporter said he put the victim in the back bedroom where there is no air; the victim has a fan in his bedroom. A relative (Clydie who lives in Michigan) came to the home for the fourth of July, and she reported that there were bedbugs on the victim’s clothes and chair. Cora witnessed the bedbugs last month. Cora (sister) lives around the corner from the victim, and she told the reporter that there was a conflict about
REPORTER: The reporter/ neighbor (Joseph) called to report Abuse for the victim, Norma Jean. Norma Jean is disabled, and she receives social security; she can perform her daily ADL’s. According to Joseph, Joshua (husband) calls the victim names and threatens her (“24/7”) the victim “he was going to kill her, the family, track her down, and kill himself” (unknown when). Joshua through a cup coffee cup (with coffee inside) at the victim because she wanted to go see her children at her sister’s home (“visitation w/DHS”), Joshua was jealous. There were bruises on her arm that took about 3 weeks to heal, according to the reporter. Last month (didn’t specify), Joshua bit the victim on her back (unknown marks/bruises). The reporter said Joshua “demands
The worker contacted Kelly Daniels; who is the step-mother of Gerald Daniels. Mrs. Daniels stated “My only concerns are with Saniya’s great grandmother whose on her mother’s side of the family is being left unattended with Saniyah. I believe the great-grandmother suffers from dementia and she also has is it out for my step-son Gerald. She always is making accusations that Saniya is being physically abused by Gerald. Saniya has a birthmark on her back but her great-grandmother swears it a bruise from Gerald. I believe the real reason is that some members of that side of the family believe that Saniya isn’t spending enough time with their family and it this all started after Saniya’s mother passed away. My husband I and pick up Saniya every day
The plaintiff, Mrs. Hatter, by and through her counsel, Margaret Reid, and pursuant to Rule 34 requests the defendant, Foods Deluxe, respond to the following interrogatories, requests for admission, and requests for documents.
She planned to see him again at park. The next day after that sue meet the man again but not at the park instead when these girls were teasing her and making fun of her. when the man came up blew this big gust of wind that blew their hair into a big mess with garbage in their hair. He left and walked away from it. Sue went after him to ask him how he had do that and why did he do that. She saw him and again but this time she talked to him and asked him. He answered her by telling her that she need help in standing up for her. When she saw him again it was winter and sue invited him over to sleep in their backyard until he could find a places to live. This was the first time ever opening to someone. Polar would go over to sue and play. While sue was playing with polar she stumbled onto his jacket and while she was looking at something fell out of the pocket. Their was a picture of a woman and her husband that looked like a wedding in the background. On the back of the picture it said Henderson in big letters. Sue went on and tried to search it up because it seemed so familiar to her like she had heard it from somewhere. It turn out that he use to have a wife and that an accidently his home and his belonging where on fire. His wife was trapped and couldn’t get out of the home quickly on time. When the man awoke up without this jacket beside him he was so upset that sue had taken his jacket and searched through it.